Chapter 44

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The ride was silent, I mostly looked down at the ground were everyone looked tiny and I felt superior to everyone. But being in the air always felt familiar, like I've been in the air so many times before, but I haven't.

Once we got to camp and Apollo left, people flooded around us, no such thing as space now. People shouted around us, saying stupid things and asking weird questions. Although, Chiron was able to overcome the crowd and tapped my shoulder from behind.

I turned around followed by the other three doing so after me. Chiron gave us a smile of relief before saying, "they usually don't act this misbehaved but nothing like this has ever happened before." He looked around fearfully. "Get on my back, it'll be easier to get to the big house that way."

We instantly ran to Chirons back, fighting over who gets shoutgun, but I eventually got my way (with some mild threatening).

The sound of people shouting overpowered the sound of Chiron trotting away from the crowd.

As Chiron trotted away, people tried following behind but eventually stopped. It didn't take long before we got to the big house, though.

We got off Chirons back and walked inside before Chiron and sat down on one of the couches together.

"Help yourselves to the cookies on the table and try not to be too loud and remember sharing is caring so share. I'll be right back" Chiron said and trotted into another room.

As soon as Chiron was out of sight, our hands shot at the cookies, taking as many as we can salvage. There we many kinds of cookies on the plate and it was so perfectly stacked it was hard to believe they weren't glued together to make it perfect.

"Luna! Stop taking all the cookies! You know what Chiron said! Sharing is caring!" Prati shouted and tried stealing my cookies.

"Well I don't care!" I shouted and shoved my face full with cookies.

We munched on the cookies and occasionally one of us would try to snatch whatever we could grasp until Chiron rolled into view in his wheelchair.

"I'd like to speak to Luna alone, so it would be a pleasure if you three would leave, please" there was no need for Chiron to ask, we all knew he was serious.

"We'll wait for you in your cabin with the bear" Violet whispered with her mouth full of half- chewed Oreos, Oreos were always her favorite, she'd take Oreos over anything else.

"He has a name" I whispered back, Violet rolled her eyes.

It wasn't long before they left the big house and I was alone with Chiron so I technically wasn't alone but still alone.

"What happened while you were at Olympus?" He asked, Chiron folded his hands perfectly in his lap and waited patiently for his answer.

"Nothing, really. The only peculiar thing was Hera was silent, not a peep" I replied and stopped eating, it would be rude of me to keep eating during a serious conversation.

"That's odd, but it doesn't matter what happened at Olympus. So please, tell me, how'd you go missing? Did someone or something kidnap you? Or are you apart of something bad? And what happened while you were gone? Where'd you go?" Chiron questioned, his eyes focused on me.

I sat in my seat and said nothing, replying what happened as I stared at the floor until Chiron cleared his throat.

"It's either me, the gods, or someone else, Luna. You can always trust me, Luna I hope you know that. You may leave, but I want you to visit me if you have anything on your mind, and I mean anything."

I nodded, got up, and left without another word. People would stare at me as I silently walked to my cabin, waiting for me to say or do anything threatening, it was almost like I was an outcast now.

I smiled at Bronxe, Sebastian, Prati, and Violet as I walked into my cabin and sat on my bed.

"I thought you'd take longer. What'd you do there?" Violet asked.

"Ah, it was nothing, really" I replied

"He asked you what happened to you, didn't he?" Prati questioned.

I hesitated for a moment before saying, "N-No."

"You hesitated, and he must've because the gods got triggered over that, too" Sebastian explained.

"Anyways, what did happen while you were gone?" Violet asked.

"Yeah, we all wanna know since I apparently wasn't there with you and know nothing of the situation, either" Bronxe said in a very sarcastic tone.

I crossed my arms. "To think you three had brains. If you were able to figure out what that conversation was about, then why don't you figure out why it was so short?"

"We aren't children of Athena, Luna.. but that's a stereotype so nevermind" Sebastian slouched down in defeat.

"Oh so you didn't tell him? And since your being so grouchy then you must not want to tell us, either" Violet explained, I nodded.

"You could've made it easier, Lunes" Prati leaned back against my bed with Bronxe on her lap.

"Don't call me Lunes." I grumbled.

"Guys! Remember Looney Luna?"

"I remember that, what about little Luna? Since she was so tiny fifth through seventh grade."

"Was? She still is tiny!"

(You guys can imagine whoever said that)

"Alright enough, guys" I wanted to show them that I was angry, but I felt tired... no, not tired..

This feeling felt like it had smacked me a million times before now, telling me that I was tired when I wasn't.. almost like I was keeping secrets from myself.

Tell them the truth. I thought. I need sleep.

I smiled at them and said in the most reassuring way I could, "guys, I feel a bit sleepy. Maybe you guys can leave and we can catch up later?"

They looked at me for a moment until Violet smiled back, "Of course, just make sure not to forget."

The three got up and left in various ways. Sebastian ran over to me and hugged me tightly, Prati put Bronxe down on the bed next to me and punched my arm lightly, and Violet waved by and smiled.

"What was that about?" Bronxe asked.

"I don't know, I just feel tired all of the sudden" I replied.

"Then you should get some rest. I'll be right here" Bronxe said.

I nodded and got comfortable before falling asleep.

Sorry about this being 5 days late, I thought I posted this.

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