"Levi? Are you here?" She smiled when she saw him, and walked into the garden.
"We're gonna eat in 15 minutes."
Nick and Riven shared a look.
"Sure." Levi couldn't deny he felt a bit uncomfortable by the way his mom had just walked in, as if she belonged here, between these half naked teenage boys.

She seemed to finally notice the others, and waved at them. "Oh, you must be the new neighbors. Well, you guys seem like a pretty big family too."

"Oh no, we aren't. It's just me and Matt, these are our friends." Jay suddenly appeared, and fake smiled at Levi's mom, who immediately fell for it.

"Oh, it's you! What a coincidence, I would've never guessed that you guys would be our neighbors!"
Jay walked towards her. "Me neither. But it's my greatest pleasure finding out you are. And I want to apologize to you and your family for not coming over to meet you sooner."

"Ohh, that's not a problem. You and your brother can come over for dinner now, if you want."
Jay smiled and looked at Levi, who already knew what his answer was going to be.

"That would be amazing... but I really don't want to burden you. I'd honestly feel terrible interrupting your dinner as a family. And I don't want to ruin Levi's mood."

"Is he seriously trying to put the blame on me now?" Levi mumbled.
Matt shook his head in awe. "Well that's an interesting turn of events. I didn't know he'd actually do this to you."

Levi rolled his eyes. "How are you even surprised? Isn't he like this to every adult?"
"He is... but I didn't think he'd actually target YOU like that."
Levi thought it was a bit strange from Matt to say such a thing, since Jay seemed to really like to bully him, but instead of answering, he focused his attention on his mom and Jay again.

His mom had now 'convinced' Jay to come over to eat at their home, even though it was pretty clear how badly he wanted to join them in the first place.

After that, his mom left, and the boys gathered to see what they would do after that.
Nick started: "Me and Riven will go back to his home I guess."
Riven instantly panicked. "Absolutely not! I will not spend another night in the same home as you."

Nick smiled cutely at him. "You can just say bed instead, sweety. I already told them all about it. And I don't think you have any choice, my parents are staying at my grandparents home, and that's too far for me to be able to go there on my own."

"Then go to your own house."
Nick pouted, and put both of his arms around Riven's neck, who didn't even complain, probably because he knew it wouldn't have any use anyways. "Please let me stay over tonight. I don't want to be alone."

"Yah! F*ck off, Nick!"
Levi wondered what was going on between these two, but didn't have time to ask, since Felix interrupted: "If you don't want to be alone with him, I can also come along."

"Yes, please!" Riven looked like he just got set free from his jail sentence.
"Nahh, I think it's better if I go home with you instead, you promised me you'd help me with my biology project. Then Jay can eat with Levi and Nick can sleep over at Riven's home." Matt looked proud of his idea, but not everyone agreed with him.

"I object!" Both Levi and Riven said.
"Then, let's vote."
Levi knew Jay only said that because he thought they were gonna win anyway, so he shook his head. "Matt can't join in on the voting, since it's his idea. I vote against, if that wasn't clear already."

"Me too." Riven tried to push Nick away, without any result.
"I agree with Matt's idea." Jay smiled.
"Same here." Nick added, to literally no one's surprise.
Then, they all looked at Felix, who looked a bit troubled. "You mean I have the final vote? Why are you putting this pressure on me, I can't-"

"Gosh, don't act like this is the end of the world. It's not that big of a decision." Jay sounded a bit agitated, since he probably couldn't wait to have Levi for himself. Something Levi didn't want to happen anytime soon.

"So, what will you choose?"


"Honestly, I kinda feel bad for Nick." Jay looked at Levi from the side, who still hasn't said a word to him ever since their incident. Levi just couldn't bring himself to say anything, he was too scared to think back at what happened.

"Sure you feel bad."
Jay smiled, and then rushed his hand through Levi's hair, ruining it even more than before.
"Still, don't you think it's a bit weird to feel sorry for him?"

Jay shrugged his shoulders. "Why wouldn't I?"
Levi opened the backdoor, and Jay followed him into the kitchen.
"Well, didn't he get what he wanted?"

Jay started laughing. "He did get what he voted for, but that might not have been the best outcome for him."
Levi frowned. "What do you mean?" Sometimes he wondered if he and Jay even spoke the same language, this guy was always talking nonsense.

"Didn't they say they slept in the same bed last night? Seeing how Nick has been behaving himself today, it seems like he really has gotten attached to Riven. I'm wondering if he would be able to keep his hands to himself, if you know what I mean."

Levi stared at him in absolute disgust. "Omg, Jay. You're crazy. And if you were really so worried, then why did you even support Matt's idea?"
"Because I wanted to go home with you obviously." He leaned closer towards Levi. "Because... I wanted to meet your family today, and have some dinner with them. I really couldn't refuse your mom's generous offer."

"She's behind me, isn't she?" Without waiting for Jay's answer, Levi turned around and indeed saw his mother standing in the door opening.
"Oh, you guys are here! That's great. Come in, we were about to start dinner."

"Oh, really? We aren't late, are we? Otherwise I have to sincerely apologize for interrupting everyone in here."
Levi's mom giggled, she GIGGLED at what Jay said. "Of course not! We are really happy you are here, we wouldn't even mind if we had to wait for you!"

Levi walked passed the two, and went to sit down on his own seat at the table, but then he saw it was taken by Leah, who was busy liking Instagram pictures of one of her favourite actors. She talked about him quite often, he was named Singto or something and was a Thai actor, but except for that Levi hadn't really seen him anywhere, and his sister luckily hadn't forced him to watch any of his drama's.

"Leah? What are you doing here?"
Leah raised her head, and saw him looking at her phone, so she immediately turned her phone off. "Mom told me to sit here. You have to sit there, next to the neighbor guy."

Levi rolled his eyes. He wasn't even surprised. For some reason his mom seemed to think they got along well.
"Levi!" A girl got up from her chair, and quickly ran over to hug him. "It's been such a long time! I'm so happy to see you again."

"Ehm... what is going on here?"


Lolol got nothing to add.

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