Chapter 23

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I walk to the hostel and check in before collapsing onto the bed, my phone beeps reminding me to tell Shawn about the money I left in his glove box.

'Check your jeep glove box'

'Jenny! 😠'

'it's not even half of what I should've given you, have a good week with your family x'

'you didn't have to leave anything, safe travels x🍀'

I head to the front desk to look at the day trips.

"Hey is this the meet up spot for the mountain biking trip?" A guy asks the receptionist, the words mountain bike immediately catching my attention.

"Yea this is it, the bus will leave in around 10 minutes" she replies after he walks away I head over.

"Hey are there any spaces on the mountain biking trip?" I ask her.

"Uhm yes actually, it will be leaving in 10 minutes if that's fine with you" she says politely.

"Yea that's fine" I smile, I pay the lady then quickly change into sports leggings and put on my trainers. I fill my water bottle and grab my bag before heading outside to find the bus, the driver ticks my name off the list and I find a seat.
The trip isn't too far and I chat to some people on the bus before we get our gear and head to the trails. After a couple of hours our time is up and we head back to the bus.

"You mountain bike often?" A guy asks me.

"Ugh Yea quite a bit" I say shyly.

"I can tell, your really good" he says and I laugh.

"I'm Chris" he says holding out his hand and I shake it.

"I'm Jenny" I say smiling.
I spend the rest of my day with him and his friends, I'm actually sharing my hostel room with some of them.
The next day we all go on a hike for sunrise the head to a lake and do water sports.
I wake up on Tuesday morning, my legs are sore from all the exercise so I decide to take it easy. I plan to go to a few more places in the city that I want to see and do some souvenir shopping.
I spend my last night with my new friends playing card games and talking, they are from all over the world which makes some very interesting conversations.
I book an Uber to take me to the airport before packing all my things and heading to bed.
My alarm wakes me at 4am, I struggle to get up before brushing my teeth and grabbing my stuff.

"Thank you for staying with us, have a safe journey" the lady at reception says and I thank her as I head outside and into the Uber. The journey is silent apart from some casual small talk, I think the driver can tell how tired I am.
Once I've checked in and gone through security I get some coffee and begin reading my book, I upload an Instagram story of my coffee and write 'home time' on it.
After I finish my coffee and my book chapter I head to a charging station to top up my phone, I tiredly daze out the window watching the planes taking off while the sun rises.

Once the gate is announced over the speaker I quickly unplug my charger and join the queue, luckily I have a window seat but it's right at the back of the plane, probably how I got it so cheap. I'm one of the first people to board so I browse social media before my 7 hours of no internet.
An Instagram notification pops up 'Pete898 replied to your story' I look at it for a second then remember that's Shawns personal Instagram.
Pete898: '😢😢😢' I frown before replying.


I send him a photo of my view out the plane window.

Pete898: 'hope you have a good flight, tell me when you land safe ❤️' my heart flutters as I read it.

'thank you, hopefully I have enough
to keep me amused for 7 hours,
talk soon x'

I activate the airplane setting on my phone and listen to the safety brief. As the plane takes off I look out at Toronto one last time, I think about how I flew into this city heartbroken over one guy and now I'm leaving it heartbroken over another. My mind is all over the place even more so than before this trip, shawns just become another factor to my already crappy love life.

Once we land I get off as quick as possible, I grab my rucksack as soon as it appears on the baggage claim conveyor and head straight for the bus.
The cool air hits me as I walk out through the exit and luckily I catch a bus that's just about to leave.
I WhatsApp Shawn and tell him I've landed and I'm headed home on the bus, I then call my dad and tell him what time I'll need lifted from the bus station before falling asleep.

I run over and hug dad as soon as I spot him, he lugs my rucksack into the back of the pickup and we drive home. The house is pretty untidy but not as bad as I thought it'd be with just dad here.
I head straight to my room and empty out my rucksack sorting all the clothes that need washed, then I shower and change into pjs. I go to the kitchen to make some toast and show dad some of my photos, he suspiciously raises an eyebrow as I quickly swipe past the photo of Shawn sleeping on my shoulder.
After talking a little Dad heads to bed but I'm not tired, my jet lag now has me wide awake rather than falling asleep. I end up sitting on my bed copying all my photos onto my laptop and editing the ones I like, my phones buzzes beside me.

SM: 'Sorry we were out, glad you're home safe'

I'm not sure whether to reply or just leave it at that, I don't want to be annoying. I decide to leave it for now and continue editing. My phone buzzes again.

SM: 'you ignoring me?' I laugh a little.

'oh sorry no lol I just didn't know
what to reply' :JW

SM: 'okay good, what are you up to?'

We text for a little while then I tell Shawn I'm going to try and sleep since it's almost 2am here. I lay in bed tossing and turning for a while but eventually I drift off.
I wake the next morning and see Shawns uploaded a photo to Instagram, it's a photo of me in my pjs leaning on the balcony railing that he's taken from inside the apartment. Luckily the sheer curtain over the glass door makes it very hard to see any specific details that would indicate its me.
The caption reads 'morning looks good on you'.


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