Day Seven

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Day seven of the Killing Game.

Gene layed in his bed, staring at the ceiling for no real reason. He wasn't even thinking about anything, he was just staring at the ceiling of his bedroom. Right now it was free time for the participants of the Killing Game, so he could really do anything he wanted.

There was no point in staying in his room, so he got out of bed and headed for the door to his dorm room. Opening the door, he almost hit Aphmau with it.

"Oh, sorry Aphmau." Gene apologized, even though he hadn't really been sorry.

"It's fine. Are you gonna socialize for once?" She asked, making a small joke at the end.

"That doesn't concern you." He spat, glaring at her as he started to walk away.

"You should talk to Zane! You know, the Ultimate Pianist!" She suggested, hoping he would consider it.

Gene just kept walking, acting like he hadn't heard her. If he was being honest, he didn't give a damn about the other Ultimate Students. The only one he actually cared about was his younger brother, the Ultimate Coder.

He had heard of the Ultimate Pianist before. An emo male who took interest in the world of music, playing the piano to pass time as a hobby. He had been born with the natural talent to play the piano, as all Ultimate Students were born with their individual talents. He was definitely strange, and Gene felt a lot of fingers would be pointed at him when the first murder occurred.

Taking a walk around the high school building where they were being held prisoner, he wandered into the section where their talent study rooms were. He had stopped a short distance from the door that had a piano key pattern on it, debating whether or not he would actually bother with the Ultimate Pianist.

A hand on his shoulder made him turn around, facing the Ultimate Baseball Star. His name was Garroth Ro'Meave.

"Are you planning on talking to Zane?" Garroth asked, crossing his arms.

"And what if I am?" Gene questioned, already annoyed by the blonde. "What are you, his boyfriend?"

"If you think that, then you're a sick freak who really does have no future." He spat, making a disgusted face as he glared at him.

"Are you a homophobe?" He asked, narrowing his eyes.

Gene knew he was the Ultimate Gangster, but he had zero tolerance for homophobes. There were a few reasons for that hatred. Both Gene and his brother weren't straight, with both Gene and his brother being bisexual. Another reason was that the world already had enough murder and hatred, so why add to it?

"I'm his older brother." He growled, clearly pissed off at the accusation.

"Oh....." Gene trailed off, partially disgusted at the accusation of them being boyfriends.

"I'm watching you, Ultimate Gangster. And I'm warning you, if I find out you did anything to my baby brother.... well, things won't be pretty for you."

"What're you gonna do? Kill me?" He questioned, grinning. If Garroth killed him, then he would die as well.

"I won't kill you." He answered, his expression showing confusion.

Gene huffed, turning back around and heading for the door to Zane's study room. Turning the knob, he opened the door without even bothering to knock. He didn't have those manners, even though his mother had taught them to him quite well. The good traits were in his brother. Behind him, Garroth was mutrering under his breath about something.

"You won't die, but you'll wish you did." Garroth muttered, before turning and heading off.

Closing the door, Gene ignored that last sentence. What could Garroth do to him? Hit him with his baseball bat? Whatever the case, Gene wasn't afraid of some dumb blonde.

"So you're Zane Ro'Meave, the Ultimate Pianist." Gene started, stepping closer to the Ultimate Student.

Zane was sitting at the large black piano in the center of the room, his gaze glued onto Gene. Gene assumed he had just been about to play a song, before he so rudely interrupted him. He didn't care about Zane's music, he only cared for himself and his own personal gain.

"Gene Charleston, the Ultimate Gangster. Older brother of Dante Charleston, the Ultimate Coder. Leader of the Shadow Knights, one of the most dangerous juvenile delinquent gangs in the region." Zane identified him, eyeing him up and down.

"So you know who I am." Gene hummed, grinning at the recognition. "A Ro'Meave, paying such close attention to a juvenile delinquent such as myself. Who would've guessed?"

"You delayed my auditions for the performances at the grand theatre." He bitterly stated, glaring daggers at him. "You sprayed graffiti on every fountain in the central park, and robbed how many food markets?"

"You're seriously still salty about that?" He asked, rolling his eyes. "Dude, I said sorry countless times."

"Yes, I suppose that is true..." He sighed, looking back at the piano. "...... If by countless times you mean zero."

"What do you even do in here? You just play piano all day?" He asked, leaning against the wall.

"Yes. What do you do all day?" He asked in return, humming a small tune. "Spray paint public property and shoplift?"

"Alright, you got me." He shrugged, sitting down next to Zane. "There's one last thing I have to ask you, though."

"And what could that possibly be?" He questioned, playing a simple, short melody on the piano.

Gene smirked to himself, putting his plan into action. What better way to talk to the Ultimate Pianist than tease him a bit? Everyone knew the young male had not only gone to a private school, but he was also as innocent as the purest dove.

"What's a pretty boy like you doing in a dirty mind like mine~?" Gene teased, putting his arm around the Ultimate Student.

"I..... do not understand what you're saying...." Zane mumbled, staring at Gene with clear discomfort.


Day eight.

"A body has been discovered! Everyone please report to the gym!"

Gene let that sentence sink in, peeling his eyes away from the television screen where the message had come up. He would never get used to that, hearing that a body had been discovered. He couldn't help but wonder who had gotten murdered, and why in such an obvious place to find a body.

When he got to the auditorium, his heart nearly stopped. The others had already gathered there, all trapped in a harsh silence as they tried to face the reality. Attached to the lighting bar for the stage in the gymnasium was a thick rope, going down to the body it had hung. A chair was fallen over, the one the deceased person had used. Attached to the rope, their neck snapped and windpipe crushed, was the person who had hung themselves.

Zane Ro'Meave, the Ultimate Pianist.

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