Chapter 50

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~(Luna's Pov)~

Bronxe told me about what Nico had said to him, I didn't know how that kiss could've been an accident. But since I don't even know how I am a daughter of a Virgin, I'm willing to find out.

I sat still for a little while, surprised that my accusations were wrong. I feel bad now.. my gut felt like it was sinking. Guiltiness is not the word I can use to describe how bad I feel.

"Accidents happen, Luna. Everyone makes mistakes, the gods make mistakes all the time." Prometheus said soothingly.

Can anyone else hear you..?

"No, sadly. You were the only lucky one." He said, I smiled to myself.

"YooHoo! Can't you hear me? Get your head back down to earth, please." Bronxe jumped around the bed, making it rock side to side.

"Oh I get the joke, it's because I have that thing on my forehead. You're so cheesy, Bronxe." I placed my hand on my forehead, feeling the only rough part of my head. The skin where my moon crescent was very rough, like the skin on your elbow. I think it's called the weenus, or it's like the rough skin on the bottom of your foot. Most people would expect the skin there to be smooth, but it's not.

Try touching your elbow or foot, then touch the center of your forehead. Then imagine feeling that rough skin there. It's not great, it's pretty weird. (Did anyone try it?)

"I actually didn't think of that. But now I'll aim more jokes at your head if it'll make you laugh." Bronxe winked in an attempt to be sly, but sneezed after he winked.

I laughed, "Bronxe, you're really something else." I paused for a moment, then sighed. "Let's go see what our friends are doing."

I gathered with with Sebastian, Voilet, and Prati near the forest. But I wasn't planning on telling them what happened, not yet at least. I just want to hang out with them, like old times.

"Why'd you want to see us? It's been a while.. we thought you'd want your alone time." Voilet said.

"I did, but I'd rather be with you guys then just with Bronxe. And I'm kinda tired of being cooped up in a small space." I awkwardly laughed, rubbing the back of my neck.

"We've missed you, Luna. We heard many rumors about you going around. But what really happened?" Prati asked, I paused for a moment.

"Well, it's uh.. Kinda complicated. What rumors are going around?" I asked, curiously.

(You can choose who says what it doesn't matter)
"There's a rumor that you ran away while we were distracted to work for Kronus."

"Someone also said that you decided to run away with nature or something."

"Don't forget that stupid one when a nymph went crazy and tried to kill you. Pfft, what a load of weak sauce."

I bursted out with laughter. "I wish it was one of those! Except for the first one, that ones weird." I said, smiling cheekily afterwards. They smiled back, It felt nice being with them again. It was almost like we never left home.. but this was home now, I have to face the facts.

"Hey, Luna! You wanna see the new tricks I learned?" Sebastian asked with excitment, standing up. "Nuh-uh! She wants to me to heal her!" Prati exclaimed, pushing Sebastian out of the way. "No, she wants to see my sweet color abilities" Violet shoved them to the ground, as their arguments began.

~(time skip)~

I got to see all of their new tricks one by one. Starting with Sebastian, then Prati, then Violet. I decided to go the order they went. But Sebastian was the only one to seem satisfied with the outcome.

Sebastian was able to show me how he could play with the mist, covering things with the mist making them harder to see, or changing the shape of things with the mist.

Prati healed a few of my injuries, I kept her away from my back and right wrist, making sure she didn't see that monstrosity.

Violet showed me how she was able to change colors of almost everything, although I think I've seen her do it before, but it was nice to see her progress.

For the rest of the day, I screwed around with three of them, but I made sure they were gentle with Bronxe whenever he joined in.

Eh, kinda a short Chapter but it's about time I updated the story.

The next Chapter I'm planning on just finishing Prometheus' Chapter because it's getting harder to remember what's happening. If anyone would like to help recap them that would be much appreciated.

A daughter of Artemis (Nico Di Angelo x reader fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora