Chapter 19

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"Lets go somewhere nice for dinner" Shawn says.

"Like to a restaurant?" I ask.

"Yea" he says.
"Shawn I have like two items of somewhat dressy clothing with me" I say.

"Good, put them on and lets go" he says setting his guitar down. "It's not going to be super fancy anyway"

I get up and put my mug into the dishwasher before heading to my room. I put on the skirt I bought earlier which is tan coloured cord with a long sleeve white blouse that has small black dots all over. I don't have anything to hold my purse except my backpack to I slip my debit card and ID behind my phone case, I spray my hair with some anti frizz product and comb my fingers through it to separate the curls a little.
Shawn peers around the door "What do you mean you don't have any dressy clothes?" Shawn says rolling his eyes.

"I forgot I bought this skirt today" I say "and my vans are definitely not dressy" I say looking down at my shoes.

"Don't worry you look good" Shawn says giving me a wink before grabbing his car keys.
He drives to this small little restaurant on the outskirts of the city, we are shown to out table. I look at the menu and decide what I want, and the waitress takes our order.
"I love this place, my family used to come here all the time" Shawn says.

"Yea it seems nice" I say.

"So do you miss your food from home yet?" Shawn asks.

"No not really, it's not much different" I say. "I do miss my granny's wheaten bread, it's the best"

"Never had wheaten bread before" Shawn says.
"It's so good, especially with some jam" I say and he laughs.

We finished our food and Shawn pays before I even have a chance, We walk out towards the car.
"Hey What's was that tattoo you wanted again?" Shawn randomly asks.

"A daffodil why?" I ask, he grabs my hands and leads me across the street.

"Shawn no way!" I say as we stand outside a tattoo parlour.

"Why not?" He asks, and I stare at him trying to think of a reason why I shouldn't. "See?" He says before dragging me inside.

I sit on the bed and the lady tattoos the flower onto the back of my arm just above my elbow.
"I can't believe I just did that" I say looking at the tattoo in the mirror.

"It looks good" Shawn says smiling at me in the reflection. Shawn insists in paying for the tattoo, he then takes me to a place that sells 'beaver tails' which is a Canadian pastry, I get chocolate and banana on mine.
We sit along the water on a bench.
"I can't believe I've been here 5 days already" I say.

"Yea time flies when your having fun" he says.

"Yea before I know it I'll be old and grey, listening to your greatest hits album" I say with a soft laugh. He looks up at me then begins laughing harder.

"What?" I say embarrassed.

"You have some chocolate on your cheek" he rubs it with his finger but ends up just smudging it.

"Shawn" I whine and he laughs more. I lick my finger and he guides it onto the chocolate so I can rub it off but he doesn't let go of my hand.
I bring our hands down to rest on my leg, our eyes locked on each other.

"You know I like you way more than I ought to" Shawn says and I blush.

"What do you mean?"

"Well you live three thousand miles away, I'm never in the same city two weeks in a row and you deserve a guy who can be there" he says smiling down at his feet.
I don't know what to say, I just sit there smiling like an idiot. He looks back up at me and I begin to get nervous, if he leans in I'm not going to hold back I tell myself.

"You look cute when your nervous" I finally say and he smiles.

"You look cute all the time" he says.

"Stop" I say playfully pushing him and he smiles at me.

"Come on lets go" Shawn says jumping up and letting go of my hand. Well there goes my hope of him kissing me.
We get back to the apartment and I head out onto the balcony because I'm too warm, I lean against the railing watching the cars below.
Shawn joins me not long after.
"Can I ask you something?" He says.

"Yea go for it" I say.

"If Will were to ask you to get back together with him, would you?" He asked refusing to make eye contact with me.

"One hundred percent no" I say confidently and he looks up at unable to hide his smile. "Loves a weird thing, and heartbreak even weirder" I say looking off at the view.

"How so?" He asks.

"Well I cant deny I still have feelings for Will, but not romantic just that I still care about him as a person. It's like its impossible to hate somebody you once loved so much, even though he broke my heart. And as for heartbreak, I didn't just loose Will but also his family, I miss his sisters and his mum so much, they did a lot for me. But overall I don't miss him as much as I miss the feeling of knowing someone who wasn't my family loved me" I say still staring ahead, I can feel Shawns gaze on me but he doesn't say anything. "Did I say something weird?" I say laughing nervously.

"No, I'm just thinking" he says. "Do you think that stuff through before you say it?" He says.

"Not really I mean I think through stuff like that to process my feelings but no that was just what ever came to mind" I say.

"I wish I could understand emotions like you do" Shawn says shaking his head.

"Oh trust me, I have many emotions I will never understand or that just confuse me" I say.

"Like what?" He asks.

"Like you" I blurt out before covering my mouth with my hand and Shawn smiles.

"Like me?"

"Yea" I say shyly through my fingers, he takes my hand away from my mouth and raises his eyebrows. "It's just, I cant deny that I like you but you're leaving in 2 days and then I'm going home and we'll probably never see each other again. So my heart is saying 'so what go for it' and my head is telling me 'You're playing with fire and you'll get your feelings hurt'"

"How do you know we'll never see each other again?" Shawn asks.

"Come on Shawn you know it's true, and even if we did cross paths again what would it matter? Just to have another week of flirting until we have to go back to our lives again" I say.

"You need to be more optimistic" he says bopping my nose and I can't help but smile.
"But yea we probably won't see each other again" he says emphasising the probably.

"Hey can I ask you something? You don't have to answer if it's too personal" I ask, he nods. "What happened with you and hailey Baldwin?"

His body language turns stiff and awkward.
"I'm an idiot that's what" he says sighing as pushes his hair back. "I thought she really liked me but turns out she didn't" he half laughs.

"Guess we both have Hayley's we got screwed over by" I say and he laughs.

"Yea guess so" he says. "But I guess she's happy and I learned a valuable lesson"
I go back to staring ahead, the fact that this time next week Shawn will be gone and I'll be back to my pretty boring life is sinking in.

"Hey what's wrong?" Shawn asks lifting my chin up.

"I've just had such a great time and its coming to an end" I say.

"We still have time to have fun" he says smiling.

"I wish you didn't have to leave either but that's how it's gotta be"
I suddenly decide to listen to my heart "Better make the most of it then I suppose" I say before leaning in.


Nearly at 600 reads, Thank you!!!! 😁 can't believe it lol I love writing and the fact people are actually reading it is so crazy 💜

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