Cover of Darkness (Part 2)

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"Have you had enough yet, doll?"

Zane was choking on his tears, breathing heavily and gasping for air. He had stopped struggling against the chains, which had left bruises on his wrists and around his ankles. He would've been freezing from the cold temperature of the basement, but he was feeling overheated by all the bloody wounds on him. Hit tears were flowing down his face, splashing onto the cold concrete floor in puddles.

"Aww... don't cry, my love. I had warned you about trying to escape me..." Gene purred, kneeling down and grabbing Zane's chin.

Zane was powerless as he was forced to look up at Gene. The older male was holding a knife in one of his hands, which had blood along the sharp edges. Just looking at the knife seemed to make the cuts on his back and chest hurt even more, and also brought back old memories of his cutting days.

"Look at me." Gene growled, not liking how Zane was trying to avoid his gaze. "I said look at me!"

Zane let out a small gasp as Gene brought his hand to Zane's cheek, the smack echoing off of the walls. He couldn't help but cry now, it was too much for him. But Gene didn't care, Zane knew he didn't care about what Zane wanted in their relationship. It was always about him... always...

"That's better..." Gene smiled, the rage in his eyes lessening as Zane slowly looked at him. "I love your eyes... they're so beautiful, even if they're so different."

Zane couldn't see anything in Gene's eyes other than his sadistic, manipulative nature. He claimed to love Zane, to care about him. You weren't supposed to hurt the people you loved, you weren't supposed to force them to be with you.. that was something he had come to learn during his therapy sessions, after his friends and older brother had forced him away from Gene. Irene, had he been thankful that they did.

Before he realized it, Gene had grabbed the bangs in front of his blind eye. He whimpered as Gene lifted the knife to the locks, and began cutting away at them. He could feel more tears welling up in his working eye, he wanted to scream. And the entire time Gene had a smile on his face, his eyes narrowing as he saw Zane's blind eye.

"Remember this, ZuZu?" Gene asked him, showing him a stuffed toy. "It's LuLu. I got you her for your birthday."

Zane stared at the stuffed toy, trying not to smile at the sight of it. Gene had gotten it for him for his birthday, he just couldn't remember which one. It wasn't the kind of gift that someone usually got for their significant other. This was one Gene had gotten him to buy his love, to make him think everything was okay.

"It's been a little more than a year, ZuZu... you can't keep acting like this." He sighed, unlocking the chains. "Oh, your wrists..."

Zane whimpered as Gene touched his wrists, then his ankles. He took LuLu from the older male as he was picked up, carried in the way a groom would hold his bride. Irene, just the thought of marrying Gene made him want to die.

He loved Gene, he couldn't deny that. He loved him, but he wasn't worth being with. All he ever did was bring him harm, or presents that he used to manipulate him. It had taken him around two whole months to get over him. He didn't want to know how long it would take him this time... if he made it out.

What was he saying? Of course he'd make it out of here.

"I love you." Gene whispered to him, planting a kiss on his lips. "I can't have enough of you, I need ALL of you here with me."

"G-Gene... let go..." Zane whimpered, pulling away from the other.

The older male growled, a frown forming on his face. He raised his hand, and brought it down across Zane's already bruised face. The emo let out a cry of pain as the bruise on his cheek flared with pain, his cries echoing off of the stone walls. Gene pushed him down onto the hard floor, bringing his foot into the side of Zane's torso.

Gene grabbed a handful of Zane's hair, dragging him across the basement and to the wooden steps. Zane reached up, trying to either free himself from Gene's grip, or at least loosen it.

Gene paid no attention to his victim's attempts or pleads for mercy, if anything his cries just made him more upset. He didn't like it when his ZuZu was crying, but the raven had to see the truth. Gene had to make him remember their love, that Gene was the only person who would be able to take care of him.

Zane opened his eye, blinking through his tears to try and see where Gene was raking him now. He highly doubted that his punishment was over, and he knew foir a fact he wasn't letting him go. When he saw that Gene was dragging him up the staircase to his bedroom, Zane began to struggle more.

"O-Oh Irene no.... please Gene, I'm sorry!! I didn't mean to disobey you, I'm sorry!!!!!" Zane screamed, fear pumping through his veins as tears rolled down his face. "Please!!! I-I don't want to, I'm not ready!!!!"

"We failed last time to make a child, my love..." Gene sighed, throwing Zane onto his bed. "But we will try again right now."

"I can't get pregnant, I'm a guy! We don't have that part in our reproductive--" He began, before Gene ripped his clothes off.

"Oh my sweet, sweet darling..." He purred, cupping Zane's cheek in his hand. "We have all the time in the world to test that theory."

"It's not a theory, it's proven science!" He snapped, before his eye widened as Gene took off his belt. (Fuck science.)


"Get used to your new home, ZuZu..."

Gene chuckled darkly as he scooped his lover into his arms, who was tired out from their little... "fun". He carried him over to the cage he had placed in his closet, setting him inside. He chained his wrists and ankles to the bars of the cage, setting the blanket over his body. He shut the gate of it, locking it and standing up. He began to close the closet, the most sadistic Yandere look on his face.

"Because you are NEVER leaving me again... even if I have to kill us both."

Zene Oneshots Volume 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant