And lastly, there was Riven. He was the silent one, a bit closed up. No one knew what he was thinking. His parents had a lot of money, at least, that was what people said. But people said a lot. Riven had blonde hair, that honestly looked fricking soft, and grey eyes.

Apparently they were like the popular guys in this school, and somehow Jay had been the one to become friends with him in like 10 minutes, something others had tried to do for years. Jay also didn't really know how it happened.

He had just walked up to them while they were having lunch, and sat down next to them. Nick looked at him, and was like: "Woah dude, who the f*ck are you and why the f*ck are you sitting here?"

So, Jay decided to answer him by simple introducing himself. "Oh, I'm Jay. I'm new here. And I think I'm your classmate too."
Again it was Nick who spoke to him: "Then why are you sitting with us?"

Jay frowned. "Why can't I? You seemed like nice people to me, and there was a spot left on here." And, after they stared at him like he was some kind of zombie or something, he continued: "Gosh, is it bad to sit with you guys or something? Were not in f*cking Mean Girls, right?"

This left Nick shook, but Felix started laughing. "Sure dude, you can sit with us. Dont listen to Nick, he has a fear for strangers, except when they're female of course. He's a nice guy tho, don't worry. I'm Felix, btw, and this is Nick, and Riven."

So that was how they became friends. Actually, that happened only 34 minutes ago. Now, they would go to play some basketball, and then they would probably go to get some class. Jay was kinda relieved he had been able to get friends this quickly, since he had honestly been terrified to have to make new ones.

"So, why did you come to our school?" Felix started walking next to him.
"I moved here. How long have you guys been friends?"
Felix put his hands in the pockets of his hoody. "Probably for like 5 years. Which is a pretty damn long time, I guess."

"It is... I don't think I've ever kept the same friends for such a long time."
Felix looked at him, with an understanding look. "Before I met these guys, I hadn't either. But we have been in the same class for the past 5 years, and never had a reason to break off our friendship."

"I see... But do you guys never fight then?"
Felix started laughing, and put his arm around Jay's shoulder. "We do argue a lot. But I guess that's not what being friends is about. It's not about how many times you fight, but about your ability to make up after that, and come out of it with an even stronger friendship than before."

"That's true." Nick turned around, and started walking backwards, facing Felix and Jay. "I mean, what is a friendship worth when you never fight, but when you finally do after such a long time, you immediately stop being friends? That's such a waste of time."

Without even saying anything, Riven pulled on his arm so he wouldn't run into a wall.
Jay looked at Felix, but he didn't even look shocked. "Nick walks quite frequently like that," he clarified, without even being asked for an explanation. "especially when he sees a nice girl."

This made Riven smile a bit, something that had not happened yet today. "We used to let him walk into whatever was in his way, to teach him a lesson. But nowadays we most of the time help him not to bump into anything, since it might be damaging his head. And we don't want him to loose the few braincells he still has left. "

Jay laughed at Felix's story. Honestly these dudes sounded a bit crazy, but he liked that about them.
"So ehm... what was going on with that stepbrother of yours?"

Jay shrugged his shoulders, not totally sure what he would be able to tell this guys. He didn't want them to get a weird first impression of him. "Nothing really. He was being a bit weird again. He's always like that, just don't mind him."

"Well, we were not the ones that were minding him being like that- Wait, isn't that your brother?"
Felix pointed at the window, behind which they could see a classroom full of 10th graders.

A few of the kids started to notice them, and the girls all started giggling and looking at Nick, who went with his hands through his hair and smiled at the female students, who looked like they were having like a group-heart attack.

"What the f*ck is wrong with them?" Jay asked, wondering if this was usual or some contagious disease these girls would hopefully be able to recover from.
"That's how every girl in this school acts when they see him. You'll get used to it soon."

"But why? He's not even that handsome."
"What the actual f-" Nick was about to show how much he absolutely disagreed with that statement, but Felix interrupted them.

"Jay, it seems like your brother is in trouble."
His stepbrother, together with Levi and that other guy, were instead standing at the teachers desk, seemingly getting scolded for being late.

"Let's go save him!" Felix, without hesitating for one second, opened the door and walked into the classroom. "Hello everyone!"
The teacher looked shook. "Felix, what are you doing in here?!"

Felix didn't answer, but instead walked towards Levi, and put his arm around his neck, nearly choking him in a brotherly hug. "Hey, our dear brother, here we are!"

"Woah, what are you doing?!" Jay ran towards them, and pulled Levi away from Felix.
"I'm saving your brother, can't you see?" Felix looked at him, in total confusion, which was totally understandable since Jay was being overprotective of his 'weird, annoying stepbrother'

"That's not my brother, he is!" Jay pointed at Matt, who was just standing there with a smirk on his face, enjoying this more than he probably should.

Now Felix was even more confused. "B-but if he's not your stepbrother... what kind of relationship do you guys have then?"

"They are dating."


I'm not even gonna say anything.

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