Chapter 30

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"Yea I guess so" Shawn says, part of me was wishing he'd say we were more than friends but this isn't some romantic comedy, it's reality.

"Let's go before it gets dark" I say giving him a small smile before standing up and walking back to the car. I drive us to a car park that has a nice view of the sea, so we can watch the sunset in the car and not outside in the cold. We listen to the music and silently watch, I can sense some awkwardness but I decide to just keep quiet. Once the sun has set we head to a restaurant to get some food.
I rest my chin on my hand and watch Shawn as he types on his phone once she's finished I ask "So how has your one day tour of Northern Ireland been?"

"It's been great! You live somewhere truly spectacular" he says and I smile. "Even this view is amazing" he says looking out of the 3rd storey restaurant window, over the small seaside town.

"So where exactly are you staying tonight?" I ask.

Shawn looks at me, clearly he hadn't thought this far "Ugh well, I can book a hotel" he says and I laugh at his awkwardness.

"Well we have a guest room if you want it?" I Offer. "And my house is much closer than any decent hotels" hoping that he'll say yes.

"Well if your offering. This really is like Toronto with the roles reversed" he winks and my heart melts, if only we could repeat Toronto. "Are you sure thats ok? Will your dad mind if you bring a strange man back to stay over" he says and I laugh.

"My dad is the most laid back person ever, he won't mind" I say. "And tomorrow I can show you around the farm" Shawn smiles and nods.

"We have to be in Dublin for 3pm latest tomorrow for soundcheck" Shawn starts.

"We?" I ask.

"Yea? Aren't you coming to the show?"

"Well I don't have a ticket, hence the spontaneous trip to Canada for your concert" I say sarcastically.

"Well I know the guy who's performing pretty well so I can probably get you in without a ticket" he smirks at me and I roll my eyes. That smirk I swear will be the death of me. "Okay so it's settled, do you want to drive to Dublin or want me to get a driver to take us?"

"Ugh I don't mind driving but I honestly don't know if my car would make it" I laugh.

"It's fine, I'll get us a driver" Shawn smiles before texting someone on his phone, our food arrives and we eat before paying and heading back to the car.
After a few miles journey I turn onto a small road.
"You have a long driveway" Shawn says looking out at the hedges passing the car on either side and I begin to laugh.

"This is still a road" I say.

"Oh, not many roads like this in Toronto" Shawn laughs.

"Yea it's a pain when you meet another car, you pull into an opening and let them past which if you're unlucky means reversing" luckily we don't meet ant cars and I pull into the farm yard driving through it to reach the house.
"Here we are" I say turning off ignition.

"Are you sure it's okay for me to stay? What did your dad say?" Shawn asks worryingly.

I smile at his cute panicking "Well first off, I didn't tell dad" Shawn looks at me shocked. "He won't care I promise, he's the most chilled out person ever, my little sister though she's not so much" I say. Shawn slings his bag over his shoulder and we head inside.

"I'm home" I call out, I can hear dad watching TV from the living room. I walk over and peer in "dad?" I say and he tears his eyes away from watching some western movie. "Shawn is going to stay here tonight if that's cool?"

"Who's Shawn?" He asks, I open the door fully to reveal Shawn standing behind me.

"I met him in Canada and he's visiting"

"Yea that's fine" my dad says before getting up and shaking Shawns hand. "Nice to meet you"

"You too, thanks for letting me stay here" Shawn says and my dad smiles at him before heading off into the kitchen. I motion Shawn to follow and I lead him to the guest room and let him settle in whilst I change into comfier clothes and frantically try to tidy my room. I can hear music playing loudly from Graces room so I guess she hasn't realised I'm home yet.
I knock before heading into Shawn, he's laying on the bed looking at his phone.
"Psst" I say and his head jerks up. "Come on" I say and he follows. I poke my head around Graces bedroom door, she's editing photos on her laptop but jumps when she realises I'm there.

"God Jen you scared the shit out of me" she says and I smile. "Why do you look so suspicious?"

I bite my bottom lip and smile. "I have someone to introduce you to" I say before opening the door fully and walking in pulling Shawn along with me.

"Oh. My. God" Grace says covering her mouth. "I don't even know what to say, Shawn Mendes is in my bedroom" she says in disbelief.

"Nice to meet you" Shawn says politely and I laugh.

"You too, I'm Grace, Jens better looking sister" she says jokingly before shaking his hands and I roll my eyes. "I love your music" she says.

"Thank you, I like your photos" Shawn says looking around at Graces bedroom walls which have her photographs stuck all over them.

"Oh thanks, I'm trying to make a portfolio that's why there's so many all over the place" she says nervously. We talk for a little longer about our day before Shawn and I get up to leave. Once Shawns out the door Grace whispers "he came all this way for you, and he was staring at you that whole time! Damn Jen he really likes you"


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