"Mama?" Dominican Republic asked, "What are Inglaterra and his hermanos doing?"

She looked at her daughter, "They're helping us get to your Tio's house."

"Why?" Cuba asked.

"Mama will explain later bebes," She rubbed her eyes. She was so nervous.

Portugal rubbed her arm, "Once we get there, you should get some rest. I'll explain everything to them." He kissed her forehead.

She closed her eyes and leaned against him. "Gracias por todo." (Thank you for everything )

He smiled, "You don't have to thank me for anything, Amada. I'll do anything for you."

She smiled. She was so thankful for her brother.

How could she have been so terrible to him in the past?

"Okay," Arthur spoke, "We're about to leave for Portugal. As said before, no pain will come to anyone at all."

"Papai?" Angola asked, "We're going home?"

Portugal nodded at his daughter, "Sim amor. We're going to Lagos."

All of his children suddenly looked excited.

Their father's house in Lagos was near a beach that they absolutely loved it.

"Daddy," Singapore said, "Why are we going to Portugal?"

"I'll explain later Sweetheart."

England made eye contact with Spain. "I promise this will be safe, I would never put our child.... or you and your children," Carmen was shocked he said that, "In danger."

Arthur turned back to his siblings. Wales and N.Ireland started to chant while Arthur waved his wand in a circle, starting to chant too. Scotland threw a powder out the bag and it formed into a blue light. Ireland held the amulet up and was concentrating on something. He was in deep thought.

And where the powder had been. A portal looking thing started to form and it grew to England's height and a bit wide.

When you looked in it, you could see the inside of a very wealthy house.

"Papai!!" Cape Verde said shocked, "It's home!!" He pointed to the portal.

He nodded in shocked silence.

France had dated England and at first wasn't a believer. But now... magic never ceased to amaze him.

"It's time." England spoke out.

Carmen took a deep breath. England motioned to his children to come and they got up.

France nervously stood up and children followed.

Wales looked at Spain, "We'll go first," He spoke softly to her. She nodded.

"I'll go with you," Portugal said to her, providing some comfort.

She watched as the French and English colonies, along with France, Wales, N. Ireland, Ireland, Netherlands, Luxembourg, and England walked through the portal looking thing.

England than walked back out. "See? It's fine," He looked pretty tired. "Are you ready?" He held out his hand to her.

The pregnant woman swallowed hard and slowly put her hand in his. Her brother took her other hand and they helped her stand.

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