Chapter 29

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I stared at the floor as there was no noise. No sound. Nothing. Bronxe wasn't saying anything or doing anything. We were both traumatized. We need to go back to camp before one of us go insane.

I was starting to pinch my arm till the marks started to bleed. This is a dream. No, not not a dream, a nightmare. I reassured myself.

I kept pinching my arm, wishing there was something I could do.

"Hurting yourself won't work, Luna. You just have to give up, there's nothing we can do except wait" Bronxe said.

"Trying won't hurt" I replied.

"You're hurting yourself trying, just give up. There's no way for us to leave" Bronxe said.

Okay, Bronxe and I have been trying to find ways to escape. I tried turning into a mouse and crawling under the door. I tried becoming a wolf and trying to unlock the door with my nail. But all I got was exausted and a broken nail.

Both of our heads snapped over towards the door as there was the faint sound of running and a scream.

I took out the dagger as the door opened and Khione came inside with the faint sound of running down the hall.

"She's here. Kill Khione with the dagger" Prometheus said.

"Kill him! You're quest to kill the gods starts now!" She exclaimed, pointing out into the hallway.

I walked next to Khione and saw Nico stop running and fall when he saw me.

Bronxe held out his paw. "I need a hero! I'm holding out for a hero till' the morning light! He's gotta be strong and he's gotta kill Khione before the mornin' light!" Bronxe sang, I couldn't help but giggle.

"L-Luna?" Nico stuttered, I smiled.

"What happened to calling me moon?" I asked and stabbed Khione in her heart. Good ichor splattered all over Bronxe and I as she slowly slid down to the floor and her eyes became lifeless.

I dropped the dagger as it became a harmless old dagger and looked back over to Nico.

"Let's go, I'd like to go eat something that's not poisoned" I said, I went over to Nico and helped him back up. Then I went over to the staircase.

"Did you plan that? Did you even know I was coming? Do I even get a thanks?" Nico questioned, I stopped at the door.

"Yes I planned that. Yes I knew you were coming. And I should get a thanks for basically saving you" I replied and opened the door, I started looking around the house. It was... old. There was mold and dust everwhere and it was just gross.

"I see why I could give you a thanks. But I don't even know what happened to you" Nico said.

"I-I really don't want to talk about it" I replied and hugged Bronxe closer to me.

"Are you sure?" Nico asked, concerned.

"Bruh, she said she didn't want to talk about it. So let's take a pin and put it in this conversation" Bronxe said, he seemed pretty upset but it's not like I can sense what he can feel. Just hear what he wants to say.

"I'll tell you later" I walked towards the door, but Nico stopped me before I could open the door and pulled me into his arms.

"I wouldn't want to go outside id I were you" Nico said.

"Why?" I asked.

"If you hadn't noticed, we're in Alaska. It's freezing outside and you're only wearing a t-shirt and pants" he replied.

"And why would you care?" I asked, not looking at him.

"Are you still mad at me for what happened behind my cabin? I promise, she-" Nico was cut off by me.

"Nico, I was basically being tortured for hours possibly and you want to bring that up?" I asked, getting out of his grip.

"Luna, you've been missing for three weeks," Nico corrected "not hours."

"How come I didn't know I was gone for three weeks?!" I exclaimed, Nico shrugged.

"I honestly don't know. Time must fly by when you're locked in a basement" he replied, I punched his arm.

"Well, I'd like to go back to camp now" I said, tapping my foot on the ground and changing the subject.

"Actually, I was told I had to Iris message Chiron as soon as I found you and Bronxe. Plus, you look like you could use something to eat and some sleep before we go back to camp" Nico explained. "I can take you to a hotel nearby, get you some clothes and something to eat. Then take you back to camp."

I stood there for a minute, thinking of my answer.

"Come on, Luna. It'll be fine, I forgot what it feels like to sleep on the end of the bed. And those dark circles are huge under you're eyes, honey" Bronxe said, I tried to hide my smile.

"Fine" I reply. A nap would be nice. I thought to myself.

Nico grabbed my arm and ran into a shadow. I closed my eyes thinking he was crazy but when I opened them, I was near a hotel.

Nico was right, it was freezing out. It was starting to get dark out and the sunset was in my eyes.

Nico pulled me into the hotel and ordered a room. It must've been really expensive since the room was a sweet.

But I instantly went into the room, crawled onto the bed with Bronxe and fell asleep.


Good idea in my brain! Best read this A/N!!

When I finish this story, I should make a special with Luna, Frank, and Alex Fierro. (Or however you spell his last name)

It'll be amazhang!

A daughter of Artemis (Nico Di Angelo x reader fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt