Chapter 26

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A lady walked inside. She was wearing a black dress, with black heels on. Her hair was white and her eyes were icy blue color.

"Don't cry. If you are intimidating then she won't hurt you" the male voice in my head said.

I stopped crying and quickly wiped away my tears.

"Ha! You think that listening to that voice in you're head will help you? You're the weakest demigod at that putrid Camp Half-Blood" she said.

I wanted to become an animal and just rip her throat out right then and there.

"Nico Di Angelo is on the correct trail to find you. Wait for him to come so he can distract her. You'll be able to win when she's caught off gaurd by Nico" the male voice said, I took his word for it.

"What's you're name?" I asked, not making eye contact with her.

"You seriously never got the hint? You're cabin would be freezing cold, you would feel like ice if anyone touched you. Plus, this room is freezing cold, you're chains are like ice. My name is Khione, darling" she replied.

"Where am I?"

"You're in Alaska, the coldest continent in America. And you're in the this house basement."

"Why me? Out of the millions of demigods out there, why me?"

"Listen, I've promised Geae to stay by her side. But I broke that promise. I promised Geae that I will get revenge on the gods, and I won't break that promise. Artemis promised that she will never ever have a child, male or female. She broke that promise. Plus, every moon has its dark side."

"What do you plan on doing with me?"

"I wasn't planning on telling you, but oh well, you're probably going to die afterwards. You're going to be my weapon to destroy the gods. I want to rule Olympus and bring Geae back. And you're going to be my butterfly along the way."

"I will not be you're butterfly that does anything for you!" I exclaimed, I started struggling to get the chains off.

Khione cackled and walked over to me then grabbed my face and forced me to look up.

"Listen, that mutt over there you call a bear won't get hurt if you do exactly what I say. You won't get hurt if you do exactly what I say" Khione threatened, I instantly stopped, I didn't want Bromxe to lose his life because of me.

The chains unlocked off my hands as Khione let go of my face. "Good little butterfly. Now be a good butterfly and follow me... and take that stupid mutt with you" Khiones word raced through, it's like her heart was completely frozen.

I rub my wrists which were bruised from the tight chains. Then got up and grabbed Bronxe and started following behind Khione.

The basement looked more the hallway of a jail cell. But instead of bars for prisoners, there were metal doors similar to the first door I saw.

"In here, my butterfly" she brought me into another room.

It looked very similar to my room. Except, it had a metal table with two metal chairs, one chair on each side.

"Put the mutt down and sit in the chair on the other side of the table" Khione demanded, no emotion in her voice at all.

I obeyed what she said and set Bronxe down in a corner that was going to be close to me. Then I quickly sat down into the chair.

"Which hand is you're dominant hand?" She asked, I waited for some advice from the male voice in my head.

"Its a good idea to answer her question and do what she says. It's better to do that than to have to witness you're bear to get injured" the male voice said, that's the advice I'm looking for.

"M-my right hand, ma'am" I replied, she evily smiled at me.

Khione pulled a pair of handcuffs out of her pocket and handcuffed my left arm to the metal chair I was sitting on.

Then she grabbed my right arm and put it on the table so my wrist was facing upwards towards the ceiling.

Then Khione duct taped my hand and right near my elbow to the table.

"What are doing?" I asked.

"You'll see, my butterfly" she replied.

Khione left the room and came back with a dark blue dagger in her hand.

"What's the dagger for?" I asked and looked at her with a confused look.

"Like I said before, you'll see. My butterfly" Khione replied.

She came over to me and slowly dug the dagger into my wrist.

"AAGGH! What are you doing to me?!" I screamed in pain.

"I'll tell you afterwards, my butterfly" her voice would've calmed me down if she wasn't digging her dagger into my wrist.

She dug one big snowflake with the dagger into my skin with smaller snowflakes around it.

Once she was finished, she dropped the dagger infront of me.

"It's yours now, it'll be you're weapon to kill the gods" she said and left the room.

I sighed in relief as she left.

She didn't come back after a while, I really don't want her to come back at all.

I thought it was over until my wrist started stinging again. The snowflakes turned a blood red color.

I kept screaming and calling for someone to help, but nobody came.

The pain was unbearable. I felt like my wrist was going to burst into flame.

After 10 minutes or so of agonizing pain. The color of the snowflakes turned white and actually looked like they were tattooed onto my skin.

I pulled my arm off the table with anger and pulled the tape off my arm.

Then I started fiddling with the hand cuffs to get them off.

I heard the door open and I stopped what I was doing. It was Khione. I guess it's time for more pain. Yay.


Did you get the Chapter you wanted @minhothesassmaster 😂

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