Goddess' Blade (Additional Content)

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(This is an additional section to the Goddess' Blade oneshot. I was originally going to add this at the end, but I didn't want the oneshot to become too long. Besides, this seemed more like an alternative ending anyway, but I figured it could still be like an epilogue to the oneshot.)

Zane was never coming back.

The tears fell more and more as Gene realized and remembered this, but he ultimately had to accept it in the end. There was nothing he or anyone could do, not even Aphmau had the power to keep Zane alive and awake in their world.

From the main chamber of the Sealed Temple, Aphmau could sense Gene's sorrow. Ein had just left for Skyloft, and she and Gene were the only ones left now. The old woman of the temple, who had turned out to be Hylia in their time, had passed away a few days ago. She too felt grieve for Zane's eternal slumber and essential death, but Gene's connection with him was far greater.

The reborn version of the Matron turned to the grand doors of the Sealed Temple, the ones she had used to enter the structure not too long ago. She headed back out, and to the statue of Lady Irene that had once been part of Skyloft.


Years later, Gene returned to the Sealed Grounds and the Sealed Temple.

Progress on bringing human life to the surface was going well. Once he and Aphmau had returned to Skyloft to tell their story, they managed to convince some people to go with them to start new life. The very first village they had started building was at the heart of the land, which they had named Ru'an, and was called Phoenix Drop. Aphmau, the Matron reborn, would be the ruler of the land until she passed on. Gene, the hero of legend, would be her head commander of her armies and the royal guard.

Aphmau had actually sent him a letter, asking him to meet her here. It had been quite a few years since either of them had last stepped foot on the quiet, sacred grounds. It was almost nostalgic for Gene, all the memories coming back at him like a tidal wave.

He tied his horse, a fine stallion named Epona, to one of the stone pillars outside of the temple. He approached it, giving a glance to the statue of Lady Irene, before entering. The sound of the doors opening echoed throughout the ancient building, making the princess of Ru'an aware of his arrival. She turned to him with a warm smile, clutching the Matron's Harp in her arms.

"You came...." Aphmau whispered, as talking loudly was not necessary. "There's something I want to talk to you about."

"I assumed as much, but why here of all places?" Gene asked her, doing a small bow of respect. "You usually call me to Phoenix Drop for these things.... does it involve the Master Sword?"

"Yes, it does." She nodded, turning her head to one of the side rooms. "Come, Gene. There's something I need to show you.."

Curious, the hero of legend followed the princess to the room. He easily remembered this room, even though he had only been in there twice. It was the room where Aphmau had entered a type of stasis or a coma, encased by some kind of amber crystal. The doors opened quite easily, and inside were the Relics of the Divines.

Gene blinked, before blushing in slight embarrassment. He hadn't even noticed that they were gone when he glanced at Lady Irene's statue outside. Aphmau looked back at him, and let out a laugh when she saw his embarrassed look.

"As I'm sure you're aware, I came here a few years ago to check on the Relics...." She began, clearing her throat. "Don't worry, the Relics are fine. I have actually been coming here quite often to check on them and their progress."

"Their.... progress?" Gene repeated, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes." She nodded, going into detail. "As you and I both know, when all six of the Relics are together, they can grant whatever the holder of it desires. They can lead lands to ages of weslth and prosperity, but if evil claims it then the land could be turned to nothing but ashes and bones."

"Yes.....?" He dragged the word out, not understanding what she was getting at. "Are you trying to make the land healthier?"

"No, the land is already very healthy and stable. What I am using them for... it's for you." She hinted at, winking. "But enough of this, you should go check on the Master Sword."

Gene nodded slowly, turning to head to the Master Sword's chamber. He was still clueless as to what she had been talking about, and pondered on the thoughts the entire way there to the chamber. When he opened the door, the chsnber was the same as it had always been. However, with closer inspection, sometjing seemed.... off.

Gene stepped closer to the Master Sword, and closer still. He didn't know why, but something just didn't feel right in there. He placed a hand on the hilt of the sword, and his eyes widened. The hilt was cold, as always ever since he placed it in the pedestal, but more importantly....

It was void of energy.

Gene pulled his hand away, his eyes wide in slight horror. If the Master Sword was drained of all its energy, what was going on? Was a new darkness rising somewhere? Was the sword just getting old? Was this another one of Lady Irene's doings?

"......... Gene?"

Gene jumped at the sound of a voice that came from somewhere behind him, and whirled around as he drew his sword. His eyes widened when he saw an unfamiliar figure standing there, but at the same time they looked similar to someone he once knew.

They had skin that was as pale as the snow, with contrasting hair that was as black as the night. He could see freckles dotting their face, and he could see one eye that was as blue as the sky from which Gene had been born in. His clothes consisted of a sky blue tunic and black pants, with classic shoes of some sort. Around his shoulders was a cloak or a shawl, with one side being the same black as his hair and the other being pure white. They had a pair of arms, which were, for a majority, covered by black gloves. On their head was a silver circlet, embedded by quartz and with a centerpiece being the symbol of Lady Irene. On their chest was a large jewel that was the same color as the Goddess Crests once they were struck by a Skyward Strike.

"....... Zane......!?" Gene gasped, dropping his sword.

The figure nodded, and a small smile appeared on their face. Their hands were behind their back, and they stood still atbthe top of the staircase, across from Gene.

The black haired male waisted no time in running to his past companion, hugging him tightly once he got to him. The creation of Lady Irene soon hugged back, but it appeared that Zane was still getting used to having arms again.

"I managed to bring Zane back from his essential death, and restore him to his proper form." Aphmau said from the bottom of the staircase, smiling at the two. "It will surely take time for you to grow accustomed to your new body and modern times, Zane, but I'm sure you'll adapt just fine."

Zane nodded at her, now levitating again. He turned to Gene, giving him another smile. Gene smiled back, extending one hand. Zane took it, a light blush on his face. The two walked down the staircase to Aphmau, who seemed drained of energy.

"Thank you, Princess Aphmau." Gene thanked her, smiling.

"Your Grace.... you're a princess now?" Zane asked, blinking as he tilted his head.

"Ah, you were asleep while this happened." Gene chuckled, as they started to head outside. "We've started to begin life on the surface, and Aphmau here is going to rule. You need to see everything for yourself."

"O-Of course....." He stuttered, not sure what to think of it all so far.

"Trust me, you're going to love it." Aphmau said, mounting her horse. "And.... I want you to have this."

Aphmau handed Zane the Matron's Harp, one of the key items in opening a portal to the Silent Realms or obtaining Sacred Flames. The servant took the musical instrument gently, hugging it close to his chest as he did so.

"Thank you, Your Grace." Zane said, but Aphmau was already gone. "Huh. I suppose nothing has changed in that factor."

Gene laughed, but turned to face Zane. He grabbed him by the shoulders, bringing them closer together. Zane blushed a bit as their faces were close, and Gene locked lips with him. When they pulled away, both were blushing intensely.

"I love you, Zane."

"I love you too..... Gene."

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