dating jongin

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- Him always touching you
- "Jagiya"
- Shyly smiling and giggling when you flirt with him
- Laying his head on your stomach when you guys are watching movies in bed
- Speaking of which, nEVER LEAVING YOUR BED
- having days where neither of you leave the bed all day
- And ordering food
- Because you're too lazy and comfy to move
- He would have the warmest skin
- Like a walking heater
- Letting you warm your feet up on his legs
- Innocent showers and baths together where you just talk
- Having to try and talk him out of getting more dogs
- Him being a 6 year old about it and whining
- Thinking it's cute when you burp
- Getting turned on by you wearing his clothes
- "Honey" "babygirl" "sugar plum"
- Him spoiling you 24/7 just because he loves to see you happy
- Dance battles to settle an argument
- Spending extra time during sex to kiss every single inch of your body
- "You're so gorgeous"
- Hickies and neck biting
- He would live to eat you out
- Because he loves the feeling of power
- And hearing you whimper
- Taking such good care of you after sex
- Making sure he didn't hurt you and being so upset with himself if he was too rough
- Slow and deep kisses
- And just staring into each other's eyes
- Grabbing your ass always
- Playing with your hair
- Buying you food when you're angry at him for paying more attention to the dogs
- Always trying to feed you honestly
- Getting really upset when you talk about your weight and dieting
- "You're perfect just the way you are, jagiya. Don't ever change"
- Being a dork and making lame jokes
- Honestly just dating the softest bear in the world

 Don't ever change"- Being a dork and making lame jokes - Honestly just dating the softest bear in the world

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