Chapter 47

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Staring at the words for a moment and then reading the words on the page. Starting at the top, of course.

Dear Luna,

What you are going to read the next page might seem a bit.. odd. But you know how I told you how Zeus, Hera and I had Prometheus make you? Well, that's not really what happened.
Prometheus already had you made, you were a beautiful boy who would do anything to protect his father. Who was Prometheus.
But that one day, was the day that will haunt me forever. The day I took his son away from him and made him my daughter.
More about you will be explained in what mortals call a "diary" about you. It even includes that day and how he felt about it.
But feel mad at me, hate me, wish death upon me. And you also might learn why I gave you the name Luna.
I'll re-tell the story after Prometheus' story's about you. I'm sorry.

I read the words alloud to Bronxe, I didn't know what to think. I had a dad, but no mom. Then I had a mom, but no dad. But now, I've realized I had a mom and a dad.

"Stop looking at me, keep reading!" Bronxe demanded, I just sighed then flipped to the next page, and started reading.

Day #1- Febuary 20th, 1990

I've always been lonely; only the eagle that comes by a day to make me suffer keeps me company, sometimes.
But today was a special day, I had made a son for myself. It was not easy, for their was many challenges and just to think it only took me a year to do it.
His eyes were dark brown to match his hair, he was small. But I had given him a reward for being a success, I have the boy wings, light brown feathers on wings he was not strong enough lift yet.

That's when it ended, the next page went onto the next page. If course Prometheus' descriptions about myself had to end there.

"This is getting very juicy. Keep reading, I want to know more" Bronxe said.

"But what was my name?" I asked, "It never said."

"Maybe we will find out on the next page" Bronxe suggested, I rolled my eyes and went on.

Day #2- Febuary 20th, 1991

He is 2 years old today, it seems like just yesterday I finished making him, time fly's by fast.
I had just starting teaching him how to walk, next would be talking, then flying.
I now tell him to go hide when I sense the eagle coming and he will quickly crawl to a spot where the eagle won't find him.
But one thing sticks to my mind, a name. I haven't named him yet. I don't think I'll be able to find a name for him for a while, I don't want to give him a name he won't want when he's older.

Instead of Stopping for a moment, I just went to the next page and started reading again.

Day #3- Febuary 20th, 1992

Three years have passed already, and I haven't gotten caught yet. But I shouldn't be so arrogant. All the gods, goddess', titans, and monsters who are arrogant don't get what the want in the end, most of the time. He learned how to walk, and now I'm teaching him how to talk, soon would be flying!
But I haven't found out a name, just the name that keeps me behind with raising him.
I'll soon find him a name, soon.

He needs to give me a name, it doesn't take three years to figure out how to make your child. Does it?

Day #4- Febuary 20th, 1993

Four years old today, he knows how to walk, talk, but now flying, I know he'll be able to do it. I have a feeling he'll be able to fly.
Yesterday, Ares came over to harrass me. My son had a hard time hiding from the bulky, grumpy, idiotic god, but he managed.
I think it's amazing how smart he is getting, but I guess he's smarter than me since I can't even figure out a name for the poor mortal.
I sure don't want to call him by his gender all his life.

"Luna, it's actually getting late now. We should get some sleep, we will finish it tomorrow, hopefully." Bronxe said, I nodded.

~(time skip)~

I took a shower, brushed my teeth, and changed my clothes so I'd finally be more comfortable for once. But most of my night, I was puking up the food I ate, probably because I haven't really eaten anything the past few weeks. I don't know I'm just guessing by now.

Merry Christmas! I hope you all had a wonderful day today and this is my Christmas gift to you guys.

I don't wish for anything back. But, I need you guys to give me a male name for Luna. It doesn't have to go with Luna, it just has to be a name we all can agree on.

Again, Merry Christmas!

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