Chapter 8

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"So what's your major?" I smile a little. "What?" He asks.

"Oh sorry, we'd just never call it a major back home, I'm doing a degree in environmental engineering" I say proudly, I've always wanted to be an engineer.

"Oh that's really cool, sounds difficult" he smiles at me.

"It's not that bad" I shrug.

"Okay I guess we better get going" he says jumping to his feet before holding his hand out and pulling me up. We begin walking, I have to practically run to keep up as I'm at least a foot shorter than him and my strides are much tinier.

"Oh sorry" he says noticing I'm lagging behind and laughing a little. Shawn shows me some other landmarks in the city, giving me some questionable history facts.
Toronto really is amazing, I've always wanted to come to Canada and this is even better than I expected. Shawn takes lots of photos of me at different stops on our tour so I can show my family when I get home, I know my granny will want me to take plenty.

"Okay So this brings us perfectly to the next stop, food" Shawn smiles. We head over to this fast food truck and Shawn tells me to go find a seat at some picnic tables near by, he arrives over with two cardboard containers full of french fries, gravy and some cheese, I look at it for a second.

"It's poutine" he says handing me a plastic fork.

"I came all the way to Canada for a gravy cheesy chip" I laugh to myself and Shawn looks at me in total confusion.

"A what?" He says laughing.

"A cheesy, gravy chip, that's what I'd call this"

"It's so weird that we speak the same language but at the same we don't" he says before eating a french fry.

"So hows your gravy chip?" He asks sarcastically.

"It actually really good" I say and he smiles.

"So tell me about Northern Ireland" he says with extra emphasis on the word Northern.

"Ugh it rains a lot" I say and he laughs "no I'm serious it does, but that means it's nice and green. It's pretty small, for example Toronto alone has 1 million more people living in that the whole of Northern Ireland has" he looks at me shocked. "So everyone is spread out, I live in the countryside and our closest neighbours are about 1 or 2 miles away" he looks really interested and I wonder if it's genuine because no one has ever been this interested to hear about my life, ever. "And I live on a dairy farm with my dad and my sister"

"No way, so you're a farm girl?" he says giving me cheeky smile.

"Well I wouldn't say I'm a farmer but I do occasionally help on the farm"

"So can you milk a cow?" He asks.

"Ugh no" I laugh "the machine do that for you. And yea I don't really have anything else exciting to tell you"

"Well your life sounds pretty exciting to me" he says and I listen for sarcasm but there isn't any. We finish up our food and begin walking again I see a hostel across the road and stop Shawn.

"Hey I'm gonna go over to this hostel and see what beds they have free" I begin to walking over and feel him grab my arm stopping me.

"Come on Jenny you can't stay in that place look at it" I look over at it, it really doesn't look all that bad.

"Well it's better than the pavement" I say and he looks at me as if he's going to say something, I wait for a second but he says nothing so I head across the street.

"Okay, okay wait up" he jogs after me. "look, I have a spare room in my apartment it's yours if you want it" he says.

"Ugh Shawn are you sure you don't even know me" I mentally hit myself, what am I doing? Just say yes.

"Yes I know but I knew I'd be laying in bed later feeling guilty knowing I hadn't even offered" I visualise him laying being concerned for me but I'm quickly brought back to reality. "So?" He says.

"Only if you're sure? I'm not gonna rat you out to the press on where you live" I laugh and he looks at me a little uneasy. "Pinky swear" I say holding my pinky finger out and he locks his around it.

"Okay well that's that settled so let's keep going" I look at my watch it's 3:39 and I've done nearly 15000 steps today, as much as I'm loving this tour I hope I can sit down soon.

After a couple more historic points and some extremely warm subway journeys we enter a park and I practically collapse onto the bench beside Shawn.

"Tired huh?" He asks.

"Yea" I laugh a little "jet lag has me all screwed up"

"Well this the last stop you'll be glad to hear, this is my favourite park in the city" I look around, it's pretty empty just a few couples sitting together and some people walking dogs. "It's quiet and there's an awesome coffee place between here and my apartment" he smiles at me and I smile back just taking a moment to take in all this is.

"Thank you so much for touring me around, really it was so kind" I say after a second.

"No problem at all Jenny honestly, I wouldn't have been doing any much anyway, I have a couple of weeks off from tour"

"Why aren't you at home, like your family home?" I ask.

"Oh well my little sister is away to a summer camp, my parents are both working and all my friends, well most of them are off travelling so I thought I'd stay here for a week and actually use my apartment. Since tour started everything has been a little crazy" he says.

"So what's touring really like?" I ask genuinely intrigued to know.

"It's so amazing actually preforming but the bits in between aren't always the best, it's lonely and can be a bit overwhelming" he admits running his hand through his hair, that one little bit of hair falling forward onto his forehead, I smile at it. "What?" he says smiling back at me.

"Oh I was just laughing at how that one little bit of hair has a mind of it's own"

"Oh yea him" he says grabbing it "I used to spend ages hair spraying it back, but apparently people like it" he says laughing.

"It's very Danny Zuko" I say and he laughs.


Thanks for reading!

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