Chapter 2

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If many of you are wondering why I live with my aunt instead of my parents. Well, Hestia always told me that my mom and dad died in a car crash after I was born while she was watching me for them. And then I was givin' to her so she can raise me.

"Sup, guys" Prati said while walking through the door with Sebastian and Violet following behind.

"What do you guys wanna do?" I asked.

"Can we put out stuff in you're room first?" Violet asked.

"Sure, come back out when you're done" I replied and they all raced to my room.

"You're so lucky to have find friends that are specail like you. It's such a shame that you have to leave with Percy Jackson already." Hestia whispered as she prepared to make dinner. I didn't really understand what she said though.

"What did you say, Hestia?" I asked and turned my attention off the tv to her.

I never thought it was weird that she had the name of a Greek goddess. I always thought it was unique for her to be called that.

"N-Nothing" Hestia said and only Violet and Prati walked into the room.

"Where's Sebastian?" I asked and got my answer immediately after I said that.

"Geez Luna, you have allot of candy under you're bed! I'm surprised that Hestia didn't find this out already! I'm pretty sure ten bags full of candy is enough! Don't ya think?" Sebastian shouted.

I jumped off the couch and instantly sprinted down the hall and into my room.

"What are you doing snooping inside my room?!" I asked and pushed Sebastian out of my room and started re- hiding it.

I hid the candy inside my drawer under some clothes inside and opened the room door back up. "Don't snoop for my candy again, Harry Potter" I said.

"Why don't you guys go into the basement and settle you're argument." Hestia said and of course we obeyed her. The last thing we want is to get Hestia pissed.

Many of you might be thinking that were weirdos for playing in the basement. But, it's actually the most private room in my house. We could have a loud orgy down here and no one would hear us. But, it's not like we would have an orgy, Hestia would kill me if I did that. I also don't swear around her either.

We all grabbed a bean- bag from the corner of the basement and made a circle in the middle of the room.

"We should play truth or dare" Prati suggested.

"Yeah, but after Luna grabs all ten bags of candy that she has stashed" Sebastian said and sunk more in his bean bag.

"And grab my Xylophone (A/N Zye- low- phone is how it's said)" Prati said and sat up in her bean bag.

"Fine. You couch potatoes" I said and got up and walked to the stairs.

"We're the best couch potatoes you've ever known" Violet said.

"Dude, you're the only couch potatoes I know" I said and went to my room.

I went over to Prati's bag and grabbed her Xylophone case that was next to her bag. Then, I went over to my bed and reached under my pillows and grabbed my candy.

Maybe I should go see what Hestia's doing? I thought and walked towards the kitchen.

"Hey, Hestia, what are you doing?" I asked.

She turned around and smiled at me. "Figuring out what I should make for dinner, and you better not spoil you're appetite with that candy." Hestia said and pointed at the candy by my side.

"I won't" I said and smiled back at her.

"You better not. Why aren't you hanging out with you're friends in the basement?" Hestia asked and returned to what she was doing.

"I just wanted to know what you were doing" I replied.

"Luna! What's taking so long?! You having diarrea or something!?!" Sebastian shouted up the basement stairs.

Hestia laughed. "You better go to you're friends before they get too impatient" Hestia said.

I laughed and ran downstairs into the basement of the house.

"Geez, Luna, what took you so long? You have massive diarrea or something?" Sebastian asked as I handed Prati her Xylophone and sat down in my bean bag with my candy.

"No, I did not have massive diarrea. I was in the kitchen with my aunt Hestia" I explained.

"Oh," Sebastian said "then the least you can do is give us some candy."

"What's the magic word?" I asked.

"Please?" Sebastian said in a somewhat courious voice.

"No, it was pickle, but that was close enough." I got up and handed everyone a bag. "Each of you get one bag, and only one bag of candy."

"Who wants to hear me play my Xylophone?" Prati asked and we looked over at her and she literally already to play. (But it wouldnt be that hard to get it ready). She was sitting on the hard concrete floor with a tiny mallet in each hand. She had her Xylophone infront of her and had an excited smiled with determined eyes.

"Huh! Can you play flight of the bumble bee's?" Violet asked, we loved it when Prati played that song. It sometimes reminds me of spooky scary skeletons.

"Sure," Prati said and with that, she started to play. (Que music above 👆). Her mallets danced across the keys like no problem. The sound of the music made me want to talk asleep.

She played that song so many times that it's basically our theme song. So, I was kinda sad when the song ended. But, I was happy I got to hear it again.

(Time skip to Monday morning)
Beep. Beep. Beep.

The alarm went off, shouting at me to wake up through a loud and annoying noise. But calming me down when it's off.

I did my morning rituals like everyone. Got up, got dressed, ate breakfast, and brushed my teeth. But I'm only telling you all this because something very rare happened to me and my friends... The new kids wanted to walk with us.

Let me tell you the story.

I just got out of my house and me and my friends were just starting to walk when... we heard someone shout for us to stop. We turn around and see, Percy Jackson and his two friends coming towards us.

We had no other choice but to let them walk with us. One, Hestia would be upset and two, wouldn't it be awkward for them to just go to the other side of the street?

The annoying part is how many questions that Percy Jackson kid asked us.

"How many schools were you kicked out of?" Percy asked.

"You don't get kicked out of this school. You have to deal with Mrs. Artflex, the most evilest school counselors alive. She's meant to 'help' troubled kids if they get 'to crazy' at times" Prati said.

Percy was the only one asking questions. Annebeth was trying to change the subject with basic conversation. And Nico... he was just looking, no not looking. Staring at me, I was believing he might've been checking me out. But, there was a possibility he was shocked of how much of a freak show I am. I don't know what to think anymore.

I felt someone grab my left arm and I turned my attention over to Prati who was grabbing my arm.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Whisper" Prati demanded in a low voice. "Me, Annebeth, and Violet have noticed that Nico is checking you out. So, after gym during lunch, were going to help you hook up with Nico Di Angelo."

"Gross, Prati, just gross" I whispered.

"How is it gross? He's pretty cute."

"Never in a million years my friend."

"You'll be regretting this soon, Luna"

"Pfft, the only thing I regret is becoming you're friend."

"You're gonna regret that too, just wait."

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