Chapter 35

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Bronxe was very smart for his little bear age. He was able to find a lake nearby that did have very stubborn fish.

It was very difficult since I was the one who had to do all the talking. Since Bronxe was busy eating nearby blueberries, I wished I joined in on the blueberry raid.

The information the fish gave me and the map I had didn't make any sense. It was all confusing to me.

Yet, I didn't want to ask the gods for help, they'd only make it worse in my view. I haven't heard anything from Prometheus lately and he's pretty much the only god I can trust. But there's a very simple reasoning to that. Anyway, to make this explanation simple and easy; I don't want help from the gods neither do I need it.

I replayed what the fish said to do in my head over and over again. I was like a child playing their favorite movie over and over again. But I didn't like the movie that's infront of me.

Air travel would be much more efficient, but I don't think I'm on Zues' good side. But the jokes on him; he's not on my good side either.

~(time skip)~

It was dark out and I was still lost in the woods. The moon crescent on my forehead glowed brighter white as I went further into the woods. I didn't understand why it was like that, it never did that before. But I have never been this lost before, so I geuss it's a day of first's.

The moonlight shined bright throughout the night and the stars added a unique decoration to the sky. The night was always better than the day, more relaxing and calm.

"You look like a walking night- light" Bronxe said and yawned.

"Hush now and go to bed, I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be a great day" I replied and cradled Bronxe in my arms as I hushed the bear to sleep.

The silence reminds me of when Hestia and I would have night walks and she would tell me story's of Artemis. Now I know why she wasn't able to tell me any story's of my father. But now that I realize it, I knew I was a child of Artemis before I was even claimed by her. Hestia always told me her times she shared with Artemis almost to the point were she didn't really have anything to share. She would sometimes even try to teach me how to speak Greek.

I feel a little like Smurfet when she gets scolded by Gargamel (or however you spell his name) for being made out of a lump of clay. I guess that makes me ground breaking? No, nevermind that was a bad joke. At least I get to call everyone else a vagina baby. But that means they can call me a clay baby, though I think mine is better.

The moon crescent had started to glow so bright that it started to make my forehead cold.

I stopped when my forehead became freezing cold to the point I had a brain freeze. I went down on both knees then put Bronxe on my lap and clamped my hands over my forhead in attempt to warm my forehead with my hands.

"In order to make it stop, you have to want it to stop" I hear a familiar voice and look up to see Artemis, in her adult form on both her knees while smiling down at me.

"How do I do that?" I questioned, she giggled.

"I'll help you tonight, but only for tonight" she put her pointer finger on my forehead and the glowing suddenly stopped along with the freezing sensation.

"Thanks, mother. Or do you want me to call you Artemis?" I asked, her smiled widened.

"Mother or mom is perfect" she replied.

"Why are you here? Why was my moon crescent glowing? Does Zeus hate me? Do you know why Prometheus isn't answering to my prayers? Does everyone at camp think I'm dead? Are you here to help me get back to camp? Why hasn't Hades been sending his monsters after me? Not like that's a bad thing but still. Are you here to tell me something?" I questioned, if I wanted answers, why not ask my mother for the answers? She's one of the only gods I can trust.

"Calm down, child. I have something I have to show you before I answer that" she raised her hands up and fireflies came out of the bushes, grass and trees and some went into my palms.

"Woah, how'd you do that? And how do you know I love fireflies?" I asked, smiling as the fireflies danced around the two of us.

"Hestia told me allot about you, Luna. And I can show you how to do it" Artemis made a piece of paper appear in one hand and a pencil appear in the other then she started writing down something on the paper. When she was finished with it, she handed it to me and I quickly looked at it then out it in my pocket.

"You know, it doesn't hurt to ask Hecate for a blessing" I frowned and looked down and Artemis' face softened at my expression as she frowned.

I felt her soft hand touch my chin and slowly lift my head up as she gave me a sad smile.

"What is on you're throat, darling?" Artemis asked as she looked at it.

"I don't know. All I know is she said I could curse and kill gods with this but I don't want to do that. I-I just want to go back to camp and eat something for once and get an actual full night of sleep but I can't even do that" I pulled Artemis into a hug and started crying on her shoulder as she hugged me back.

"I cannot help you very much, Zues has forbidden that from Hestia, Prometheus, and I from helping you too much since he thinks we might be using you to take his throne away" Artemis explained, hugging onto me tighter.

I pulled away from her. "What did you want to show me?" I asked, looking up at her as I wiped some tears of my face.

"I wanted to give you this" she handed me a dark brown book with my name written on it in silver. I can hear it whisper my name a couple times and Artemis also handed me two glowing blue orbs.

"One will take you further along the journey so you can get back to camp quicker and one will give you a guide" Artemis explained.

"What's the book for?" I asked, I was about to open it but Artemis stopped me from opening it by clamping her hand over mine, making it shut.

"Promise me you will only open it around the ones you trust, it is very important and you cannot lose it" Artemis said, her beautiful eyes that match the color of the moon stared into my eyes.

"I swear on the river Styx I will only open it around the people I trust" I replied, she smiled at me making me smile.

We sat in silence as we smiled at each other, her smile slowly started to fade after a while.

"I recalled you're eyes being silver, correct?" She asked, I nodded.

"My eyes are silver. I don't understand what you're talking about" I answered, my hands started shaking.

"Did you're animal friend not tell you?" Artemis asked, tilting her head down at me.

"Apparently not. Is there something wrong with my eyes?" I asked.

She shook her head. "There is nothing wrong with you're eyes, I was just mistaken as it of a blue color."

"Oh, okay."


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