High School Sweetheart

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(I was watching Michaela's video of the game Monster Prom which she played with Jess, and got this idea.)

Everyone has their high school sweetheart.

Gene very well knew his sweetheart, a male that no one had really expected him to take interest in. It was getting close to the winter festival, only three weeks away to be exact. Everyone was getting a date for the festival, or at least trying to. There was a specific group of people that everyone wanted the attention of, Gene included. His sweetheart was in that group, after all.

Aphmau Bravura, the loving Werewolf Alpha Female. She had a childish nature, not to mention a little moody. She was also one of the shortest people in the school, which she often got huffy about.

Aaeon Lycan, the silent and shy Werewolf Alpha Male. He was an introvert and got in a lot of fights, but he was honest and took care of his Werewolves. He always had a red bandana with him, even if it was against school rules.

Garroth Ro'Meave, a charming male with a positive attitude. He was the oldest of his group of siblings, with two younger brothers. He was a bit of an airhead and was gullible, but overprotective and the ideal boyfriend for a ton of the girls at the school.

Laurance Zvhal, who was also quite a charmer. He was more of a casanova than Garroth was, but also had more issues with his emotions. He was also Garroth's best friend, which have him quite a handful of girls and boys to deal with.

Travis Valkrum, the school pervert. He often had trouble getting the ladies, but that didn't stop him. He was a close friend of Aphmau's, and got most of his dating advice from Dante.

And then.... there was Zane.

Zane Ro'Meave was the middle child of his family, with Garroth being his older brother. He had been considered the freak of the school, a social recluse. He was easy to embarrass and he looked cute when he blushed, not to mention his freckles. He was cuddly and clingy, with detachment issues. That must have been what made him such a target in people's eyes, he was just a broken doll who needed to be fixed.

That was Gene's high school sweetheart.

He remembered how close they had been physically. Every day Zane used to scout the entire school for Gene and his gang, begging him to let him join. One day Zane had finally given up on joining, and then he really was all alone with no one to talk to. Then Aphmau stepped into his life, and everyone started to notice him. Gene had tried to talk to Zane multiple times, but the others had stopped him every single time.

Gene had actually started to miss those days.

Skipping class yet again, he hid out in the library. The librarian was never in there anyway, so it was one of the perfect places to hang out when skipping classes. At least, if you were a bookish kind of person, obviously. Gene couldn't smoke in the library, it would set off the smoke detectors and set off the fire alarms.

Turns out he wasn't the only person who had planned to skip class by hiding out in the library. He heard two people talking, a male and a female. Glancing at the entryway to the library, he saw Aphmau and his little sweetheart.

"How can they just give us a test on the chapter we just started!?" Aphmau asked with a groan, plopping down onto one of the beanbag chairs.

"I don't know, this entire school system is a waste of time, building materials, and money if you ask me." Zane shrugged, picking up a book.

"Anyway... didn't you say you got like a fourty nine on the history test?" She asked, sitting up.

"Yeah, but I don't know how!" He replied, annoyance clear in his voice. "I read the chapter twice, and I studied for eight hours every day over the weekend!"

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