16. Wonders of the Moon

Start from the beginning

"Geez Ai'Pha! Aren't you done with your #AntiForthBeam campaign yet?" Ai'kit can't believe how their boss can be so hardheaded sometimes.

"Oi Kitty! What do you mean by Anti ForthBeam campaign? Where that came from?" Beam can't help but wonder if there's something wrong between Ai'Pha and Ai'Forth.

"Don't ask me Beammie, even I can't comprehend what your future employer is thinking."

"That's enough chitchat you two, let's go I don't wanna be late." Although the calltime is 5pm and the competition will start at 6:30..

"But it's only 4:30 Pha~ we can still relax a bit. Not to mention we're not really involve with all of this, right Beam?"

"Indeed, why don't you practice a little bit more Pha~ while Kit and I will go to the canteen, I'm Hungry.."

"Again? But We just ate Padthai earlier! Are you nourishing a child in your womb or what?" Ai'Kit knew that Beam loves to eat but sometimes he can't help but wonder where Beam putting all those foods in his body, cause the guy still looks fit.

"Ai'Kit, the creature inside Beam's womb is not a Baby, but a Anaconda." And that earned Phana a Smack on his head.

"Oi!!! You have the nerve to hit me now huh?!!" Then Phana pinched both of Beam's cheeks.

"I don't care you jerk! Let's go and leave that idiot kit! I'm tired of accompanying a guy who's treating his friends as servant's." Then Beam walked out of the room, sulking.

"Oi Beam!!" Phana was surprised cause his friend really left him.

"Don't worry Ai'Pha, he's grumpy cause he's hungry that's all. I'll go and follow your son.."

"Wait Kit, make sure to come back here before 5pm alright?"

"Yes Boss." After all, they need to support their friend no matter what.

"And make sure that Beam won't get too close to him today, do you hear me?"

"No, and stop your ridiculous campaign already. If ForthBeam is meant to be then so Be it." just learn how to accept that Phana.

"No, thats impossible I'm telling you. Go ahead now and I'm sure Beam is waiting for you."

"Yeah yeah whatever you say." There's no point of arguing with his friend since Kit knew that Phana won't accept it that easily. "Is he inlove with Beam or what? Aish!! That Nong really needs to return in Phana's life or else, Beam will be in Trouble."

Faculty of Engineering:

"Listen to me Forth, we're not pressuring you to win the competition, being part of the top 5 candidate is already an honor to us

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"Listen to me Forth, we're not pressuring you to win the competition, being part of the top 5 candidate is already an honor to us. So, just enjoy the event and relax alright? We'll be there to support you later."

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