Chapter 46

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When we get back to the apartment I begin organising all my things, my Spotify plays in the background. After what seems like an eternity, everything is sorted except a few piles of things that I need new furniture for before I can put away. My stomach grumbles and see it's almost time for dinner, I google a few takeaway places that deliver.
"Hey do you takeout?" I call through Michaels door.

"What kind?" He replies from inside.


"Yea, what toppings you getting?"

"Can I come in?" I ask and I hear him shuffling around for a second.

"Yea" he replies and I open the door, I examine his apartment. There's an empty space at the window where my sofa and tv are, the bed pushed into the corner, sofa and book case dividing the bedroom area from the living area. Micheals hair is damp indicating he's just had a shower and probably was scrambling to get dressed when I asked to come in, he's wearing a baggy T-shirt with the nasa logo and some sweats, something I thought he'd never wear.

"I'm gonna get a veggie pizza" I say.

"I'm cool with that, get a 16 inch. I'm starving" he says.

"Okay that's it ordered" I say clicking the submit order option on my phone. "I'm also going furniture shopping tomorrow if you want to come? I need a desk and a mirror"

"I need a desk too" Micheal says pointing to the empty space at the window. I walk over and begin looking at the books in his bookshelf, I recognise very few of them. "Do you enjoy invading peoples personal space?" He says folding his arms.

"It's not like I'm even that close to you" I scoff.

"To me personal space is this whole apartment"

"Don't be such a drama queen" I roll my eyes.

"Don't be so nosey" he retaliates.

"Okay Okay I'm going" I say holding my hands up to him before heading back into my own apartment. Michael is hard work but I can't deny that his stubbornness makes it much more interesting when trying to figure him out. I read my book until I hear the pizza delivery arrive. Michael and I eat in silence, I don't want to annoy him by asking more questions but it's hard to have a conversation when I don't know what we have in common.

"So what's your plans for tonight?" He asks.

"Nothing, probably watch a movie or read, I just started a new book" I shrug "you?"

"Probably read" he says, what did I expect?

"What other hobbies do you have besides reading?" I ask.

"I run every morning, I used to play guitar but I gave it up"

"Oh cool, I play the ukulele" I say. "So you just run and read in your spare time?"

"Pretty much" he says.

"You have any social media?"

"No, I had Facebook but I deleted it, they're just distractions" he's got a point  I suppose.

The next day we head to a furniture store. We browse isles, well I do, Michael couldn't look more bored.

"Are you not enjoying this?" I ask.

"No, I came for a desk" he says.

"We're almost at that section" I pick out a few things, I get a desk, mirror, shelves and some other decorations. We take the small items and leave the larger ones to be delivered as we don't have a car to take them in.
The bus is very full but we find two seats, and I sit by the window.

"Are you going to get a car?" Michael asks.

"When I can afford one, might get a bicycle until then" I say and Micheal sniggers. "What? The cycle to work would only be 10 minutes and I don't have to pay for fuel" I defined and he just shrugs.

I place my new plants on the window sill and lay my new rug in front of the sofa, I use some twine and mini pegs I bought to hang some photos on one of the bare walls. After I've finished I decide to go for a walk to get out of the apartment, I walk for a while just taking random streets until I end up at a small park, I stop at the entrance. This is Shawns favourite park, I scan the area but no sign of him which makes me both relieved and a little disappointed. I walk over and sit in the same place that we'd sat that day, part of me always wonders what would have happened had I just dropped everything and gone on the road with Shawn, a crazy and probably foolish idea I know. On the walk home I pass a second hand store that have a bicycle outside for $30, I go over and check the brakes and gears are all functional before heading inside to buy it, I also get a lock for it. I push the bike home as I'm to afraid to cycle on the road as I'm not familiar with the area yet. 

A few weeks later, I'm cycling to work, I lock my bike to the rail and head inside. Soon it's lunch time, I walk over to a small coffee shop across the street, Micheal stays behind to finish up something. After an overpriced sandwich and reading a few chapters of my book I head back, I'm looking down at my phone, typing when I hear someone say. "You have got to be kidding me" immediately I recognise the voice and a shiver runs down my spine. I look up and sure enough Bree is standing in front of me.

"Oh hi Bree" I say politely with a sweet smile. She just grunts and passes me, rude people really irritate me, espcically when its unsolicited rudness. "What's your deal? What did I ever do to you?" I ask a little louder.

She turns, looking me up and down "It's just so typical that I break up with Shawn and then a few weeks later here you are" she rolls her eyes.

"I'm here for work? I haven't seen Shawn, he's not even in town" I say and she laughs.

"Oh Shawns in town, he's been here for almost a week" she gives a fake sympathetic expression. "Maybe I was wrong and he doesn't want to see you after all" my heart sinks and I feel unbelievably embarrassed.

"Well that's just proves the point even more, you shouldn't be mad at me"

"You still caused us to break up"

"What? How?"

"You two honestly are so clueless" she shakes her head. "He wrote the songs about you, are you honestly that naive?"

"Even if they are, I still didn't do anything wrong? I didn't make him write those songs, you just want someone to blame! Maybe if you were so self absorbed you would see that" I say before walking off.


Sorry it's been a while, life's been a little crazy and I've been super busy!!
Hope you enjoy the chapter x

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