I went numb , and the next thing I knew I'm already crashing his fucking shit face to the ground.

How dare you to talk about Beam like that?!! You have no right!



And to think that Beam saw what I did.


I don't care about how the Seniors will punish me because of what I did but I don't regret what I did.

"Forth Jaturapoom, the Seniors wants to talk to you. In private."

"Yes P'." Then my senior waited for me to get up and summon all my luck and confidence in facing the head Hazer and all the seniors in our Faculty.

"To tell you the truth Nong, I'm grateful for what you did. For defending your friends like that, if I'm in your position I'll do the same. Good luck Nong." Then the guy Pat my shoulder and opened the door for me .

"Thanks P'."

3rd person's POV:

   And like what his senior said, Kongpob and the rest of the gang appreciated what Forth did but still, there's no denying that it's also his fault. So, he still needs to be punish.

"You're still the candidate for the moon and star competition, we believe that your popularity went awfully crazy because of that incident and we're still have the chance to join the football game but, against different Faculty this time. Well, those shit heads will probably stay at the hospital for weeks so, nah . I don't care. And Nong, you're kick out. You three are not gonna join the game , I know you love the sport but, we need to do this. I'm sorry Nong."

As expected.

"I understand, thank you P'Kong.." this is for the best. Besides he still need to cool down his head.

"Nah, it's too early to be grateful. It's true that you're kick out from the game but not from the fest." Huh?

"Make us proud Nong. Show them that you're not just good at creating trouble like that. I heard that you're good at singing and you can play guitar." Eh??? "0206, I want you to join the music fest. I'm not asking for your permission. I want you to do it. That's an order." Music fest?


"Yes, and consider it as part of your punishment too. Okay, that's all. You may now go."

"Ye.. yes P'. Thanks .."
dooms day .

   He was busy thinking of why he's making his life so terrible like this while walking to the canteen where his friends are waiting for him when he felt that someone is trying to pull his shirt.

Shit what now?! "WHAT?!"

and totally shocked when he saw who it is..


And the guy is also shocked because he shouted at him..

"I.. I'm sorry., I.. I'm calling you but it seems you didn't hear me so.."

Now Forth wanted to kill himself because of what he did. Shit.

"Beam.. I'm sorry I didn't mean it.." he's in deep shit now. It's been weeks since he last saw him this close and yet this is what he did.

"It's okay, uhm.. I..I understand. I know you've been through a lot so.." no. He doesn't want him to think that it's okay for him to snarl at him like that..

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