The Park

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"What the hell are you doing!?"

Zane growled lowly as the cage got hit again, disturbing him from his sleep. He glared at the people who were surrounding him, some of them being people who had worked for the park. He bared his teeth at them, curling his tail around his legs.

"We have to kill him." One of them decided, a man who was holding a sharp object. A machete, they had called it.

"No." Another growled, a woman with black hair. "We can't kill him."

"What do you mean we can't kill him!?" Another demanded, extending their arms. "He's the reason that damn T-Rex is after us in the first place!"

"And you're the one who locked him in the cage, and decided to try and sell him." She shot back, crossing her arms. "If we kill him here, and Gene finds out, our chances of living are almost at zero."

"So the Dino Human has a name." The first male sighed, shaking his head. "And you named him Gene? For fuck's sake, Aphmau, he's a damn Dinosaur Hybrid, not a cousin."

"It was the name his mother gave him, before you so rudely shot her." The woman, known as Aphmau, bitterly replied.

"What happens if Gene finds us and we have him?" Thhe second one asked, looking at Zane.

"Then we give him back." Aphmau said, rolling her eyes.

She knelt before Zane's cage, slipping in a scrap of meat through the bars. Zane sniffed it, keeping his eye on her as he ate it slowly. She sighed, flashing him a small smile. Her gun was on the floor beside her, and her shock rod was clipped to her belt. Yes, Zane remembered her very well. She was one of the managers of the park, the Jurassic Park, but she had taken care of them the most.

"That's all I could find, sorry." She apologized, watching how quickly he had eaten it. "I'm sorry you got taken from Gene... but I'm gonna get you back to him, I promise."

Zane nodded in understanding. He very easily remembered her facial expression when she saw him in the cage, the anger clear in her eyes. She had been in charge of the management and health/care of the hybrids at the park, so she definitely was not happy to see a bullet wound in Zane's shoulder.

"Home..." Zane muttered, whimpering a bit. "I wanna go home..."

"I'm gonna get you home, Zane.. don't worry." Aphmau nodded, whispering to him.

She gave him another smile, before standing up and heading back to the group of survivors. Zane sighed, exhaling through his nose. Looking out the window, he could see that it was becoming dark out. Nighttime, the humans called it. That meant the Werewolves would be hunting soon, and the Meif'was would go to sleep.

Zane let out a small whine, his sharp teeth showing. Once the others were asleep, Aphmau made her way over to him with an object. It was the thing they had used to put him in the cage, a key was what they called it. She unlocked the cage, helping him out. She gave him a small smile, tears in her eyes as a set of Werewolf ears popped out.

"How come you got to roam freely?" Zane asked in a whisper, having not known that she was a Werewolf brought back from fossils.

"We can hide our ears and tail, Zane." She laughed in a small hush, looking towards the broken windows. "We gotta jump."

Zane followed her over to the windows, making sure to watch his step for any pieces of glass. He may have been half Dinosaur, but that didn't mean he was immune to cuts on his feet. Hopping onto the ledge, Aphmau jumped down first. Zane followed after her, a little less careful. He could find Gene now, and stop him from causing unnecessary death.

"You have to find Gene." She told him, starting to turn to her full wolf form. "I'm gonna find Aaron. Good luck, Zane."

"You too, Aphmau." Zane nodded, before they went their separate ways.


It was daybreak when Zane found Gene.

For someone who was quite loud and caused great destruction when he was angry, Gene had been very hard to find. Zane had been following his scent, but even then it was difficult to find him. When he did, however, that's when the most noise came.

"Gene!!! Gene, I'm here!!!" Zane called out to him, running up to him.

"Oh thank the stars, you're alive!" Gene called back, scooping him up in a tight hug.

Usually Zane would squirm around and try to get out of hugs like these, or any hugs in general. However, after being forcefully taken from his significant other and then being forced into a cage, Zane was beyond delighted to be hugged.

"Where are they?" Gene asked in a low growl, setting Zane down. "The humans? Where are they? I'm gonna rip them all to shreds!"

"The humans didn't let me out. Well, one did, but she was actually a Werewolf." Zane explained, jumping into Gene's path. "Remember Aphmau?"

"The Alpha female? Huh... always full of surprises, her and Aaron." He blinked, grinning slowly.

"Yeah, turns out Werewolves can hide their ears and tail." He nodded, equally impressed with the newly learned ability.

"Well, come on!" He suddenly cheered, ushering Zane along. "I have dinner ready."

"Man, such a perfect day ruined." He sighed, shaking his head.

"You've been around humans way too long. You're picking up their language." Gene groaned, shaking his head too.


"Gene? What are you doing?"

Zane walked up the metal steps of the building, stepping onto the helicopter pad, or whatever it was called. The surface with a giant H painted onto it, where the helicopters landed. He had gone up there because Gene was up there.

Gene looked back at him, gesturing him to come closer. Zane did, stepping to just about the edge of the platform. The view was great from up there, overlooking the main facility of the park and then the ocean. It was beautiful.

"How many hybrids do you think I could scare if I roared?" Gene asked him, giving him a toothy grin.

"I don't know. Let's find out." Zane replied, a small smile forming.

Gene nodded, taking a deep breath. The bird-human hybrids were just starting to take to the air, and most of the other hybrids were up as well by now. It had been a few days since the humans got off the island, and boy were they all glad to say farewell to them.

Taking a step towards the edge of the platform, Gene let out one of his loudest roars. The hybrids who heard it practically wet themselves, leaving the two to laugh in amusement. Zane could hear a song in his head, like what he had heard from a movie on one of the televisions the humans had. Something told him it was for a movie series called Jurassic Park.

"Welcome to the new world." Zane breathed out, his tail flicking.

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