Chapter 12

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~(Nico's Pov)~

Luna fell asleep on me, I know that she heard me say that I loved her in Italian. I hope she don't know how to speak Italian.

She started to get uncomfortable on my shoulder so I move her onto my lap so her head would rest on my other shoulder. She burried her face into my neck and gave me shivers.

Her soft snores could make my heart stop, her little smile on her face while she's asleep made me blush. The way her hair gets in her face while she's asleep is too adorable. Sometimes I just want to trace the moon on her forehead, but I can't.

It takes everything in me just to not give her a kiss, I don't want her rejecting me.

~(Time skip)~
~(Luna's Pov)~

Nico woke me up a while after I fell asleep and told me that it was time for lunch.

I had a salad since I was still tired but before I left the dining pavilion I was stopped by Damien.

"Luna, do you wanna hang out with me at the beach?" He asked, and I kindly accepted.

It was getting pretty stormy out like a thunder storm was about to happen. Wonder what Zeus got pissed off about.

Me and Damien where sitting on the sand staring at the water.

This is you're chance to see if Damien likes you!! I thought.

"Damien, are you looking for a girlfriend?" I asked.

Thunder boomed and it started to rain.

"Not really, dating is overated, it just slows you down. Plus, I don't need a girlfriend till I'm twenty or older" Damien said.

Lighting shot across the sky and the rain started to pour a little harder. Campers were scurying back to there cabins but I just say there in shock.

My heart felt snapped in two, tears threatened to spill outta my eyes.

"I have to go" I said and got up.

"Wait, where are you going?" Damien asked but I was too far away to be able to hear him.

I was walking, I was drowning in an ocean of regret for asking.

I kept walking until I knew I was away from camp. Rain started to pour to the point to where it hurt when it hit you're skin.

I didn't care obviously, I kept walking through the woods until a bear cub cry stopped me.

The noise was depressing for me to hear, so I did what I had to, I followed the noise.

I stopped when I found it in the road, I walked to the cub and got down on both knee's and started to pet it.

The rain stopped all of the sudden and the sun slowly peeked out from the clouds. Wow. Almost feels like a dramatic love story. I thought.

"Where's you're momma, little bear?" I silently asked, I knew that it wasn't gonna answer but rather be safe than sorry.

"I lost my mommy this morning" I heard, my head shot up and looked around.

"What are you doing? Is there something there that wants to hurt me?" I heard it again.

"Who's there" I said alloud.

"Daughter of Artemis, I'm pretty sure that were the only ones here" the voice said.

"Who are you?" I demanded.

"Why, it's me, the cub that you're helping" I looked down.

"Y- You can talk" I said.

"Well, only to you" the cub said.

A daughter of Artemis (Nico Di Angelo x reader fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt