Chapter 12

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I wake and roll over feeling for my phone but it's not there, I then remember Shawn brought me to bed so my phone is probably still on the couch.
I look at my watch it's 6:45am, I have no idea what time I fell asleep but I feel like I've slept enough.
I get up and brush my teeth and wash my face before retrieving my phone and my book, I make a cup of coffee then quietly slide the door to the balcony open.
There are no seats but the balcony walls are glass so I just sit on the ground with my back against the wall beside the door. I sit for a Moment watching the city, all the tiny cars and people heading to work. My phones buzzes pulling me out of my daze, its my dad checking up on me, I text him back telling him about all the things I've seen before putting my Spotify on shuffle and beginning to read.
I'm about 6 chapters in when Shawns head peers around the door and scares the life out of me, he steps out on to the lacing revealing his shirtless body, thank goodness he just almost scared me to death because I can use that as a cover for how flustered I am.

"Good morning" he says with an apologetic smile.

"Mornin" I say trying not to stare, his hair is scruffy and he has a tired expression. I'm already jealous of his future girlfriend who gets to wake up to that every morning.

"You been up long?" he says as he leans on the railing of the balcony.

"About half an hour" I say checking my watch.

"I think we've just found another thing we say differently" he laughs.

"What? Half an hour?" I ask.

"Yea that means 30 minutes right?" He asks and I nod. I get up and stand beside him.

"What song is that?" He asks after a minute.

"Uhm it's I like me better by lauv" I say. We listen to the song and I see Shawn look up lauv on his phone. We stand there and listen to a few more songs consisting of the wombats, kodaline and the 1975. Shawn asks about some songs that he hasn't heard before.

"You know this really isn't the type of music I thought you'd listen to" Shawn finally says.

"Oh really what did you think I'd listen to?" I ask.

"I don't know, more pop music" he says.

"Well you aren't wrong I listen to some pop, actually I listen to a lot of genres of music but mostly indie rock" I say. He doesn't answer, I stare at him as she watches the city.

"What?" He says, catching me staring.

"Nothing" I shrug "morning looks good on you" I say before gathering my thing and heading inside, I glance back him and he's smiling to himself.
We eat breakfast before getting changed, I then proceed to drag my rucksack out of my room towards the front door.

"What are you doing?" he says coming out his room.

"Taking my bag to the door?" I say.

"What? Why?" He says quickly.

"I sort of need it for the rest of my trip" I say laughing.

"Are you not staying here?" He asks.

"Oh" I say, I thought this was a one night thing.

"Sorry my bad I never really explained but you can stay here till Sunday when I'm going back to my families house" he says lifting my bag.

"Shawn are you sure?" I say feeling guilty.

"Jen it's fine, I'll be lonely without you here" he says giving me puppy dog eyes.

"Fine" I say and he chucks my bag onto the bed.

"Good because I've planned out our week" he says and I laugh.

"Okay what's the plan?"

"Well today we can do some more museums and things, and tonight my local community theatre has a play on that I really want to go to and then we need to go get a photo when the Toronto sign its all lit up, then tomorrow a few guys from home are going out to the lake and they invited us, and on Friday it's going to rain all day so I'm not sure what to do and on Saturday we can go to Niagara Falls" he says proudly.

"Wow I'll have to give you a good trip advisor review" I say jokingly and he rolls his eyes at me.

"If you give me anything less than 5 stars I'll be pissed off" he says.


Morning Looks Good on You - [Shawn Mendes]Where stories live. Discover now