Chapter 43

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Shawns POV:

I stare at my phone in disbelief, moving to Canada? This is something we'd joked about and how's it's a reality, but is it too late? I don't open the message, instead I use it as motivation to finish this song.

'Hey this is completely random, and I know you're writing and I don't want to bug you. But I'm moving to Canada for a while for a job and wanted to let you know 😊'

The message I consumed with awkwardness, I laugh a little.

'That's awesome! I'm actually writing out of town for the next few weeks, so I'll possibly run into you when I'm back, I'm sure you'll be busy anyway! Glad to hear your out of that job you didn't enjoy'

I take back laughing at Jens message because mine is just as awkward and formal, I cringe rereading it. I really want to just be straight with her but what am I supposed to say? I'm shocked she even messaged me considering how much of a prick I was to her last time I saw her.

"What are you grinning at?" My manager asks.

"You know that girl I brought to the Dublin show?"

"Yea, the one you bend over backwards for? And write songs about and have been moping about since you last saw her" He says and I look at him shocked. "Shawn it's clear as day, these last few months your lyrics and your mood show it"

"Ugh, s-she's moving to Canada for a job" I stutter, I can feel my face turning red in embarrassment.

"Well aren't you lucky" he says.

"Not really, it's not permanent and I think she's moved on"

"Well either go for it or don't, don't string her along unless you're willing to commit" he says. He's right, I've hurt Jen enough times and I still can't commit because Im always on the move so it's probably better if I just leave her alone, especially if she's focusing on a new job.

Jenny POV:

I reread Shawns message, he didn't sound to eager to meet up with me, as if he was saying it's possible but then adding a disclaimer that I'll be busy, as if it's my fault that he won't see me?

'Thanks, hope your writing goes well'

I'm being a little petty and I'm sure he didn't mean to come across as if he's blaming me but the balls in his court now, I've told him I'll be in Canada it's up to him to make the next move.
I wake up groggy, I hardly slept, but I didn't expect anything less. I'm moving to another country with a guy I don't know and starting a new job all at once.
Micheal and I meet at the airport both looking uneasy as we say our final goodbyes.

Grace hugs my tightly, we speedster both teary eyed. "We'll see you in a few months" Grace says. I'm flying home in May for dads birthday. I hug dad and he gives me a pep talk on how my career is going to take off from here before saying goodbye. I grab my suitcase and laptop bag and walk into the airport, waving as I enter through the sliding doors.
Micheal and I sit awkwardly drinking coffee, he's a peculiar guy. His curly sandy coloured hair flops over his face as he looks down into his book, Micheal doesn't talk a lot and when he does it was usually correcting or criticising me.

"So are you excited?" I ask and he grunts without looking up. "Well okay then" I say wishing I'd never spoken.

"Yea I'm excited" he mutters.

"Do you not like me?" I ask.

"What? Why do you think that?"

"You just never look excited to talk to me" I explain

"I'm never excited to talk to anyone" he chuckles, the first time I've heard him say anything remotely resembling humour.

"Not to be a total dick, but how did you get this far if you don't like talking?" I say.

"I can play the part when it's needed" he says returning to his book and I take it as a sign to shut up. I play with my phone for a while. "Do you ever think that reading would be more beneficial than that?"

"Than this." I say holding up my phone and he nods. "Sometimes, but I'm not always just scrolling mindlessly through social media" I wasn't going to tell him that that was exactly what I'd been doing for the last 20 minutes.

"No sometimes you're obsessing over some Canadian boy" he says and my mouth drops open.

"What?" I say.

"When you don't talk much you listen a lot" he says and I just keep staring at him. "You and Charlotte talk a lot" he says and I laugh.

"So you've been ease dropping on us"

"Well we do share an office, Its pretty hard not to hear" he says. I think about all the times charlotte and I were gossiping and talking about our love lives just assuming that Micheal didn't give a shit and wasn't paying attention.

"I'm not obsessed and it's none of your business" I say.

"Well maybe not obsessed but incredibly infatuated with this guy" he says. "I mean you've been talking about him for nearly a year, even when you did have a boyfriend, then you dumped said boyfriend because of him and now your secretly hoping he'll be with you in Canada" he says and I start to realise that he's right.

"I appreciate your brutally honest observations but it's a little more complicated" I say. "You anyone that you're leaving behind?" I ask desperate to uncover some more about this mystery of a man.

"Just my parents" he says. "And if you're implying a girlfriend, then no"

"Do you like reading people?" I ask.

"I don't enjoy it but it makes it much easier to decide who I will actually put effort in for, although the downfall is that everyone at work thinks I'm a dick" he says and I'm a little shocked. "Oh don't look at me like that, you know it's true"

"So what kind of person do you put effort in for?" I ask.

"Well obviously superiors, people who I may have to work with in the future and someone I feel I can gain something from, I don't do small talk about how shit the weather is" He says and laugh.

"So why haven't you put effort in with me?" I ask.

"To be honest, I thought you were going to quit so I didn't see any point in befriending you" he says and I gasp. "You clearly hated that job and your personal life wasn't great either from what I heard you and Charlotte discussing. But you surprised me and now here we are" he says and I smile knowing that I didn't live up to his low expectations.

"I surprised myself" I say. He doesn't say anything else so I decide to leave it at that. I open my laptop and begin replying to emails, I open Spotify and insert my earphones. 'Pete898 is listening to Toronto '18', Shawn still listens to our playlist? I never stopped adding songs to it but he never does so I just assumed he'd stopped listening to it.

"Pete? The guy is called Pete?" Micheal scoffs returning with two coffees.

"Ugh well Yea, Peter" I say, thank god Shawn has this private account. "What's wrong with Pete? And stop creeping on me" I say turning my laptop away.

"Nothing" He shrugs before resuming his book.

"What kind of music you in to?" I ask.

"I'm not really at all, I listen to podcasts instead"

"Oh Okay like what?"

"Usually something educational, I've been listening to some history podcasts" I'm finding it very difficult to find common ground with this guy. "But I listen to the odd true crime podcast when I don't feel like learning"

"Oh really?" Finally something I can somewhat relate to.

"Yea but I'd rather be learning something than listening to music" he says. I'm starting to wonder if he's a robot. I snigger at the thought and go back to answering emails.


Hope you're enjoying the story!
I love writing Michaels parts lol he's so brutally honest lol

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