Doki Doki

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(The oneshot doesn't follow the MMD, but I really liked it and wanted to share it. The song is called Doki Doki Forever.)

The Literature Club.

It was a small club, really just a group of friends who had a love for writing. They wrote and shared poems, and read manga and books together. The Club President was Gene Charleston, an incredibly popular guy at the school. The other members were Aphmau Bravura, Laurance Zhval, and Ivy McLean. Plus, starting today, Zane Ro'Meave.

Zane Ro'Meave... there was something about him that was just... different. It was a good kind of different, Gene definitely knew that much. The others had noticed it as well, almost as soon as Gene did. Zane was just so... alive, so to speak. Everything about him was genuine. His feelings, his writing, his cooking (which honestly wasn't that good, but Gene left that out). The only thing that wasn't genuine about him was his smile, and it wasn't just because he always wore a mask that covered his mouth and freckles. Oh yeah, Gene knew about those.

Leaning against the wall at the back of the classroom, Gene watched and listened as the other four talked to each other. He couldn't really see Zane, since Aphmau was blocking the way, but he knew that the newbie was enjoying being a part of the club. They hadn't done much yet, but they would once Gene got every part of his plan right.

"Come on, Zane! Let's read some manga." Ivy shouted, already pulling Zane towards the manga. "I heard that the newest volumes are to die for!"

"B-But I wanna practice writing with him!" Aphmau pouted, grabbing onto Zane's other arm. "And you had him all yesterday!"

"Girls, don't fight. Zane isn't an object." Laurance cut in, looking up from his tea. (No Zero, I didn't steal your tea sipping Laurance. Yuri.)

"Shut up and make your tea, Laurance!" Ivy growled, pulling on Zane's arm harder.

"Let him go, Ivy!" Aphmau cried, pulling on Zane's other arm more.

Gene rolled his eyes at their childish behavior, crossing his arms. Laurance had gone back to making his tea, murmuring something about them both having crushes on Zane. Gene pondered on that thought for a moment, before realizing that Zane was looking at him.

'Help me' Zane was mouthing to him, since he sometimes loosened his mask during the club hours. He trusted the Literature Club more than his own older brother, Garroth Ro'Meave. Based off of what Zane had told him about how Garroth treated him personally, Gene couldn't blame him.

"Alright guys, seriously, stop before you hurt Zane." Gene sighed, walking over to them. "If you can't decide who gets to spend time with Zane, then either neither of you do, or he picks who he wants to spend time with."

Gene waited a moment, before smirking. "Obviously it would be me."

"No way!" Ivy shot back, huffing as she crossed her arms, letting go of Zane.

"I guess that's fair..." Aphmau admitted, letting go of Zane's arm too. "Letting Zane pick who he wants to hang out with, I mean."

"Oh so you two will listen to Gene, but not to me?" Laurance asked, his saltiness clear in his tone. "I feel betrayed and salty."

"Oh, trust me, Laurance..." Gene started, his voice slow and in a monotone. "This isn't the only time you'll feel betrayed and salty."

It technically was true, even if not in this world. You see, even though his knowledge was limited, Gene knew that this world had only been created for the entertainment purposes of a oneshot. He knew all of his actions and words, even his own thoughts at the moment, were being controlled by invisible puppet strings that were attached to the Admin's mind. He knew it was the same for the other characters too, even Zane. And by what he meant, when he said that wouldn't be the only time, was actually a reference to the Admin's signature and symbolic AU.

"Well, go on, Zane." Aphmau said to him, changing the subject. "Who do you wanna hang out with?"

"Um..." Zane trailed off, nervously glancing at both of them.

Checking his thought process, Gene saw that Zane actually wanted to hang out with Laurance. Of course that was not a currently available option, but it was what he would have preferred. If that kept up, Gene would have to take care of Laurance. Laurance and his tea.

"O-Oh, look at the time!" Zane laughed suddenly, checking the clock on the wall. "I have to get home and help my mother prepare dinner! See you guys tomorrow!"

With that, Zane bolted out of the classroom that the Literature Club gathered in. All four of them looked at the doorway, blinking in synchronized confusion. Laurance was the one who had the least confusion, replaced by "sorrow" as he noticed his cup of tea had spilled over from Zane running past.

"My tea!" He cried, sinking to the floor as he hugged his knees.

"Whatever, I didn't even want to read manga with him anyway!" Ivy huffed, her Tsundere personality kicking in. "I was just being nice because he's part of the club!"

"I didn't know that Zane still lived with his parents.." Aphmau said slowly, blinking. "I always met him at Garroth's house when we walk to school together.."

Aphmau was right, because Zane didn't live with his parents anymore. In this world, when the oldest member of a family became sixteen, they could move out and start their own life. They could take their younger siblings with them, but only if the siblings agreed to it.

Zane lived with Garroth, who had... well, abused him. He kept the raven haired teenager locked up in his room all day, whether it be a school day or a weekend, only letting him out to use the bathroom and leave for school. But that wasn't the abusive part. If Zane didn't do his chores right, stayed out too long on a Friday night, didn't do his homework, or got a bad grade on a test he would get hit. That was one of the reasons why Zane always wore that mask, to hide the bruises on his face.

"I should probably start heading home too." Gene announced, heading for the door. "Dante asked me to help him study for his upcoming tests. Club dismissed."


"What do you want, Gene?"

"I came to help Zane study... surely that isn't a problem, right Garroth?"

"No... not at all. Come right in.."

Walking past Garroth as he entered the house, Gene made his way to Zane's door. He knew which one was his by how busted up the hinges looked, and by the light sobbing he heard from inside.

"Zane, it's me Gene." Gene spoke, knocking on the door. "Can I come in?"

The sobbing decreased, a few sniffles sounding. A few seconds later, he heard the clicking sound of the doorknob lock. The door opened slowly, creaking as it did. Gene was pulled in quickly, the door slamming shut and being locked again.

"Zane, what was up with that?" Gene asked, before noticing how beat up he was. "Oh no..."

"Gene, what are you doing here!?" Zane demanded, his voice a low whisper so Garroth wouldn't hear.

"I came to make sure you would be okay.." He sighed, caressing Zane's bruised cheek. "Why would you want to come here earlier than you had to?"

"I was getting too uncomfortable there... I'm sorry..." He apologized, looking down. "I-I know it was stupid of me to run out like that... I didn't know what else to do..."

"It's okay, baby..." He shushed him, hugging him close but gently. "I'm here... you're gonna be okay..."

(Yeah.... Doki Doki!

Do you guys ever want me to write a oneshot where Garroth isn't either abusive or a prick?)

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