Chapter 16

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"You're an ass" I shout, playfully splashing him. He just gives me a cheeky grin.

The photos Travis managed to capture are hilarious, Shawn has the cheesiest smile on his face whilst mine is full of fear, we zoom in on our faces and laugh until we can hardly breath.

Soon it's beginning to get cold, Shawn and I take turns changing in the back of his jeep.

"Come on I wanna show you something" Shawn says taking my hand and leading me through some trees.

"You aren't going to murder me out here" I joke, he raises an eyebrow at me then laughs.

He leads me to a water fall, it's so stunning, I take a quick photo of it before sitting beside Shawn on a rock.

"This is breath taking" I say.

"I know, this is one of my favourite places" he smiles at me.

We watch the water fall for a few moments before heading back to join the guys at the edge of the lake.

They've started a small fire and are cooking sausages and drinking beer, Shawn offers me some but I decline.

"Not a beer drinker?" He asks.

"Not a drinker" I reply.

"Oh okay" He says before handing me a hotdog. We sit and talk for a while, Shawn friends are so sweet, they ask me about home and what I think of Canada.

After the fire has died away we head back to the jeep, I thank the guys for inviting me and we begin the drive back to the apartment.

I watch the sun beginning to set over the tree tops.

"Did you have fun?" Shawn asks.

"Yea that was amazing, even if you did try to drown me" I say.

"You're such a drama queen" Shawn says rolling his eyes and I giggle.

"So what other crazy sports do you enjoy that you haven't told me about?"

"Uhm well I used to race dirt bikes" I say laughing at his shocked reaction. "But I don't anymore, I mountain bike instead"

"Why'd you stop?" He asks.

"Well when my mum left dad didn't have time to take me to the track and it's an expensive sport" I say.

"Oh okay" He says giving me a sympathetic smile.

"But mountain biking is just as fun and a little less dangerous" I say as I show him a scar on my leg.

"Yea I noticed that earlier" he says.

"When I was younger I never really thought about how scars last forever, so I drove like a maniac" I say.

"Scars are cool" he says.

"Is that why you gave your face one?" I ask sarcastically and he furrows his eyebrows.

"Ha funny" He says pretending to be mad.

"Shame on such a pretty face" I say shrugging with a smirk and he laughs.

"And you called me a flirt" he says and I ignore him.

"Do you still play ice hockey?" I ask.

"I haven't been on the ice in a while but if I could I would" he says. "You ever played ice hockey?"

"No, we actually have an ice hockey team at home but I've never been to see any of their matches" I admit and Shawn looks like he's disappointed in me.

"Well you ever ice skated?" He asks.

"Yea a few times, we have one ice rink at home, not to boast but I'm the best out of my friends" I say brushing off my shoulder before laughing.

"Well it's settled, ice skating tomorrow since it's going to be raining" he says. I'm a little nervous, I haven't skated in a few months.

We sing to music for the remainder of the drive back and get some drive thru coffee.

I take a shower and change into my pjs before heading to the sofa, I turn on Netflix and browse the movies, I choose three that I want to watch then wait for Shawn so he can choose what one.

"What do you want to watch, the Lorax, how to he single or age of Adeline" I say as he sits down.

"Uhm not age of Adeline but either of the other two" he says. I click on the Lorax, I love dr Seuss.

We're sitting side by side with our feet on the coffee table, about 30 minutes into the movie I feel a tap on my shoulder and I jump a little and then realise Shawns fallen asleep on my shoulder. His hair brushes my cheek, and I smile at his soft snoring. I lift my phone from beside me and snap a picture of us to show him in the morning.
Once the movie is over I try to wake him. "Shawn" I whisper but he doesn't react, I give him a small nudge but still nothing.

I slowly scoot out from under him and lower him down onto the sofa, he's really passed out. I go to his room to grab his duvet, noticing a stack of printed photos on his bedside all of his family and friends. I flick through them smiling at the cute ones of him when he was younger before lifting the duvet, I throw it over him the switch off the lights and go to bed.


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