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~(Artemis' Pov)~
I wanted a child of my own, and not a child that was apart of my hunt, and not a child I had to lose my virginity for.

Maybe Prometheus could help me? I thought. Prometheus was the only one that could make me a child that has like me.

She could be apart of my hunt if she wanted to, and I can rub it into Apollo's face that I didn't have to lose my virginity for a child.

I was on my way to Zeus to ask him if I could have permission to see Prometheus. Since, it was against the rules to see or help those who are punished. Like Prometheus since he helped the humans and gave them fire.

I walked into the room where Zeus was in but he was in the with Hestia and they looked like they were settling an argument. "Father?" I asked.

"Yes, Artemis?" The God asked.

"I was wondering if I could visit Prometheus?" I asked.

"Why would you want to see Prometheus?"

"I was wondering if he could make me a child of my own. A demigod infact. I want it to be female, with my genes and my looks and in return he can still be chained up, but not have his guts ripped out for the rest of the month."

"Sure, but only if I come along, I do not trust Prometheus at all."


"May I come along aswell?"

"The more the merrier"

~(time skip)~
I was holding a three year old in my arms and I was so happy and excited.

"What are you gonna name her?" Zeus asked

"I don't know, how about, Luna Frew, I believe that's a good name" I said.

"Its a great name" Hestia said.

"Wait, Artemis, how are you gonna take care of the goddling? You already have enough duties, I don't think adding a child to raise would help" Zeus asked.

"I can take care of Luna for you" Hestia volunteered.

"You will?" I asked.

"Of course I will, I'll feed her and everything. Plus, I believe that I'm the only person you can trust with Luna." Hestia said, she had a point with the trusting thing.

"You do have a point, thanks for helping me out" I said and handed Luna over to Hestia.

"No problem, come see us whenever you can. Imma go find a house for us to live in and buy some food." Hestia said and started walking away.

I turned around and there was only me, father, and Prometheus. While father was looking away, Prometheus handed me a note and told me to read it when I was alone.

~(time skip)~
I was finally alone in the woods, only me and some animals here and there.

I pulled out the note Prometheus gave me and it said:

Dear Artemis.

I gave Luna all of the things you told me to.
~ I gave her strength that makes her stronger than any mortal, demigod, satyr or nymph.
~she can summon her bow and arrows whenever she needs to
~she will have an excellent aim. with bow or gun.
~she has the ability to talk to animals.
But, I've also added some more abilities as well for a thanks for helping me.
~she can turn into any animal from extinct to present animals.
~she can change the form of an animal. For example, she can turn a mouse into a bat.
~she has the ability of the animal she becomes and can sense nearby animals.
I hope you enjoy your demigod!!

I smiled at the letter and knew I had to keep it for Luna.

A daughter of Artemis (Nico Di Angelo x reader fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now