Bella goes into a dream

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We were racing and Taylor is on my ass playing tricks. "He's pissing me royally."

"I'm on my up to you baby." Just then Taylor came up beside. "Edward he going to slam me."

"Back off now." I did as Edward told me. Then Taylor went down in front of me and tapped on his breaks.

"THAT SON OF BITCH! CAN I KICK HIS ASS NOW?" I asked. "Swan don't rag on the car."

"Hale I'm going to have to disreguard that order." I upshift. Then went up next to Taylor I slammed into him then drove off.

"SWAN STOP PLAYING HIS TRICKS DAMN IT RACE!" Edward said. Then I looked behind me.

"Where the hell he go?" I asked. "Bells he's 2 cars behind Edward. Then what happened last time came through my head.

I closed my eyes and focus on my car then Edward. I open my eyes hit reverse and went backwards.

"What the hell you think your doing Bella?" Edward asked me. "Shut up and let me do my job. You focus on driving."

I got behind Taylor. I watched what he was doing. Then I seen it and speed up.

"CULLEN GO NOW!" I told him. "Hale put my dad on." I heard rustling.

"What is it Bells?" Taylor's rear end loose and he's trying to knock out Cullen."

"I'm right here you know." He said. "Do it baby girl." He told me.

"Do what here? What is she doing?" I uplifted made my moves to catch up with Taylor.

Then I felt a hand over mine and I looked over and saw Bradley. He smiles and nods to me.

I close my eyes again picture my whole then I picture Bradley. I open up my eyes and upshifted.

I flew around the corners catching up to Taylor. Just as he went to slam into another car that's when I slammed into him.

Didn't do damage. I will be damn if he hurts anyone. Then I look and he has a gun.

"How the hell he get a gun?" I asked.


Gun. "Bella get out of there now." The next I seen in my rearview mirror is cars blowing up.

I pulled over my car. "Bella you alright?" But there was nothing.

I lay my head on the steering wheel. "Edward look!" Rose told me.

Here came Bella driving out of the wreckage. "Coming into pit." I heard her say.

"What's going on?" I asked No one was telling me anything. "Edward Bella got shot and is on her way to the hospital." Charlie told me.

"That son of bitch!" I started pounding on the steering wheel. "Win this race Edward, do it for Bells. Time to let out my son." I nodded and closed my eyes focused everything about the car then I imagined Bradley. All of sudden I felt Bella.

I opened up my eyes and put my hand on the shifter. The pace car finally went off the track then I made my move.

                Charlie POV
Dam he's driving like Brad would. "Dad look at go!" Rose told me.

  "Rose put Bells song on and put it on the radio. "Dad he's driving just like Bradly."

I heard danger zone come on and I let Bradly help me. Soon I was close to the front. Then I seen Taylor coming up on my ass.

"Not this time asshole." I told myself. Bella and her dad taught me track so your in our territory.

They released me because it only into my arm and scraped me. I walked back down to the pits and froze.

Edward was driving just like Bradly did. I ran over to my dad. "You alright Bells?" My dad ask. "Yep and look at him go. He beat his and Bradly record away." He told me.

"Is everything set up for the moto cross?" I asked him. "Yep ready to leave from here." I couldn't help put a smile on my face.

"IS CULLEN #34 going to win the race?" We held our breath. Then he flew by the checker and took.

I went and stood on the pit wall. He finally caught site of me and drove up next to me and I climbed up on the hood as he drove into the winner circle.

He gently pulled me up to the car and held me close to him. I looked at him and he had the biggest smile on his face.

I must of fell asleep because I can't tell what's real or not. It's like you're worst nightmare. I thought it was
Later after driving for awhile I see a car driving up beside me. It's Taylor. What do I do the kids are in here.

I jumped when I heard a shot go off and I noticed the tire went flat. "Brace yourself." Was all I said.

I put my foot on the break and came to a stop. I went to get up and Taylor already made it inside.

He came at me. "I want you!" He said. "You can't have me because I belong to someone else." The next I knew he picked me up like of potatoes.

"PUT ME DOWN!" I screamed. Then I heard the gun click. I slowly turn my head to see has it pointed to. Rose.

"If you or her play toy follows us you're dead." Rose covered her mouth. Edward was with my dad.

He walked out the door to his car and threw me in. I was so scared what he might do to me.

I felt the car stop and when I looked we were at the moto cross track. No my nightmares can't be coming true.

He put me into his camper. He ducked tape and my hands. "I'm going to take care of some lose ends." What do I do.

Rose POV
"Hey dad you got your radio on?" I asked. "Yeah I do, what's up?" He asked. It's Bella, Taylor took her." I looked at the kids and they were still sleeping.

Then I got on the mic. Dad he blew one of the tires out. He also said if anyone follows him he will kill Bella. Dad I'm scared." I told him.

"Will be right there change the tire then come up with a plan."

I do not own all my characters in my story Stephane Meyers does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story

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