His Voice

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(Me: It's almost 11 at night, I should get some sleep for the graduation party.

Also me: Let's go on Wattpad, and visit the pity party you created with those last two questions.

Me: Fine. *goes on Wattpad* Now let's get some sleep.

Also me: Let's remember everything we just saw on Instagram!

Me: Alright, what do you want from me?

Brain: *slams hand down on the Angst Oneshot Button*


"You're too young, dammit!"

Gene whirled around, startled by the sudden cry. It had belonged to a deep voice, one that sounded irritated and impatient. Huh, like all people nowadays, if you really thought about it. It was hard to find someone who actually cared, and those that did were always cold on the outside, labeled as emos and goths, or way too emotional and naive.

"Too young for...?" The teenager trailed off, raising an eyebrow.

"To know anything about that shit." The adult growled, rolling their eyes.

"I'm too young, you say?" The teenage laughed slowly, it was kind of a mixture of creepiness and amusement. "To know my own sexuality, to be depressed, to feel hatred, to have opinions and a voice, to defend what I feel is right, to have any serious issues? That I'm too young, stupid, and naive? Well... you're right."

Gene blinked in confusion, narrowing his eyes at the teenager. He easily recognized the face, but with that voice and attitude, it just didn't match up. It was Zane Ro'Meave, one of the freshman at Phoenix Drop High. He was a oddball of his family, the one who didn't belong.

"Speak clearly, if you're gonna speak at all." The adult huffed, and Gene honestly wanted to fight him.

"You say that I'm too young to constantly be thinking of bullets firing through our schools, wounding and killing off our classmates, friends, and relatives as they drop to the ground. Our last memories of them filled with screams, blood, fear, and regret." Zane said, his voice a monotone. "I'm too young to be afraid of being by myself every time I walk on the streets, keeping a close eye on every person I pass, woman or man."

By that point, several people had stopped what they were doing to listen in. Some parents had covered the ears of their young children, quickly pulling them into their cars, a store, or turning around and walking back the way they came from. Gene had stepped into the crowd at this point as well, joining the other adults, elders, and teenagers who had gathered. Zane seemed to not notice them, but he did project his voice more and spoke more calmly.

"I'm too young to find my best friend or relative in a pool of their own blood, all life from their body gone. I'm too young to worry about not seeing friends or family the next day because they were driven to suicide, feeling it was better than living. I'm too young to see a black person on the news because they were shot, with the middle aged cop claiming it to be self-defense, even though that man was innocent and unarmed. I'm too young to know about Muslims and immigrants being killed because they're from a different country, have different cultures, being seen as terrorists, when really they are just innocent people who want nothing more than to be with their families. I'm too young to worry about my sexuality, to worry about lgbt friends being killed or sent off to conversion camps. I had a friend who went through that, and when she came back she didn't even know my damn name or who I fucking was. I'm too young to know the grief and loss over people who died because no one would help them, because they called their cries fake and claimed they didn't know what 'real' pain was at such an age. I'm too young to be beaten every day of my childhood by family members because I don't please them. I'm too young to be in this war of politics and hatred."

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