» Chapter 2

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---- [T -> J] ----

T: s-same book? same book!
J: I dont know what the fuck you're talking about, I dont read that shit. Dickiebird left it here.
T: Whatever helps u sleep at night, fucking nerd


J: You're a mess, you can't just survive on coffee alone.
T: Watch me
J: God I can't wait for your death


T: Begone, vile insect!


J: Are you talking to yourself?
T: Yes, it's the only way I can have an intelligent conversation 


T: I relate to the monster because my father fucking sucks
J: I relate to the monster because given the opportunity people would chase me with pitchforks.


J: Your makeup is terrible.
T: But I'm not wearing any makeup today?
J: I know. I meant your genetic makeup.


T: International waters, Jasson. Don't push ur luck


J: I will figure out how to gamble with Candyland if its the last thing I do.


T: What the fuck? Why do u always act like u dont know me?
J: Probably because I wish I didnt know you.


J: Can you pass the remote?
T: Can u pass ur classes?
J: You made that joke already, asshole.
T: Ur still failing ur Science class, so it's still relevant


T: Okay, I know that I'm like, new to the neighborhood, but I'm pretty sure last time I was here Dickie didn't have pet tigers


J: You look ugly today.
T: U mean... u don't think I'm ugly EVERY day?
J: Fuck you.


J: You better not half-ass this.
T: I've never been one to half-ass shenanigans


J: You live like this?


T: I hope u'll excuse my cheep wit, the hour is late and its all I have left


J: First of all, fuck you.
J: Secondly, fuck off.


T: plan ur fucking funeral hoe


J: I'm gonna burn this fucking house to the fucking ground if you keep doing that shit.


T: U expect that bitch?


J: Yes the fuck you were, bitch.


T: go back to sleep u fiend


J: Be more of a salty bitch.


T: Bitch, I swear to god


J: That's a lotta fucks you gave there BuDdY.

Left On Read // Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now