Chapter 32

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I pull away after a second and get up locking my fingers with his and lead him to my room where we continue to make out sitting on the bed.

"God this is so stupid but it feel so good" I say breathlessly.

"You think about things too much" Shawn says before crashing his lips back onto mine. He scoops me up and set me on his lap facing him, his hand on my thighs.
He then runs his hand under my top onto my back and I jerk back.

"Shawn" I say.

"Sorry, I got carried away" he says embarrassed.

"It's fine" I laugh a little. "I just" I begin.

"Don't worry, we'll just stick to kissing" he says before reconnecting our lips.

Once we finally separate I get of his lap and we both get ready for bed.
We're both walking down the hall from the bathroom and Grace steps out of her room.

"Goodnight you two" she says in a suspicious tone.

"Goodnight" Shawn and I say in unison. We reach my door and I stop but Shawn slowly walks toward the guest room, once he hears Grace close the bathroom door he rushes into my room closing the door and pressing me up against it.
He smirks at me before kissing me.

"You sleeping in here?" I say break off the kiss and he shrugs.

"If you'll let me" he smirks.
He obviously takes that as a yes and begins inspecting my room before heading to my bookcase "Harry potter?" He asks lifting on the of the books of the shelf.

"Yea some of my favourite books" I say and he smiles.

"You seem to like books" he say as he scans my overflowing bookcase.

"Yea a little" I say sarcastically and he turns to smile at me, I toss back the duvet and get into bed.
"All I want to do is kiss you, you're addictive" he says and as he joins me. We both lay back staring at the ceiling.

"Do you think we could ever actually be together? Or is that complete unrealistic?" I ask.

"Who knows" Shawn says taking his hand in mine. "Right now I want nothing more maybe it's just not the right time"

"Maybe" I say, my heart feels sad knowing the chance of me and Shawn ever actually working is incredibly low.

Shawn rolls over to face me "But remember you said in Toronto that we'd never see each other again and yet here we are" I roll my eyes.

"Maybe I'll just move to Canada" I say sarcastically.

"You could live in my apartment so it's not empty all the time, and then I'd actually be able to sleep in it" Shawn says and I laugh.

"I couldn't leave my dad here on his own" I sigh.

"Yea I suppose so" he says "so where does your mom live?" He asks a little too enthusiastically, as if he's been curious to know.

I roll on to my side to face him as well "London, in some fancy apartment with her rich boyfriend" I say with a tone. "A farmers wife to a millionaire, just like the movies" I chuckle.

"Oh Okay" Shawn says. "Guessing you still aren't on great terms"

"she got Grace and I all these crazy expensive gifts for Christmas so I guess she's hoping that will keep us happy for a few months because I haven't heard from her since" I say.

"That's sucks" Shawn says wrapping his arms around me.

"Don't feel bad for me, it's fine I'm used to it" I say "it's dad I feel bad for, he can't afford to get us lots of presents like she does. I actually hid some of the presents from mum so he wouldn't see them" I say and Shawn smiles at me. "She tried to buy me a new car! I had to beg her not to" I laugh at the ridiculousness of it.

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