Chapter 44

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The flight is called and we board, once we've taken off I look over to see Micheal still reading that book.

"Do you plan to do anything else besides read?" I ask.

"Sleep" he says bluntly.

"Well I'm going to watch a movie if you want to join?" I say.

"I'm not really a movie person" he says and my jaw drops.

"What? There's no such thing" I say in disbelief.

"They're a waste of time, just a lazy version of a book"

"Maybe you are a robot" I mumble.

"What?" He says. "Did you just call me a robot?" He laughs. I've never seen him laugh, but his face quickly goes back to emotionless after a quick few seconds.

"Yea! You don't have to productive 24/7, how do you relax?" I say.

"I don't" he says. "That's what sleeping is for" I can't believe this kid.

"Okay we're watching a movie" I begin scrolling and find a movie based in the 1950s which Micheal will like because he likes history, and it has a subtle love story which is enough to keep me happy so we decide to watch it. "Okay on three, one, two, three" We both hit play so the movies will play in sync on our separate screens.
Over an hour later the credits begin to roll and I remove my earphones. "So did you enjoy it?"

"Well some of the history was way off but it was pretty good" he says and I roll my eyes. Micheal falls asleep not long after and I listen to music, I scroll through my Spotify playlist and shuffle a playlist I made in high school. Soon I can see the lights of Toronto come into view as some 2010 punk band plays through my earphones, I think about the last time I saw these lights how different my life was.

We land and collect our baggage, Micheal is even less talkative after his nap. When we get into the taxi he slides his headphones down around his neck.

"What kind of shithole do you bet they'll have us live in?" He scoffs staring out the window.

"I'm sure it won't be too bad" I start to wonder how long it will take before I piss Micheal off, he's an extremely clean person and I'm just not. I'm judging him by his pristine desk layout at work, one time Charlotte stole a pen from it and he knew within 3 seconds of returning that it was missing.
The car pulls up at a tall apartment block, we collect our keys and lug our suitcases into the elevator. I watch as the numbers flash onto the screen until we reach the 4th floor we get out and look for apartment 2. I fumble with my keys trying to find the right one and unlock the door to reveal a small reception with a coat hangers, a shoe rack and two doors. I then use my second key to open my own door to the left as Micheal heads to his door on the right. The apartment has a sofa, tv, double bed, a wardrobe, chest of drawers and some shelving. The walls are plain white and the floor is pale wood, I lay my suitcase down and look into the bathroom which is pretty standard. Finally I venture though the final door that leads into the kitchen and dinning area, the kitchen is the same pale wood colour with cream coloured work tops. 

"It's not too bad" Micheal says entering the kitchen.

"Needs some decorating but I like it" I reply. We the go back to our own living spaces and begin unpacking, I hear a knock at my door. "Come on in" I call and Micheal enters.

"I'm going to ge-" he stops in his tracks. "How have you made such a mess already?" He stares at me as I sit on the floor surrounded by my belongings.

"It's gotta get messy before it can be tidy" I shrug.

"Well that's a lie" he says. "But anyway, I'm going to shop to get some food if you want to come?" I get up and grab my wallet. The walk to the shop is silent and bitterly cold, we get some essentials and head back.

"So have you told Pete you're here?" Micheal says.

"Ugh Yea but he's out of town" I shrug.


"Why are you so interested?" I ask.

"I'm just filling awakes silence, I don't anything else to ask you about" he shrugs.

"You ever had a girlfriend?"

"Once, never found anyone else who doesn't irritate me" he says and I laugh.

"What's irritating about me?" I ask.

"That you ask so many questions" he says bluntly. "But at least you don't bore me with small talk, I suppose"

"Yea small talk sucks and is a waste of time. I wanna talk about stuff that people actually care about" I say but Micheal doesn't respond. When we get back to the apartment I shower and change into my pyjamas, I slide a sweater on because the apartment is cold. I walk over to the thermostat and try to figure out how it works, after a few minutes I get the temperature tuned up. I head into the kitchen to make some tea to warm my self up, as I wait fort he kettle to boil I shuffle my music and hum along to it.

"I know this song" a voice says behind me, I turn to see Micheal.

"Yea it's Fleetwood Mac, everyone knows this song" I say. Micheal grabs a mug as makes himself a cup of tea as well. "You nervous for tomorrow?" I ask.

"Not really, it's just meeting people" he shrugs.

"Doesn't that freak you out?" He shakes his head before taking a sip of tea. "Well it freaks me out"

"You sorted your mess of a room yet?"

"No, I was trying to figure out the thermostat" I say and he laughs for a second.

"I'll sort it all over the weekend, want to go buy some stuff to make it more homelike" Micheal rolls his eyes. "What? Don't you like to live in a well decorated room?"

He shrugs "I'll see you tomorrow, Goodnight" he says as he heads back into his room, I lean against the counter craning my neck to get a look in, it's looks immaculate, lots of books placed neatly in a bookcase and bed made.
I lay out my outfit for tomorrow before getting into bed. I'm in my own apartment living in Canada! I think to myself, if only I'd got this job a year earlier.


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