Nick stuffed the spoon in his boyfriend's mouth while he was still talking. "Don't forget to chew before you swallow. I don't want you to choke on the food I prepared for you."

"You didn't prepare anything." Riven protested. "The one who made this was the lunch lady at the cafeteria."
Nick fed him another spoon of whatever the food on his spoon was called. "Oh, you've got something on there."

He cleaned the corner of Riven's mouth with his thumb, and smiled at him. "There you go."
You couldn't just used a napkin instead. There's literally a box full of napkins standing here in between us."

Nick rested his chin on the palm of his hand. "I guess I overlooked that, since I keep staring at those beautiful eyes of yours."
"You are seriously enjoying this, aren't you?"

Nick reached out and grabbed Riven's hand. "Of course I am. I love you."
"Shut up." Riven got up, and walked away.
"OH MY GOD! Our cute couple is fighting already! They won't break up soon, right?!"

Sophia, who had been filming everything, walked towards Nick.
He grinned. "Don't worry. He's mine now. I won't let him go this easily. That's why our love is so strong. We can overcome anything together."

Sophia, who decided she had enough footage for now, randomly walked away.
Nick turned towards Jay and Felix. "Well, I gotta admit, he's the best boyfriend I've ever had."

Jay rolled his eyes, and Felix just kept on eating as if nothing happened.
Riven came back, and sat down again. "Oh, hi my beautiful boyfriend. I missed you."
"Seriously? She's not here anymore, stop being like that."


"Omg he's actually serious." Riven stared at them in shock.
Jay looked at Felix. "I thought Riven doesn't talk much."
Felix shook his head, totally clueless. "Me too. But then Nick happened, apparently."

Nick put his head on his arms and stared at Riven. "Why are you so beautiful. It makes me want to kiss you again."
Riven moved a bit towards Jay. "Okay, I'm actually afraid of him now."

"Riven, take me to your home after school. We have a lot to talk about."
"I-I don't want to."
"Riven... please?" Nick moved his head a bit to his side, and pouted at Riven.
"Oh my God I'm terrified." Riven whispered.

"What the f*ck is with that face Nick? You look so ugly right now."
Nick grinned, ignoring Felix's insult. "You're terrified already? Let me show you how terrifying I can be."
Without giving any warning, Nick climbed on top of the table.

"What the actual-"
Nick leaned over Riven. "You want me to kiss you right here, in front of all these people?"
Riven tried to move away, but Nick grabbed him by his shoulders.

He brought his face closer to Riven's. Riven looked like he was about to either start screaming or die. "Please don't..." he mumbled.
"Then can I come home with you?"

"Yes, you can. Just leave me alone."
Nick immediately moved back to his own place, and continued staring at Riven.
"So ehm, how the hell did you guys become popular?"

Felix ate the last spoon of food, and then answered Jay. "Well... I have no fricking idea."
"We're handsome." Nick still hadn't taken his eyes off his boyfriend, who seemed to have decided that it would be a better idea to just eat his lunch in silence.

"Well, not really. But I guess you're fine in comparison to other guys around here."
Nick pointed at Jay with his knife. "THAT was very rude. And it was also a lie."
Jay just laughed at him, without answering, which seemed to piss Nick off even more.

Riven took his plate and stood up from his chair.
"Wait what are you gonna do?"
Riven sighed, seemingly frustrated. "I finished eating. I'm gonna put away my plate."

"I'll come with you."
Riven frowned."You don't have to."
Nick stood up straight. "But I want to."
Riven turned around and looked at Nick in frustration. "Just don't."
"Are you mad at me?"

Riven ignored him, and started to walk away.
"Riven, I'm sorry, okay?!"
"Yah... I don't think he's gonna listen to that."
Jay felt a bit bad for those two. Some stupid dare seemed to be tearing their friendship apart.

"Wait a sec. I'm gonna go after him."
Riven was already a few tables away from them, so Nick started running to catch up to him. "Riven, wait a second!"
Both Jay and Felix got up to see what was gonna happen.

Riven turned around, but he continued walking backwards. Thanks to that, he didn't notice the girl behind him, and bumped into her. He barely was able to stay on his feet, but then Nick was there.

Nick couldn't stop in time, so instead he wrapped his arms around Riven's waist, and dragged him to the ground with him, landing on top of him.


Gosh, again not really any Jayvi/Jaymin in this chapter.

And since next chapter is finally gonna be written from someone else's perspective, they are again not gonna be in it.

Sorry about that. I'll make the chapter after that about them for sure.

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