Chapter 1

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"So what you're saying is that you want to be friends?"

"Yes I guess so" he says. Are you kidding me? I was about 3 seconds from punching him, containing my anger was not my strong suit.

"So let me get this straight, you told me a month ago you wanted to get back together and now you're telling me you just want to be friends?" I say irritated.

"Yea Jen, I don't know what else to say, I'm trying to do the best thing by not dragging this on any longer, I think we could still be friends though" he says with a hopeful smile.

"I don't want to be your friend!!" I practically shout, Will looks at me then at the floor, I sigh heavily and fling the door of the car open and begin to stomp across the car park.

"Jenny!" I hear him shout but I keep going, just aimlessly walking, just to get away from him.
I see an ATM in the distance and go over and withdraw some money just so the other people in the car park don't think I'm delusional, luckily it's pretty late so there are only a few other cars. I stand at the ATM for a while, my minds all over the place, had I just wasted a whole month thinking he wanted me back? Finally I head back to the car.

I get in and take a deep breath. "Why?" I say sounding defeated.

"I don't know Jen, I feel like it was just going to be same thing all over and we'd just breakup again eventually, I don't want to hurt you all over again"

"don't worry I'm pretty used to it" I say with a weak smile, showing it was meant to be a joke but we both know it's true. "Is it because of her?" I mumble.

"What? who's her?" He asks and I know damn well he knows who I'm referring to.

"Don't play dumb, you know I mean Hayley" I say with a clear attitude.

"Jen come on you know I wouldn't do that" Hayley is Wills ex and when we broke she text him to ask 'how he was' and apparently didn't even know we had broken up, I find it funny how she hasn't text him in 3 years and then happens to the week we beak up, seems like a very big coincidence. I cross my arms and look out the window.

"Do you want me to take you home?" He says finally, I don't say anything I just nod. I'm still so angry, I stare out the window the whole journey, my cold expression and sad green eyes staring back at me in the reflection.
Part of me is relieved because deep down I knew it wouldn't work out, another part of me was still hopeful and the remainder is jealous because he's now fully single and that's what Hayley is probably waiting for.

He pulls into the drive and turns to me "So what now?"

"I don't know Will, I need time to firstly stop being mad at you and then I need time to get over this, you may have lost your feelings but I haven't" I say.

"I still care about you" he says.

"Yes but not the way I care about you" I say looking down.

"I'm so sorry" he says.

"Don't apologise you cant control your feelings, but you definitely could have dealt with this a lot better, you kissed me last week and then this week you want to be mates, that's a shitty thing to do"

"I know I'm sorry I wish I'd taken longer to figure out my feelings before doing that" his eyes brimming with tears, it was really was tearing him up to see me hurt.

"Well this is it I guess" I pause for a moment. "see ya round Will" I give him a hug and he thanks me for everything over the last 3 years before I go inside.

I wait for his car to leave and I let out the loudest yell of frustration echoing through the house.
As my sister would say, boys are trash. (she has had her fair amount of shitty boyfriends).


Hey! This is my first time actually uploading anything I've written so if you like it please vote! thanks!! :)

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