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Phil's POV

Dan looked hot as fuck in his doctors uniform, I noticed this when I was in hospital but because of everything going on he wasn't my full attention, but damn...

He was working until 10pm today, which is annoying but it makes him a good person so it's fine.

He was in the closet getting out an umbrella as it was raining quite heavily. I walked over to the closet.

"Don't go hiding in there again" I laughed.

"I've not come out of hiding yet shhhhh!" Dan giggled.

"Get a move on with it then"

"Okay fine I will" Dan said walking past me with an umbrella in his hands. I followed him into the hallway where he then picked up his keys.

"I'm going to get you some keys cut today" Dan smiled.

"Okay, thanks, I'll miss you today" I frowned.

"I'll miss you too but I have to go" and Dan hugged me. He opened his door and walked out. He turned round and took a step closer to the door.

"Phil, I love you"  Dan stated.

"Oh... I love you too" I smiled.

Then Dan leaned in to kiss me and we did.

Then his car left way to soon... oh god I'm going to miss him today.

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