Chapter 30

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I woke up to the feeling of a pillow hitting my face. What a way to wake up.

"What was that for?" I asked.

"You started whispering weird things in you're sleep.. and I was a little too scared to ask you up" Nico replied, lowering the pillow.

"You should be scared" I stated and Nico chucked a plastic bag full of clothes at me, I glared at him.

"Those are you're new clothes, now go shower" Nico demanded, I pushed past him and went inside the bathroom with Bronxe.

I gave Bronxe a bath first, his fur started to smell. When I was finished, I put him back into the room we were in and went to take a shower.

~(time skip)~

Once I was finished and out of the shower, I grabbed the plastic bag that was sitting on the sink and opened it.

"Really, Nico?" I thought aloud, the bag had a black wavy dress with black stockings and white flowers on it, it even had black heels inside aswell.

A shirt and pants would be just fine, it's not like we're going to the fanciest place on earth. Did he get it to make me feel better? Or did he get it because I'm a girl? I thought to myself.

I looked up at the mirror at stared at my features.

If I was male, I wouldn't be treated like a doll. If I was male, I probably wouldn't have been captured. If I was male, I wouldn't have been called a 'weak demigod.' If I was male, I would be in my cabin right now instead of this place. Why female? I thought as I stared at the mirror. But my thoughts were interupted when there was loud banging on the door.

"Hurry up! We have to leave soon!" Nico exclaimed, slamming his fist at the door. See? Boys get to make all the decisions. Boys get to decide how long I take in the bathroom. And boys somehow get to decide what I wear. It's almost like females don't even have rights still.

I replied with an "Okay" and he left, leaving the room silent again.

Just this once, plus the stockings look okay. I thought and put the clothes on, I didn't want to wear this outfit.

"You done yet?!" Nico shouted from the other room.

"Nico, I'm not comfortable wearing this" I replied.

"You'll be fine. Stop acting like a child" he said, it's like he doesn't even care.

I opened the door to the bathroom and walked out, covering myself with my arms.

At least the the dress has long sleeves. I thought, suddenly remembering about the snowflakes.

"Why did he make you look like somebody's friendly neighborhood ho-" Bronxe was cut off by Nico.

"There's a sweater by the door for you. Let's go" he said, I sighed.

~(time skip)~

He made me look like an idiot just to go to a stupid fast food resturant that Bronxe wasn't even able to go inside.

We were walking back to the hotel so we can get some more sleep before we leave. Honestly, I'm ready to ditch Nico and just walk all the way back to camp with Bronxe.

Anxiety started to overwhelm me as we kept walking. What if Khione comes out of nowhere and takes me again? I asked myself. I officially have a fear of winter.

Once we were back at the hotel, Nico and Bronxe easily fell asleep. But I sat on the hotel bed in silence.

"I normally don't like stealing, but if it'll make you comfortable then I'm going to try and help you. Nico left his wallet on the coffee table in the small living area. Take out a twenty and only a twenty and go to the store and get something that suits you" Prometheus said.

"But wouldn't he be mad at me when finds out twenty dollars are missing?" I asked.

"Hades is the God of riches. Nico is going to have a huge amount of money in his wallet. That's why he even has a wallet" Prometheus explained, I nodded my head.

I snuck into the living area and grabbed the wallet. I opened it and quickly took out a twenty, then I put the wallet back where it was.

I quickly went to the nearest store and got a baggy blue T-shirt with a pair of black pants.

I tip toed back inside and went inside the bathroom.

I didn't do anything particular in the bathroom, just being weird and looking at myself in the mirror.

"Prometheus, sir?" I asked aloud, no response.

"Prometheus? Are you there?" I asked again, no response.

Does he only speak to me when I need him. I thought, I just shook my head at it. Maybe he just can't hear my prayers. Plus, I need somebody to talk to.

I stared at my silver eyes and the moon crescent on my forehead as I kept asking to at least hear him say something. Each one got no response. It's like when you text you're bff but they never respond and you get really worried if something happened to them. Thats how I feel.

He's probably busy getting his organ ripped out by an eagle. I reassured myself. He'll probably answer me later.

I went to the bed where I was sleeping and cuddled up to Bronxe. Then eventually falling asleep.

Sorry this Chapter took so long. I've been busy because I have school and I got allot of ideas for this story that I'm probably going to make an A/N about.

P.s. there's only going to be a happy ending since I've been checking the sad ending and realized it doesn't make sense but I might change it up and still have it happen.

Be expecting the A/N and the next Chapter, I am seriously enjoying writing this story and I hope you enjoy reading this.

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