Fairies of The Forest

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"Zane, my child, you must pick a spouse soon."

"I don't want a spouse!"

The Fairy Queen, a fair young woman by the name of Zianna, took a step back as her second son threw a tantrum. He often did this, so the forest was used to having the ground rumble every few hours or so.

The second prince of the forest was a young boy named Zane, Zane Ro'Meave. He was quite different from his brothers and parents, both in his looks and behavior. He looked like a teenage male version of his mother, yet he took an eternal interest in the gothic look. His older and younger brothers eagerly sought out their spouses as soon as they became of age, but Zane stayed inside the palace, not caring for romance.

"Zane, please reconsider." His mother pleaded, taking one of his small, pale hands in both of hers. "We just want you to be happy."

"I am perfectly content with the life I have as a prince of the forest." Zane told her, but didn't snatch his hand away from his mother.

"But what of all those noble men and women your father and I had introduced you to?" She asked, smiling. "Surely one of them must have caught your eye."

"The appearance of a spouse is only a bonus." He yawned, picking a rose from a bush in the gardens. "How they treat the other in the relationship, and their overall personality, is the most important."

"Oh, Zane...." She sighed, cupping her son's cheek. "My dear, you never leave the palace.. you never speak with anyone outside of family.. how can you possibly find a love?"

"Perhaps I don't desire such a thing." He suggested, making a face.

"Your father may be willing to keep you here, but you will still respect my rules." She stated, frowning in disappointment.

"What rule would you like for me to obey this time?" He asked, sighing heavily.

"If you don't pick a spouse by the end of this week, then I will arrange one for you." She announced, turning and heading out of the palace gardens.

Zane sighed again, plucking the red petals off the thorny flower. He sat down by the fountain, looking down at his reflection. He was aware of the Elf guards at the doors to the garden, but had no knowledge of the three mortals watching him from the bushes.

"Is that the one you desire?" Sasha, the only female of the three, asked the one who was in the middle.

"Yes... I have a plan on how to marry him." Gene, the leader, nodded. "Do you remember that flower that Aphrodite had gifted upon us?"

"Yes... do you plan to use that?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Indeed. When he sleeps next, I will crush the herb into his eye." He told her, narrowing his eyes at the Fairy prince. "Then he shall wake, and I shall be the first thing he sees."

"A plan without failure!" Zenix, the thied Fairy, shouted all too loudly.

"Dammit, Zenix!" Gene hissed, smacking him in the back of the head. "No matter. We will retreat, until it is time."

With that, the three mortals left the palace gardens. Later, however, Gene had returned.


Zane Ro'Meave always slept in the quietest grove in the forest.

After the Elven maidens departed from the grove, carrying a tray of tea and some candles with them, Gene stepped towards the sleeping prince.

He loomed over him in height, so he knelt down to get closer to him. He cupped the side of his face, taking in just every fascinating detail of him. He was a cutie, quite a little Angel one would say. But even if he was cute, he could not love. He felt no love for anyone, even shreds of emotion for family were scarce. He cared not for the feelings of others, and he cared not if others died because of his actions.

But Gene could change that.

Gene would change that, right now.

Bringing the herb from his sleeve, he crushed it in his hand. With heavy caution, he sprinkled the crushed herb across the pale, freckled face of the sleeping prince. He could already see the nectar and fluids of the plant soaking into his skin, especially around his eye.

Now he just had to wait.

A few hours of silence went by, and Gene was starting to lose his patience. Yes, he knew that it was quite easy to sleep for long periods of time in this grove, but this was just ridiculous. He had been watching the Fairy prince for years now, and not once had he ever slept this long.

Finally, however, he started to stir. Gene sat still, his arms crossed across his chest. He made his eyes and facial expression seem lighter, his natural charming expression taking place.

"Who are you...?" Zane asked slowly, opening his eye and seeing Gene there.

"My name is Gene, Gene Charleston." Gene introduced, kissing Zane's hand.

"I-I'm Prince Zane of the forest..." He stuttered, blushing a bit on the cheeks.

"I'm so honored to meet you, your highness." He purred, helping Zane up.

"Are you a nobleman of some degree?" He asked, eyeing him up and down.

"A duke of Phoenix Drop, nonetheless." He answered.

"Then you will be my spouse!" He cried, using his magic to levitate Gene in the air. "You have no choice but to marry me!"

"Oh... I was thinking that we could have gotten married in Phoenix Drop." He admitted, making Zane look at him.

"A splendid idea! No... wait, yes! Wait, what am I choosing?" He asked himself, tapping his chin.

"I can't wait for you to meet my mother and father, not to mention my younger brother." Gene said, swaying his feet. "They'll absolutely adore you."

"I hope I'll make a good impression..." Zane sighed, before yelling out as he was kissed.

"Hush up, and be a good Fairy, won't you?" He asked. "We don't want you getting all riled up before meeting my family."

Zane nodded, letting Gene carry him off to the city of Phoenix Drop.

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