Chapter 3

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I was not looking forward to getting relationship advice from anybody.

So, during ELA, the period I have before gym, I was stressing out. Ready to snap at anybody who annoys me, like Mrs. Peters. The teacher of the class who thinks that everything has to be perfect.

It felt like ten years past before the bell rang, once it rang I ran outta the classroom to my locker.

When I opened it, the locker was instantly slammed shut and I was greeted by the one and only. Bella Schneider, the popular kid/bully of the school. Along with her two friends, Lindsey dungstock and Kylee Ellsworth.

"Hello, pig lover" Bella said

"What do you want, Bella?" I asked, the last thing I want is to get into a fight.

Bella gave me an evil smile and said "tonight were having a party at my house, so better show up and the little thing on you're forehead better be gone." Bella said and flicked my forehead, then Kylee handed me and invitation.

"Remember, dress like an actual human and you better not look like the pig you are." Bella said and walked off with her friends snickering behind her.

I quickly put my stuff away and walked as fast as I could to gym. We're Coach Rowen was waiting for me tapping his foot on the floor impatiently.

"What were you doing that was so important, not- so- weak maggot?" Coach asked.

"Nothing, sir" I replied.

Coach sighed. "Get dressed, and you better not be late again, not- so- weak maggot."

"Yes, sir" I said and walked over to the girls locker room and got dressed.

When I got out, everyone was staring at me, there were two lines one for the girls and one for the boys. I went into the girls line and coach cleared his throat and everyone shot the attention to thim.

"START STRETCHING, USELESS MAGGOTS" Coach shouted and everyone started stretching.


~(time skip to afterschool)~

I'm an idiot, I'm an idiot, I'm an idiot. That thought kept flowing through my head like a river.

If the author was too lazy to tell you then I'll tell you.

For the rest of the day, Nico kept on being an complete asshole to me. During lunch he knocked my tray outta my hands. Everytime I walked to my class, he knocked my books out of my hands. And during math he kept spitting spit balls at me and the teacher didn't even care.

It was a good thing Hestia wasn't home because I wasn't in the mood to talk. I decided to not go to the party even though I was invited. I knew that she was gonna be evil to me tomorrow, but I rather have that then get pig blood dumped on me again.

I guess I have to tell you guys now.


I was getting ready for the party in my room with the help of Violet and Prati. Sebastian was waiting in the living room downstairs watching tv.

Hestia wasn't home, so that meant I was able to use her makeup without her consent.

We were finished getting ready and we walked downstairs while Sebastian was still watching tv.

Prati cleared her throat and Sebastian looked over at us. "Oh, what took you so long?" The idiot asked.

"No comment on how we look?" Violet asked.

"You look like girls, now let's get this party done and over with" Sebastian said and stood up.

"You're a butthole sometimes" I said and walked with my friends to the party.

Once we got to Kyllee's front door, we had a battle over who goes in first. Sadly I lost and as soon as I opened the door I heard these words be shouted. "NOW!"

The next thing I knew was that I was covered in blood and had tears threatening to fall outta my eyes.

"Hahaha, looks like the pig got covered in her relatives blood" Bella said.

People were laughing at me and taking pictures of my on their phones. My friends were ready to pounce.

Then people started chanting "pig blood!" And I booked it for my house with my friends following behind.

I never went to a party ever since then and I never will.

~(end of flashback)~

"Luna I'm home!" Hestia yelled in a sad tone.

"What's wrong, Hestia?" I asked walking out of my room and towards the doorway where Hestia was. "You sound upset."

I walk into the room and looked around. Hestia was on the couch with her face held in her palms.

"What's wrong?" I asked and sat down next to Hestia.

"You need to pack you're things, Luna" Hestia said and looked at me with tears streaming down her face.

"W-Why? Are you getting rid of me?" I asked with worry.

"I'll help you pack, Luna" Hestia said and started walking towards my room.

"Hestia, I demand to know what's happening" I said and started following not to far from Heatia.

"So quick witted, just like you're mother" Hestia said.

Then I realized, the only person Hestia ever brings up is my mother. She never brings up my father.

"How come you only bring up my mother? I must have some resemblance of my father" I asked.

She didn't reply.

When Hestia got into my room she grabbed a duffle bag and looked over at me.

"Luna, come here" Hestia said and I obeyed. Hestia smiled down at me and hugged me.

"All of you're questions will be answered at Camp Half Blood. And if you have more questions go to Chiron, and if he can't answer you're questions go to Olympus. I promise all of you're questions will be answered, and don't take you're anger out on the gods." Hestia whispered to me then pulled away. She whiped her tears away then whiped away a couple of mine. Was I crying? How come I didn't know?

"Now, are you gonna help me pack for you or what?" Hestia asked and I nodded.

Together, we used the duffle bag and filled it with clothes but she said that I only needed night- shirts or gowns. I didn't know why, but I just went with it.

Then, we grabbed a back-pack and I put all of my candy in their. Along with a photo album full of pictures of me, Hestia and my friends. Also, I was able to fit ten of my favorite books in their.

We walked to the door and she hugged me one last time and said. "You always smell like the outside. I'm gonna miss you, I love you, Luna, goodbye."

"I love you too, goodbye"

"You know we're that abandoned playground is?" Hestia asked.

"Yeah" I replied.

"Well, go there and there's someone waiting for you there. But don't take too long, I don't want anything to hurt you. You're mother would kill me if something bad happened to you" Hestia said.

"Go to the abandoned playground, got it and I promise I won't get hurt."


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