Chapter 35

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*8 months later* 
"Ugh" I groan, as I queue behind a stationary bus as some kids get on. The school term began today and I didn't account for the extra traffic, I tap my finger on the steering wheel along to the music. I finally pull into the carpark, grab my bag, swipe my key fob to enter the building and head to my desk.
My desktop background from my trip to Thailand pops up and I sigh, I'm currently in this shitty graduate job until I get enough experience to be promoted to the engineer I want to be.
I have a couple of meetings and a stack drawings to edit and reissue to the architect, so my day flies in. I hit send on the last email at '16:59' before shutting down my computer.
"See ya on Monday" I say and the others mumble goodbyes, eyes still glued to their computer screens. I chuck my bag onto the passenger seat and drive home, listening to music at a deafening level to distract my road rage.

"What are you rushing about?" Dad says as I storm through the kitchen.

"It's Greg's birthday dinner tonight" I say before heading to the shower. I dry my hair with a hair dryer as I don't have time to let it dry naturally, so it's now a mixture of curly and straight so I end up having to straighten it. I put on a simple black dress and heeled sandals, I then apply some makeup.
I grab Greg's present and my keys before driving over to his house to pick him up.

"Hey babe" he says getting into the car and kissing my cheek.

"Happy birthday!" I say smiling.

"Thanks, I feel old" he smiles and I kiss him. Greg's a year older than me so he's just turned 23. I drive to the restaurant and we're seated, Greg and I always had lots to talk about but I never felt like any of our conversations were very meaningful. Just as we finish our main course my phone lights up beside my hand as it rests on the table.

'Hey I'm in Ireland next week
if you'd like a catch up?'

My heart skips a beat, I haven't heard from Shawn in a while, we'd gradually grown apart and I missed him a lot. He'd sent me a ukulele for my birthday months ago which was so adorable of him but other than that we hadn't had much contact. Why did he have to choose tonight?

"Who's texting you?" Greg asks with a raised eyebrow, clearly having saw my reaction. I quickly lock my phone, tonight is about Greg not Shawn.

"Ugh no one, this old friend I haven't seen in like a year" I say casually, hoping he'll drop the subject. Greg just nods and doesn't say anything more. We head back to Greg's after dinner and he opens his present from me. Its just a jumper and a phone case because Greg's a mechanic and breaks his phone way too often, so I got him a heavy duty phone case.
"Thanks Jen" He slides the phone case on and chuckles. "There's no way ill break it now" he kisses my forehead. I feel a little guilty that my present wasn't great but I honestly didn't know what else to get him.
Greg leaves to make us some tea and I glance at the photo Greg's parents have of us framed sitting on a side table in the living room, we've only been together a few months but they act like I've been here for years.
"I told mum you'd be freaked out" he says returning with the mugs of tea.

"Oh no, it's fine it's a cute photo" I say. Truth is, it was weird, they hardly knew me and I always felt suffocated by their over exaggerated niceness toward me. They're lovely people but I've only really ever properly met them a few times, Greg's mum is a nurse and she does night shifts so I rarely see her and his dad is a farmer and is usually in bed early.
We watch TV and talk just like we usually do, Greg is amazing but he doesn't have any interest in things outside of this stupid little town we live in. Never wants to go road tripping, or on holiday or even just drive to the coast.
Once I leave Greg's house later that night I immediately grab my phone and open Shawns message. I reread it, it's very blunt and to the point which scares me a little. Did he send out of feeling obligated to or does he actually want to see me?

'That would be great!
What day next week? I'd
have to book off work'

I don't want to sound too eager, but who am I kidding? I'm giddy just thinking about seeing Shawn. A wave off guilt then passes over me as I look at Greg's house, should I really be going to see Shawn? Should I tell Greg? Should I tell Shawn about Greg? I shake my head and start the car.
I change into my pjs and lay on the sofa, telling myself that I'm not tired but I know that I'm waiting for Shawn to reply before I go to sleep.

'Next Thursday, I can do the
evening if that's better for you?'

'No the day time is fine, I need
a day off anyway"

I type out an email to send my boss to say I'm taking next Thursday off but I'll send it tomorrow and not at 2am. I go to bed thinking about seeing Shawn again. It's been a while since I felt this happy.

Shawn POV:
I set a reminder in my calendar 'lunch with Jen' I know this is a risk but I couldn't go to Ireland and not see her.
What if all those feelings come back I think to myself. I reassure myself it will be fine and that those feeling are dead and gone before going back playing my guitar.
But later when I don't have my guitar to distract me I find myself laying in bed thinking about Jen, I feel bad about not keeping in contact with her. But I couldn't have moved on if I didn't and she has a boyfriend now anyway I think, she doesn't post on social media often. I really hope she's as excited to see me as I am to see her.


I don't really like this chapter lol but it's necessary to update their lives
Thanks for reading!

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