The Fallen Human

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During the earliest ages known, two races ruled over the planet Earth. They were known as Humans and Monsters.

One day, war broke out between the two races. The Humans, unable to use Magicks to the same extent as the Monsters, felt threatened by the other race's capabilities in the unknown. This was known as the Downfall of the Monsters, nicknamed this by the Humans who had emerged victorious. Using what little abilities they had in Magicks, the Humans sealed the race of Monsters deep, deep underground, creating a barrier so they could never escape. Thus began a new era on Earth, the era without the Monsters.

Many years later....

All of the Humans starved to death, never to be seen again. Due to their overpopulation of the surface, they killed all the animals for their meats. Their factories and daily garbage had poisoned and polluted the environment-- land, sky, and ocean--to the point where all the fruits and vegetables withered away and their seeds died. Oxygen became scarce.

Down beneath the surface, what was known as the Underground, the Monsters felt no pity for the Humans whatsoever. In their eyes, the Humans deserved it. The king and queen of the Monsters had only cared for one Human, a little girl named Aphmau, before she was lost alongside their son. In their eyes, the Humans had driven themselves to their own extinction, even though the Earth had tried so desperately to save the majority of them.

In a sense, the once lush planet succeeded in that. While they were nearly extinct, a few Humans managed to survive in this new, unfamiliar world. They returned to their origins, back to the ways of survival in nature as it was meant to be.

Until one day a human fell to the Underground.


"Ugh.... ow..."

The fallen Human groaned in pain as they pushed themselves up, after falling down for what seemed like an eternity. He had landed on a large patch of flowers, an indescribable glowing shade of yellow... gold. Managing to stand up on his legs, he staggered through the vast tunnel he had fallen into.

"Oh no...."

The hunan looked up slowly, seeing one of the golden flowers up ahead, in a single patch of green grass. The flower looked wilted, shriveled, and on the verge of dying. Apart from that, the flower had a face. There was so much fear inside of their eyes... it made the Human feel bad for them. The Human only had a brief memory of emotions, feelings created by the mind from when everything was happy for the Human race.

"H-Human... p-please..." The flower started to beg, weeping as their single leaf started to shake. "Please don't kill me.... what did I do to deserve this..? Please..."

Even though they had a sharp stick in hand, a spear they used for hunting what little food was around, the Human just stood there. They refused to hurt the poor, weak flower. From what it sounded like, they had been through a literal Hell. Maybe this was Hell. Maybe the Human had died when they fell, and this was Hell. Maybe they were being punished for the sins committed by humanity for all of their existence.

"D.. Did you just...?" The flower started, looking up at them with hope. "I've never seen someone spare anything... t-thank you!"

The Human managed a smile, kneeling down to talk with the flower some more. As they had suspected, this flower had had a very difficult life. Apparently they hadn't always been a flower, and were once a humanoid goat. The flower also warned him about someone who lived in the cavern, which he called the Ruins. Another goat, this one named Maria. She was once his mother, but years of loneliness had turned him insane.

"My name is Flowey, but...." The flower started, smiling. "I'll trust you with my real name... it's Gene..."

"Ah.... nice to know you, Gene." The Human said, brushing their black hair aside.

"Do you have a name?" Gene asked, before remembering what had happened to the Humans. "I-I don't mean to bring up any bad memories!!"

"No, no it's alright...." They responded, wincing a bit at the flashbacks. "I.... I do have a name.... it's one of the few things I remember..."

"Well... what is it?" He questioned, tilting his head.

"Call me.... Zane."

(Yeah I know, this one wasn't that good and wasn't that long. I wanted to give you guys something before the storm gets too bad over here. I was watching comic dubs for UnderFell, and I have to say that both Flowey and Sans in this AU are mt favorites. I originally had DreamTale as my favorite AU, but I think it's UnderFell actually.)

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