Chapter 27

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Shawn POV:
I'm exhausted, the Australian leg of the tour is now over. So a few dates in Asia, and then Europe to go. I board the flight and lay down but I know I won't be able to sleep, I look like a wreck. I stare at my reflection in the blank tv screen.
I open WhatsApp and see Jen was active 5 minutes ago, I want to message her but I feel too awkward. Our relationship has fallen apart because neither of us know where we stand with each other.
An hour passes and I'm so bored everyone else is asleep or watching movies.


'Hey, where abouts
in the world are you now?'

'flying to Tokyo right now'

'No way that's so amazing! I'm jealous lol'

'Yea I can't wait'

'So how's the tour going?'

'It's good! Little tiring but worth it'

'What time is it with you?'

I know she's trying to figure out if I should be sleeping.
'Around 1am'

'Can you not sleep?'

'No, my body clock is beyond
messed up. So what are you doing'

'I'm currently in a university lecture on construction laws 😴'

I laugh a little, I've always wondered what university would be like. Not that Jenny is making it sound very exciting.

'Sounds exciting lol are you
enjoying your final year?'

'So far so good! Btw I added
some new songs into our
Spotify playlist'

I smile before opening Spotify and listening to the new songs. I'd forgotten about this playlist, the older songs draw back memories of our week in Toronto and I smile wider.
We discuss the new songs before I end up falling asleep still listening to them, she makes me feel at peace even when she's not here beside me.

Jenny POV:
Weeks pass and spend most of the cooped up in my room doing university coursework. I drive home most weekends so my dad isn't alone in the house all the time, and also because I miss my dog.
Although I'm staying at my student house this weekend as Lucy is having a house party for her 21st Birthday.

I wrap my wet hair in a towel before I slip on my burgundy velvet dress and some heeled boots. I then apply some base makeup and a glittery eyeshadow look, finally I attempt to tame my curly hair with some anti frizz product. Once I'm happy with my look I head downstairs to help set up.
Since it's late November Lucy has put up Christmas decorations, the house looks like Santa's grotto. I set out some food and drinks whilst Lucy sorts the music, soon people are flooding in and I stand awkwardly in the corner of the kitchen as I don't really know anyone yet.
I'm staring at my phone when a guy approaches me "Hey Jenny, haven't seen you in a long time" I look up and see it's Lewis, a guy I used to have math class with.

"Oh Hey Lewis, how are you?" I ask politely.

"I'm pretty good, you in final year too?" He asks.

"Yea" I say.

"Where's Wi-" he stops himself "shit sorry, I forgot" I play with the hem of my dress awkwardly.

"It's fine" I smile at him.

"You know I was so shocked when I heard, you guys where the only couple to actually last from high school" he says.

"Yea I was too" I say half as a joke.

"Oh, I thought you had dumped him" he says. "And now he's with that Hayley chick? Isn't she his ex?" He asks, I feel incredibly awkward but I don't want to be unpolite.

"Ugh Yea" I say.

"Hmmph I thought more of Will" he shrugs "you want a drink?" I nod. Lewis and I talk for a while longer before I go in search of Lucy, she's acquired a 21st birthday sash and is doing shots with some girls I don't recognise.
"Jenny!" She says handing me a shot, I wouldn't usually but it's her birthday so we both take the shot. "We need a photo" she says giving her phone to one of the girls and they snap a few photos of us, I upload one to my Instagram story.
Lucy then proceeds to drag me by the hand introducing me to loads of different guys as if she's trying to auction me off, but the fact she introduces me as "this is Jenny, she's single" just makes for some very awkward conversations.
Finally she runs out of guys and I find an empty seat and slump into it. I pull out my phone and scroll through social media, I yawn thinking about how this much social interaction really exhausts me.
I hear some commotion and look up to see Will and Hayley have entered the living room.
"You weren't invited" Lucy says marching over to them.

Hayley stands with her arms crossed looking down at Lucy "I know, that was very rude of you" She says and Lucy glares at her.

"That's because you aren't welcome" Lucy says.

I get up and go over "Lucy just let them stay, don't cause a scene" I say to her trying to calm the situation.

Lucy pushes me hand of her shoulder and stares at me. "No way! god you're too nice sometimes Jen! Makes it even harder to understand how he could treat you like this" she says looking at Will.

Will steps foward towards Lucy. "I didn't do anything wrong! I don't know why everyone seems to think I'm some sort of cheater, me and Jen broke up ages ago" He says angrily, everyone in the room is now staring at us.

"I don't think you're a cheat I just think- actually, I know that you're a selfish prick" Lucy says with extreme attitude that makes me smile.

"Well I don't know what story Jens told you but-" he retaliates but I interject.

"Just stop Will, Here the deal, you said you wouldn't run back to Hayley and that you weren't dumping me for her, but you lied straight to my face! And to top it off, you'd been texting her the whole time!" I say and some people gasp. "I've changed my mind. Get. Out!" I shout. Will looks at me with a mix of shock and embarrassment before he stomps out dragging Hayley with him. It's silent for a second and then everyone cheers, I let out a deep breath.
"Lets get a drink" I say to Lucy and she smirks at me.


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Morning Looks Good on You - [Shawn Mendes]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora