Chapter 43

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Zeus stared at us with pure rage, I felt my heart pick up speed, it was almost like a couldn't breathe anymore.

"You all know what has happened! So stop lying and tell the truth before I kill you all!" He screamed, the sound of thunder piercing our ears.

"If you kill us then you will have no info on anything, nothing," Prati spoke up. "We could know how to stop the world from ending, but we couldn't tell you because we're dead."

"And it's also stupid to murder someone who you want to know something from. The people in the movies were idiots and the actor's should be deleted from life for playing the roles of the people who made that type of threat" Sebastian added, but their acts of bravery only made Zeus angrier.

Zues struck a lightning bolt at us, everyone in the room flinched at his sudden acts of aggression. But I oddly obsorbed his lightning.

Little zaps of lighting came from my fingertips, I could only look at myself, my arms had trickles of lightning spiraling around.

"Oh my gods, Luna's eyes are glowing Christmas colors! Santa heard we've been naughty! The little jewel thing in her choker be bright as heck, too!" Sebastian exclaimed, pointing at me.

I looked up at Zeus, and the lightning shot at him from that choker. That stupid choker. The one Khione cursed me with.

"Kill them! Now!" Zeus shoutingx his voice was loud enough to shatter glass.

I felt the feeling of my back burning, my wrist felt like I was on fire. It was like It wasn't me anymore, and it really wasn't me.

The snowflake on the choker grew brighter, I bet my eyes did, too. I panicked as I felt my feat lift off from the ground, sadly making me drop Bronxe. I don't know if he was caught or not.

I realized it wasn't me who was lifting myself up with the air around mw, it was Zeus who was lifting me up with the air around me.

Ice shot out of my palms at the King and Queen of the gods (Elsa in da house), Zeus dropped me to the floor and ice has stopped flying out of my palms. I made an "Oof" noise as I hit the ground.

I instantly got up and went running towards the double doors to the throne room of Olympus with Violet carying Bronxe, Sebastian, and Prati following close behind me.

"Stop them!" Zeus screamed, many of the gods and some of the goddess' ran to catch us as we ran down the long hallway with many Nymphs who were quick to run after us when they were ordered to.

Today just really isn't a good day to be alive. I thought.

We just weren't fast enough, one by one, all of us were caught, we would've gotten away if Hermes wasn't sent after us. Since he was the one who caught us, he picked one of us up and through us into the crowd, but he saved me for last and he never tossed me into the crowd of unhappy nymphs and gods.

As we walked back to the throne room, I looked who got everyone. Ares had Prati and was dragging her by her wrist to the throne room. Hepheastus had Violet and was calmly carying her bridal style while and they were both talking to each other, weird. Aphrodite was walking with Sebastian with her hand on his shoulder and he held Bronxe carefully in his arms but they were also talking with each other. Weird.

"It'll be over sooner if you play along with Zeus' little game. You just have to know the system to beat the system" Hermes said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I can tell you're afraid to see Zeus. But fear is what Zeus wants, you have to be witty in order to play his game. But Hera is different, she will instantly punish you and never regret it, but you must intimidate her since she isn't saying anything. Maybe intimidation is the best way to win this battle" Hermes explained, I nodded.

"But how am I going to do that? They can kill me, you know" I asked.

"They aren't going to kill somebody when none of us know what happened to you. I bet Zeus will be saying 'I'm going to let you off with a warning for now but one day you'll slip up and tell us.' He's very predictable once you lived with him for a very long time" Hermes explained.

But didn't mom and Prometheus know where I was, though? I thought.

"There are many things you have to keep hidden from others. And we had to hide that from the gods for your sake. Zeus might not be trying to kill you now but he wouldn't have been very 'I guess you can live' when you first went missing" Prometheus explained.

"Hello?" Hermes asked.

"Oh. Um what were we talking about?" I asked.

Hermes rolled his eyes. "Just act intimidating to Zeus.. but not too intimidating."

I nodded, we where almost near the throne room so for the rest of the walk, the two of us were silent.

Hermes finally put me down when we finally got to the throne room and we both parted ways like nothing happened. I met the others in the center of the room while the other gods sat down at their thrones and the nymphs went back to sitting outside the throne room.

Zeus cleared his throat. "I hope none of that happens again or there will be some serious punishments for you all."

"There's gonna be some serious punishments if I have to stay here any longer" I whispered, Zeus didn't seem to understand.

"Let's just cut to the chase here, I wanna leave you want something from us but if you tell us then we can try to use what's left of our smarts to give you the answer" Sebastian said.

Zeus sighed, "what did Luna do when she went missing?"

"Uhm, I found my way back" I replied, crossing my arms.

Zeus huffed, "then why did you come back with scratches and bruises?"

"Because on my way back I ran into a Satyr with a demigod and a monster so I had to beat some monster butt then take those two to camp" I explained.

"All of us know that your lying but I'm going to let you off with a warning for now but one day you'll slip up and tell us" Zeus said, I smirked.

I looked over at Hermes who winked at me and mouthed 'told you' then I turned my attention back to Zeus.

Finally. I thought, I get to go back to camp.

~(time skip)~

Apollo had taken us to his sun chariot and we were on our way back to camp.

"Do you guys want a fast ride to your camp or a slow one?" Apollo asked.

"I would like a slow ride since the last one made me chariot sick and that means my opinion matters more" Sebastian stated, Apollo nodded.

If Apollo was a real God, he wouldn't be scared to look his own daughter in the eyes. I thought.

A daughter of Artemis (Nico Di Angelo x reader fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن