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"Greetings, visitor. How may I assist you?"

Gene looked to the side, hearing someone. Seeing how self-centered he was, it didn't come as much of a surprise to his brother, for him to assume that he was being spoken to. But he was being spoken to, and the Cyborg approaching him proved that.

"Professor Gene Charleston, lead scientist of Boboros in Artificial Intelligence and Cyborgs." The Cyborg read, bringing up a small holographic screen of data. "Are you here for your meeting with Professor Garroth Ro'Meave?"

"Yes, I am." Gene nodded, glancing back at his brother. "You okay, Dante?"

Dante nodded slightly, his facial expression saying that he was uncomfortable being in the presence of the other Cyborg. It was understandable in a way. After all, Dante had been one of the first Cyborgs to exist. It was only normal for him to an ideal image of how a Cyborg should behave.

"Follow me, then." The Cyborg said, turning around and leading the way.


"Gene, how good of you join us. I see you brought your brother as well."

Gene forced a grin onto his face as his meeting with Garroth began. He had to keep himself on Garroth's good side, and the good side of the Ro'Meave Corporation. Since they and the Lycan Corporation were the administers and oversaw all the work dealing with artificial intelligence and cyborgs, if Gene got on their bad sides they could easily take Dante away from him. Gene couldn't let that happen.

"Hello, Garroth." Gene greeted, keeping his voice as calm and friendly as possible. "Is it an issue that I brought him along?"

"No, not at all. In fact, I brought my brother as well." Garroth responded, looking to the side. "Zane, you should come and say hello."

Gene blinked in slight confusion, as he had never heard of there being a "Zane" in the Ro'Meave Family. He had only heard of Garroth and Vylad, his other brother. Perhaps this unheard brother was like Vylad, and not a child of both Zianna and Garte. That would be a logical explanation for why he had never heard of or seen this "Zane".

Zane was a very pale male, with raven black hair that covered one of his eyes. His visible eye was a pale blue color, like winter ice or a clear sky. There was a hint of a digitized and computer program design to the eye, but there were little signs of any emotion in him. He was a bit thin, with a metallic uniform covering a majority of his body. He was a Cyborg.

A black metallic vest was over a shear blue pinstriped shirt, with a matching pair of black metallic shorts, over a pair of kaleidoscope patterned spandex. His right black metallic thigh-high boot reached just above his knee, and the left boot reached to his upper thigh. There were faint luminescent blue wings on the ankles, matching the faint luminescent blue wings on his back acting as suspensions or a brooch. A pair of bicep lenght black metallic arm warmers gloved his arms, with luminescent blue bands hovering over the wrists. A pair of black over-ear metallic headphones was on his head, with blue luminescent buttons on the sides. With him were blue transparent computer screens, floating and lined into a circle around him.

"Yes, big brother?" Zane spoke as he walked towards them, the soles of his metallic boots echoing off the floor. "You called me?"

"Say hello to our two guests-- Professor Gene of Boboros and his brother, Dante." Garroth responded, smiling down at the robotic human.

"Oh...." He mumbled, turning his head to face them. "Hello, I guess..."

"Zane isn't very social, as you can see." He coughed, clearing his throat. "Just don't bother him or get in the way of his work, and you'll be fine."

Zene Oneshots Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now