His messy wet hair suddenly turned from cute to fuckin hot!


The bell for the waves rang, and his gaze suddenly left to look at it, and I do too. With happy cries from the public, the waves started to rise.

We played and laughed, crashing into the waves, waiting for them to enlarge some more. Everything was perfect at the moment.


Suddenly, some alarm rang off like in The Purge, and everyone suddenly stopped to look.

Lifeguards were as confused as everyone as they looked at each other before reacting in grabbing red flags. They raised them, waving crazily as one shouted through a megaphone.

I held onto Genos' arm as I noticed his eyes were searching for something. "Genos, do you know what's--"


Everyone started screaming, swimming, and trying to rush through the water. "Monster? There's monsters in this part of the world?" Sensei asks.

"Well, whatever it is, we're ready for it." I smirk at the two. They look at me and nod determinedly before we faced foward.

The waves grew larger and larger as something blue started emerging from the raging waves now. We were standing far away, so the waves only rushed up to our thighs for now.

Finally, the monster revealed itself. A weird blue cyclops blob with spikes. He was blue and transparent as pool water, so the spikes didn't look as intimidating since it's just made out of water.

But it was tall. Like so fat and tall that it's taller than the average height I can jump.

"Let's do this," Sensei smirks.

And with that, Sensei jumps out the water first. Then Genos bends down to give me a boost. After I step on his hands, I catch a smile from him before he launched me up.

Then Genos jumps as I'm starting to fall straight down, and I land holding onto his back as he flies toward the monster.

In front of us is Sensei who's ready with a fist pulled back. "Say fist!" He yells.

Problem that shook us all, the blob just extracted a hole and Sensei just flew through.

"Huh?" Sensei said with disappointment. And with that, the monster exploded a spike toward Sensei.

The spike covered around his head. He gave us a thumbs up that he's okay before he fell into the water.

"Crap!" Genos cried.

"So what's the plan?" I ask.

"I cannot use my fire power, for it will burn me, not the monster. My power will just be nothing but ineffective to water," he answered.

"You don't have any freeze powers? I don'tknow, ice?" I ask.

"I have only very little. I have not fully equipped it in my system, but I could try to produce ice-like energy as much as I can," he says.

"Alright, here's what we do," I nod nervously, "you'll have to freeze certain spots and quickly break them."

"Hai, tell me where," he nods.

"Face first," I say, "try not to waste or miss as much."

The closer we got, the blob started shooting its water spikes, and Genos just dodges. With his hand, he let's out an ice cold blast.

The monster doesn't dodge but throws a water spike, so that freezes instead and falls into the water. "Damnit! All it'll ever do is throw water spikes. And they regenerate." I curse.

"We have to get closer." Genos says.

And with that, he did. He faked a shot so the monster could dodge and separate and blasted both parts immediately.

In my waterproof watch, I turn the hour hand, and it turned into a heavy melee hammer like Thor's and jumped off Genos' back, smashing the frozen halves.

And crumbling pieces fell and died into the water which surprisingly didn't melt back to water. It was more of a crystal break thing I guess you could say, but once it hits water, it just disappears.

Genos catches me bridestyle when I land and puts me on his back again.

The monster shrieks in frustration, sending out tons of spiked water everywhere. There was so many, Genos had to freeze a couple just so we dont go down.

After the monster regained part of its composure, we try again. It was somewhat easy. You just needed a little more patience.

Genos froze part of the monster and Sensei the God finally flew out of the water to one punch it.

"Nice!!" I laugh.

The monster was slowly dying down, getting shorter and less stubier. Genos needed to freeze only the rest of it in one shot and that would be it.

As we got close, Genos showed his hand at the monster as he fired up his freeze energy.

Tick-Tick....tick tick...

"What the?" Genos looks at his hand.

"What's the matter?" I worry, looking at him.

"It is stuck, the way my system produces ice. It must have froze around the main entrance," Genos panics.

"What?!!" I cry. We were almost done!!

I look up and yell "Shit watch it!" as I swerved Genos out of a spike.

"Hey, what's happening?" Sensei calls from where a lifeguard should stand. "I'm ready to punch it! Whaaaohhh!" He then starts dodging water spikes. He punches through a couple of them too.

"What the heck is that!" I yell, but Genos was too late to look up as he was busy fixing his wrist.

It was a darker shade of blue water spike, and it launched quick at us.

Instead, I got hit with it, and I knocked off his back. The water turned into a blob and surrounded my head, trying to drown me I know.

I hear muffled cried from my friends. And as I struggle to punch or remove the water, I fall into the raging waves with a crash.

Even worse, the bubble didn't dissolve with the rest of the water, and I'm struggling to swim and remove the water around me. It was totally like drowning.

The waves kept pushing me, making it even harder to get above water. I mean, not like I think it would make a difference.

My lungs were pleading for air. I've always hated water. I don't even know why I thought a water park would be fun.

I feared drowning.

I knew how to swim, but this. I can't swim out of this obviously. I don't know what to do.

I finally let myself breathe, starting to suffocate, my eyes and brain going dead seeing black.

I've always feared drowning....

Oh drowning...

I've feared it ever since--

My eyes finally shut.



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