Chapter 6

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I woke up at like 8:00AM and stretched in my bed. Then, I got up and reached under my bed and pulled out my duffel bag.

I took out an orange CHB t- shirt and light pink shorts to match the shirt. I also I put on black socks with a pair of my converse.

I walk out of my cabin and I was instantly blinded by the morning sun.

Damien never told me about the woods... I thought. I then ventured out towards the woods.

What can I say? My curiosity sometimes gets the best of me.

I walked towards the direction of the woods but was stopped when I heard a familiar shout near one of the cabins.

I ran after the sound and came to see Sebastian being picked on by one of the Ares kids.

"What are you gonna do about it, freak?" The Ares boy said and kicked Sebastian in the stumach and knocked him to the ground.

I deep growl started to form in my throat like a dog growling at an intruder.

I hope a wolf rips out his throat. I wished.

I started running towards the Ares boy, the growl in my throat getting louder by the second. The thought of a wolf ripping his throat out was the only thought in my mind.

The next thing I knew, I was a wolf sprinting towards my pray on four legs.

I stopped infront of them and started barking at the Ares kid.

"What is this? You're little gaurd dog?" He asked.

"Yes, actually, her name is Luna and her inttentions are to rip you're throat out" Sebastian said while I kept barking.

"What's the stupid runt gonna do when I do this?" He asked and kicked Sebastian where the sun don't shine.

At that point, I had enough. So, I pounced at the Ares boy and bit him right in the shoulder.

"AAGHHH!!" He shouted and fell on his butt.

I kept on bitting his shoulder and it started to bleed. My mouth started to taste like his blood. And I started to growl.

"AAGHHH GET THIS DAMN DOG OFF OF ME!!" The kid screamed.

"I say we kill the wolf" one kid said and I could tell they came after me because I heard Sebastian jump in the way.

"STOP! Don't hurt her!" He shouted.

"And why should we do that?" The kid asked.

"Because it's my friend, Luna, I saw her turn into a wolf. Luna! Stop hurting that dude" Sebastian said. I did what he said since I didn't wanna die.

I had blood dripping from my mouth and probably had a mean look in my eyes.

"Turn back to normal" Sebastian demanded. I wanted to say that I didn't know how but nothing came out.

The Ares kid learned his lesson and someone took him to the infirmary.

"What's going on here? And who bit Sherman Young?" Chiron asked trotting over here.

"Sir, this newbie is claiming that this wolf over there is his friend, Luna" the camper explained.

"She is! It's Luna! Don't hurt my best friend! I saw her turn into a wolf and attack whatever his name is" Sebastian pleaded.

"Luna? Is it really you?" Chiron asked and came closer to me. I backed away out of fear.

"It's ok, Luna, shake you're head yes if you're actually Luna" Chiron said and I shook my little wolf head yes.

"Hmm, I want you to stay calm. Accidents happen all the time, and it's about time you start learning how to use you're powers. Now, you must be calm, quit being angry and just clear away all you're other emotions and just stay calm. And I want you to think about becoming you're normal self again. Just remember, nobody's gonna hurt you." Chiron said.

I did what he said and I started to calm down, I closed my eyes and re- opened them to see that I was my normal self again.

"The next thing I ask you to do is clean all the blood outta you're mouth before breakfast. Its 8:20 so you have ten minutes to do so." Chiron stated.

"Thank you, sir, for not killing me" I said.

"You're welcome, I wouldn't want you getting killed on you're first full day here. Now go clean the blood outta you're mouth before it dry's" Chiron said and I ran to my cabin and cleaned my mouth.

It actually took me ten minutes to clean the blood out of my mouth.

When I was done, a conch horn blew in the distance which must've meant that it was time for breakfast.

I walk to the dinning pavilion in silence with all eyes on me. I didn't want anyones attention on me. I started to fear the conversation I would have to have with Chiron later.

I walked to my table, and got a plate with blueberry pancakes and syrup on it. I walked over to the fire and sacrifice some of the pancakes to Artemis.

"I'm sorry if you think I'm an attention freak. I'm not one to try and grab the spotlight (Hamilton yo). But I'll do anything to make sure my friends are safe, they were there for me when I needed them, so I'm gonna be there for them when they need me." I whispered.

Why am I trying to talk to Artemis or mother, when I pulled a move like bitting another camper? I don't even know why I try sometimes. I thought to myself as I ate.

On the way out of the pavilion, my friends found me somehow. There are so many campers it makes me wonder how many times a day the gods go out to have fun.

"Thanks for hurting Sherman for me" Sebastian said.

"No need to thank me, how's you're stumach and crotch?" I asked.

"Bruh, when he kicked me in my stumach he gave me my period then gave me a vagina so I can keep getting my period" Sebastian said and we all died of laughter.

"Only you would think of that" Prati said.

"Guys, we should just hang out in Luna's cabin" Violet suggested.

"No" I said firmly.

"If you don't say yes, Sebastians gonna whisper gross stuff in you're ear" Prati threatened or promised.

"Do it then" I dared.

Sebastian came closer to my ear and whispered, "my nuts have been made into a female heyena's testicals, don't test me or I'll rub barbecue sauce all over you're body tonight."

"Fine, you guys can hang out in my cabin" I said.

"Victory screech!" Prati said alloud.

"Wololololo!" They shouted in sync.

"I don't know them!" I said and ran towards my cabin.

A daughter of Artemis (Nico Di Angelo x reader fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now