Chapter 31

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Shawn and I decide to watch a movie before bed. "we need snacks" I say before lifting my car keys.
We drive to the local shop and Get some ice cream and chocolate. Shawn of course doesn't recognise the ice cream or chocolate brands but I ensure him they're the best. When we get back to the car I put the key in the ignition and reach back for my seatbelt, as I look up I see Will filling his car with fuel directly ahead. "What's wrong?" Shawn says noticing I've paused.

"That's Will" I say slyly motioning in his direction.

"Oh Okay" Shawn says looking at him "wow he's really staring, isn't he?" I laugh as I notice Will squinting to try and see into my car.

"Maybe he's jealous" I joke.

"He definitely is, he can't take his eyes of us"

"No he's not, he has a girlfriend remember?" I say.

"Wanna bet?" He says with a smirk and I look at him puzzled. "Let's test the theory" he says as he places his hand under my chin before softly connecting his lips to mine, at first I hesitate but I quickly give in and kiss him back.
Once we separate I look at Shawn but don't say anything, so much for being friends.
I quickly turn the key and drive out of the car park, I take a glimpse at Will who has a look of confusion and surprise.
The only sound is the windscreen wipers and the radio on low volume, I pretend to be focused on the road. My mind filled with the thought of wanting to kiss Shawn again but knowing that's not a good idea.

"You Okay?" Shawn says "I'm sorry if I crossed a line?"

I laugh a little "don't apologise. You didn't cross a line, it was just to annoy Will?" Who am I kidding Shawn wouldn't just kiss me.

"Well Yea, but I also just wanted to kiss you" Shawn says and Looks away in embarrassment.

"You're sweet but you don't have to lie" I say and Shawns face drops.

"I would never lie to you? Why do you find it so hard to accept that I like you?" Shawn argues.

I'm a little taken back. "I don't know, maybe because you're wayyy out of my league" I laugh but Shawn doesn't.

"Jen you really don't give yourself enough credit" Shawn says. We pull up at the house and I quickly get out avoiding the conversation. I practically jog into the house and make us some tea before we head to the 'den' which is a small secondary living room that has a tv and games consoles with bean bags in it instead of sofas, basically the kids living room so we didn't have to suffer watching reruns of NCIS and western movies with dad.
The movie is about 30 minutes in and Shawn suddenly grabs the remote and pauses it.

"Do you really think I'm out of your league?" He asks.

"Shawn can we just drop it" I say.

"No, I can't believe you think you aren't in my league" he says sliding of his bean bag to sit opposite me. "Your one of the most amazing people I've ever met, if anything you're out my league" he says and laugh and hide my blushing face with my hands.

"Shawn stop, you have hundreds of girls after you, you have an amazing voice, such a kind heart" I say and he smiles. "No seriously please stop, you're only making this harder" his expression changed to confusion.

"What?" He says.

"I get attached to people so easily and I really like you, but your leaving again and I don't want to ruin our friendship" before I can finish I feel a tear run down my cheek.

"Jen" Shawn says softly.

"I'm sorry I don't mean to get emotional" I say quickly the tear away.

"Don't worry, I get it" Shawn says before hugging me. We finish the movie, Shawns arm over my shoulders.
"You Okay?" Shawn asks and I nod, he kisses the top of my head.

I move so I'm sitting cross legged facing him. "Did you see Wills face as we were leaving earlier?" I say unable to stop smiling.

"Yea, I smiled right at at him as we left" Shawn says and I laugh. "Do you think he recognised me?"

"I'd doubt it, Will isn't really into celebrities" I laugh. "Hayley would've though, too bad she wasn't there" I say.
Shawn and I then look at his photos from today before he posts some on social media.

"Come here" I say and he shuffles over beside me, I open my phone camera and take a selfie of us.

"That's a nice one" he says, I then open WhatsApp and send it to the girls. "Do they know I'm here?" Shawn asks as he watches me.

"No! If they did they would be here right now" I say laughing. I show Shawn their replies which are a mixture of shock and excitement.

"Tell them to come over tomorrow before we leave, I want to meet your friends" Shawn says.

"Okay but don't say I didn't warn you, Lucy and Alice are massive fans" I say.

"I'm sure I'll survive" he says. I smile as I text them, Shawns genuinely so sweet.
I'm so attracted to him, I can't help it. I look at him as he lays on the bean bag propped up in his elbow, he looks up at me, we stare at each other for a second and I can't resist. I lean in and kiss him. Immediately Shawn pulls me forward to lay beside him, he runs his hand along my waist and onto my back pulling me closer.
I push away any thoughts telling me this is a bad idea and kiss him harder, my hands running through his hair.
Better an oops than a what if? Right?


Thanks for reading, voting or commenting!! 🥰 gives me so much more encouragement to keep writing

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