Chapter 36

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(Just a little something to listen to while you read this Chapter and the photo is for later)

"Would you like to tell me about what happened to you when you disappeared? Nobody knows what happened to you. Not even us gods except Prometheus, who refuses to tell anybody anything" Artemis asked, looking at me with sad eyes.

I sighed and looked down before looking back up at the goddess. "If I swore on the river Styx about that book, then you have to swear on the river Styx not to tell anybody about what I'm about to tell you."

"I swear on the river Styx not to tell anybody about what you are about to tell me" Artemis said, I smiled but quickly frowned as I had to repeat what had happened in my head.

Forgetting something is hard, the only way to completely forget something that had left marks is to hide from it. But by the looks of where I am now, I cannot hide from it.

Judging someone by holding onto the past is unforgettable, you're words will always stay with them. It's like carving names into a tree. The past is something you can never forget, it is not weak for someone to hold onto the past. But it is strong of them to keep going and never give up.

I sighed and told my mother everything. From what my friends I where in the woods to now. Artemis on the other hand, didn't say or do anything but she just listened to my story.

It's sure not easy telling you're mother how you feel. Trying to tell Artemis that I am not happy is like getting stabbed in the butt with a thumb-tack.

Once I was finished, she pulled Bronxe and I close to her in a cuddle like hug. But all I really remember is falling asleep in her warm embrace.

~(in the morning)~

I woke up with the sunlight getting in my eyes, making it hard to see but I sat up anyway.

I was wearing different clothes, that's for sure and I didn't smell like a walking garbage dump. I was wearing brown boots with boot laces (shoe laces but for boots) and long grey socks that stuck out of the boots a bit. Along with worn outish jeans that go down to my knees. Aswell as a grey hoodie that had grey fur on the hood, ends of the sleeves, and the bottom of the hoodie where my waist is.

I put my hand in one of the pockets and it had a note in it. The note was from Artemis and it read:

I hope you had enough rest for today. I'll keep my promise, so make sure you keep you're promise. I also gave you new clothes, they're from my hunt. Thalia, daughter of Zeus wanted you to have the jacket you're wearing. They cannot wait to meet you someday!

Also, don't forget to ask me for help when you need it.


The letter made me smile, it was heart warming and I couldn't wait to see my mother's hunt. They seem really nice.

I looked at my surroundings, I was in the same place I was last night, the blue orbs were in a small bag on top of the book Artemis gave me.

I looked around, then I realized Bronxe was nowhere in sight.

"Bronxe!" I shouted, I stood up and grabbed the stuff. "Where are you, Bronxe?!"

I started walking around until I heard a little peep behind me.
I turned around and saw Bronxe.

"I'm right here! I have something for you" I smiled at him then went over to the bear and knelt down infront of him and put everything down next to him. Bronxe had a large piece of shattered mirror in his mouth.

"Why do you have that in you're mouth?" I asked, I took the mirror out of his mouth and looked at it. My eyes were a mix of red and green, one side was red and the other side was green for both my eyes.

"I overheard you're conversation with queen Artemis last night and I wanted to do something nice. You're eyes are still beautiful, though. Plus, I rather have you find out this way before somebody else tells you" Bronxe said.

I tossed the mirror away and gave Bronxe a tight hug. Then I pulled him away. "Why did you call my mother queen Artemis?"

"She's the queen of animals. That kinda makes you the princess of animals" Bronxe explained, I almost forgot about that.

"Shall we get going?" I asked, I wanted to change the subject.

"We shall indeed" Bronxe replied.

I picked him up and grabbed the other things before pulling out one of the blue orbs and smashing it onto the ground.

Blue smoke surrounded us as we disappeared and reappeared somewhere else.

I looked around and saw that I was in the alleyway of New York probably?

I smashed the other orb onto the alleyway ground and a small green light came flying out of the orbs shattered glass.

It slowly started floating out of the alleyway and on the sidewalk then stopped and waited for me to follow.

"You best start followin' it before it ditches you. That light looks like it means serious business" Bronxe said, I chuckled and started following the green light.

I couldn't help but to be intrigued to follow the green light. I was like a child looking for the end of the rainbow.

~(time skip)~

I've been following this green light for a few hours now. Thinking that my ADHD would've kicked in by now and make me bored of it, but it hasn't.

I knew that we were getting close to Long Island, I can feel it. But I also feel that something bad is about to happen.

I heard a loud "get back here, you" and snapped my head over to see a Satyr and a small child running away from what looks like Medusa.

I looked at the green light then to the evil choker thing and got an idea.

I grabbed the the green light and shoved it inside my pocket then summoned my bow and an arrow. I pulled out my guide (the green light) and hid it with my hands like I was hiding a frog and used that magic she gave me and absorbed it into the green light, making it a dark black color.

I stuck it onto the end of my arrow then picked my bow and arrow up and ran over to where Medusa and the other to where.

I aimed my bow at her and pulled the arrow as far back as I could.

"Hey!" she looked back at me with an evil smile. "Turn this to stone."

I shot the arrow at her, making her blow up as soon as the arrow hit her and I smiled at my victory.

"Thanks for helping us" the Satyr thanked as he walked over to me while holding the little demigods hand.

"Yeah, you were awesome" he added, he looked to be around 6 or 7.

"Its no problem" I replied.

"Would you like anything for the help?" The male Satyr asked, I nodded.

"A guide to camp would be nice. I kinda used my guide to kill Medusa" I scratched the back of my neck and smiled.

"I deserve most of the credit, though" Bronxe said while climbing up my back, the Satyr seemed to understand what Bronxe was saying.

"Well, I'm going to introduce myself first. I'm Luna, daughter or Artemis and this is my friend, Bronxe" I ignored Bronxe and I just wanted to change the subject and go back to camp.

"Oh, I'm David and this is Carter" The Satyr said, gesturing over to the kid next to him.

David had strawberry blonde hair with Satyr horns and had couple dimples her and there. But Carter had raven black hair with dark brown eyes and had some freckles in his face.

I smiled "it's been a pleasure meeting you, David and Carter."

Prati took a deep breathe before saying: "You have been banned from the Mickey Mouse club for inappropriate behavior."

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