"Let's go inside. We don't want to miss out on Nick paying for our food. I'll make sure to eat as expensive as possible."
They entered the restaurant again, and walked over to the table, where Tiana had sat down on the empty spot. She looked a bit troubled, seemingly regretting what she said.

"Hi, Jay. Listen, I explained it to them, and they are fine with you being gay."
"You did what?!"
Tiana was a bit confused. "What do you mean?"
Jay rolled his eyes, barely being able to believe the stupidity of this human being, who he also called his best friend.

"Tiana, I'm not gay."
She frowned, and looked at Matt. "You aren't? But, Matt-"
"Well, this seems all like a misunderstanding then. Let's order the food then."

"Oh my god, Matt. I really hate you to death."
Matt smiled back at him. "Same here. Seems like we found another point we relate to each other at. Now let's get something to eat, I'm starving."


Jay parked the car in front of his house. On the way there, no one had really said anything. Matt got out first, and started walking towards the house. This gave Jay the time to talk to Levi. "Levi?"

"Hmm?" Levi unbuckled his seat belt.
"I- I'll turn 17 next Friday, so I'm thinking of inviting some people over to my home. Would you mind to come too?"
Levi smiled, which made Jay even less sure about what he had said before that evening than he already was.

"I guess I can come. But isn't it weird if I'd come, I have no friends there."
Jay shrugged his shoulders. "I don't think anyone will mind. Besides, you can take your friend with you if you want, and Matt will be there too probably."

Levi nodded. "Then I'll be there." He reached to open the door, but looked back at Jay.
Jay suddenly pulled him close, and wrapped his arms around him. Levi froze in his embrace, probably not knowing how to react to this.

"I- What are you-"
"Just let me hold you, please. I need it." Jay mumbled.
"Okay... But you know, this makes what you told me a whole lot less believable."
That made Jay laugh, even though he knew Levi was serious about this.

"I'm not gay, I promise. But if I were, you'd be the guy I'd fall in love with for sure."
Levi's startled voice made Jay realise that was a really misplaced comment. "I- I'm scared now."

"Yah! I said I'm not into guys."
Levi nodded, moving away from Jay. "I know. But... are you into me?"
Jay did certainly not expect him to be this straightforward, making him hesitate. Levi took that hesitation a whole another way. "I know enough. I'm sorry, I can't, my parents would never allow-"

He closed his eyes for a second, and mumbled so softly Jay barely could hear him: "Why am I even thinking about this?"
He looked at Jay again, who honestly was very confused about how to react to all of this. "I'm gonna go, thanks for the ride."

He got out of the car, leaving Jay behind totally confused and unsure about both his friendship with Levi, and his sexuality.
After a few minutes, Jay got out too. Levi had already gone inside, which didn't surprise him.

Still, he felt a bit disappointed he didn't get to talk to him before they went to sleep. He was pretty sure he wouldn't be able to fall asleep, before he had made sure he and Levi were okay.

He went inside, greeted his dad and stepmom, went upstairs, took a hot shower, and then walked to his room, where he closed the door behind him. He needed some alone time.
He took out his phone, wondering if he should do it.


Hey, I wondered how you're doing?

Our convo was pretty intense, so I was worried how you're feeling now.

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